Aside from obliterating the US Constitution, GW Bush and cartel have managed to withdraw from ELEVEN international treaties since coming to power.
Twenty-four seven reporting is the norm when it comes to titillating events such as Foley’s Folly….but nary a word on the actions of this administration on matters that will affect the American people and the world for generations to come.
Can you name more than a couple of the treaties that have been dumped into the proverbial toilet bowl?
Here’s the complete list. It’s Jesse Blog today at
Thanks for that link…I was just wondering the other day about treaties we had signed and what that status was under bush. Isn’t it also true that only Congress can debate and unsign us from any international treaty? Not that that makes any difference to bush.
well, one small piece of good news is that the the nuclear materials deal Bush agreed to w/ India has NOT been ratified by the Senate: