With little notice last January, our Congress passed a budget reconciliation bill that included more tax cuts for the rich and deep cuts to things like health care, education and child support enforcement.
You may be wondering why I’m writing about all that now. With even less notice, part of those cuts were in a special medicaid program, but interesting enough, the federal departments that implement medicaid have not yet communicated what those cuts mean to state and local communities.
I don’t know much about how these funds are used in other states, but here locally we use a portion of medicaid funds called Child Welfare: Targeted Case Management to fund Child Protection services and other things that assist urban children who are so often “left behind” in their struggles.
Our local governments have been trying to get answers to their questions of what these cuts mean and how they will be implemented for months now – to no avail. The reason this is so important is that it will have a devastating impact here. Our Twin Cities area stands to loose about $30 million that is used to protect children.
On a more personal note, I work for an agency that uses these funds to provide long term intervention for children who, prior to age 10, have already developed serious deliquency histories. These kids come from families where 90% of parents have a criminal history, 80% have histories with child protection, domestic assault and mental health/chemical dependency. All of them are living below poverty levels and have done so for generations. We have been working with about 70 families in this situation now for about 6 years. And yesterday we got the most recent report from the researchers looking at the effectiveness of our effots. To summarize, using a statistical analysis called Cox regression, they were able to show that 31% of the children in the program are likely to have been charged with one or more criminal offenses between the ages of 10 and 13. The comparison is that 83% of the control group is likely to have been charged with one or more offenses during that same age span. These are amazing results that will not only affect this group of 70 kids, but the whole community. This is because we are talking about working with the 7% of young people who research has been shown commit 80% of juvenile crime and cost our communities more than $2 million each in incarcerations costs over their lifetime.
What I learned this week about all of this just made me sick, but has the ring of truth. Local officials who are working hard on all of this say that the federal departments are not likely to announce what the cuts mean and their plan for implementation until after the election. Do people who vote really care what happens to abused children these days? Maybe yes and maybe no. But we’ll have to wait until the end of November to find out what’s happening just in case. The outcome of the election will not affect all of this, the deed has been done. But I wanted to go on record about this. Unless this is stopped, years from now we’ll be hearing more about kids hurt and killed because child protection didn’t intervene. And our rates of juvenile crime will go up. The end of November will be the day all of this started. Don’t forget it!!
My Gawd, I know how much of your life energy you have out into your work with these kids. I cannot even imagine how you must feel to have done all of that, with absolutley proven sucess rates aming the most difficult group of kids to salvage,only to face the possible defunding of these efforts.
Having been honored to see your agency’s operation of close, this just makes me want to scream too, right along with you. PLus I have my own memories of past work as a Parents Anonymous group facilitor here, working with these lost and discarded kids and families that society has given up on, but who continue to be such active breeding grounds for more and more troubled kids who grow up so damaged there is hardly anywhere for them to go but down.
If there is any more damming proof that the republicans could give a damn about the well being of our children, (once they are out of the womb, thus no longer useful politically to the anti abortion bigots,) I don’t know what it could be.
Please take very good care of yourself in these awful times, NL, and never ever forget you have done all you can, and that that is so much more thn most of us have ever been in a position to do. No one could possibly have given more than you have.
One additional item that I didn’t put in the diary has to do with the involvement in this of our very own Senator Norm Coleman. He had promised local officials, who lobbied him relentlessly about these medicaid cuts, that he would not vote for this budget reconciliation bill.
On the eve of the vote, which was looking to be one vote short of passage in the senate, he got a call from Republican leadership. He was offered a subsidy for sugar beet farmers in exchange for his vote – and he took it.
I know all of this because I not only heard it from our local officials. I actually heard Senator Coleman tell this story on the radio.
Now I have nothing against sugar beet farmers and have no idea what challenges they are facing. But I just can’t imagine that their needs are more important than abused kids! But this does demonstrate your point scribe. The Republicans will support just about ANY business interest over kids any day.
You asked in your diary if people who vote care about abused children. . .I’m afraid that a goodly number of voters and non-voters don’t care. After all, they are from “that” group of people, you know “those” people.
I have no clue what is wrong with the hearts of human beings, and I would give everything I have or ever will have if their hearts could be activated and stirred to compassion for all who are in need of some assistance. I am not sure if we have always been so much the “I take care of mine, it’s not my problem that ‘those people’ don’t take care of theirs.” There seems to be a pervasive thought or attitude that “those people” deserve what they get.
As I have said many times before, since I am not from this planet, these attitudes are totally foriegn to me. It is impossible for me to grasp their thinking.
Yes, the repugs cut everything that is beneficial to children and under or un-employed, and are working hard to cut everything that might help the middle class as well. They want Lords of the empire and indentured servitude from everyone else. They also don’t like program success such as yours, it cuts into their corporate buddies who are on marathon building of and operating jails and prisons. There is big money to be made there. We can’t have young people being helped out of the system, they are potential “clients.”
I hope it is not so potentially dire as it may seem in regard to your program. Hang in there. This world needs so many more like you. My thoughts and highest intentions are with you. You bless all of our lives by the work that you do, and the person you are.
Big warm, fuzzy hugs
We can’t have young people being helped out of the system, they are potential “clients.”
Billable hours.