So far it’s just Jim, Mary, and Me. Kidspeak and Teach aren’t coming into town till later this morning and poemless is meeting us for a picnic.
The only internet access is in the lobby so this is it for dropping by. Hope everybody has a good weekend.
I’ve been warned to only take pictures of inanimate objects so unless I’m a bad person (moi?), there won’t be any pictures of the meetup. You can have this shot on I-65 out of the car window last night as a substitute.
by the way I did get my german chocolate cake I was hankering for for my birthday and made a complete pig of myself..and am now afraid to get on the scales my sister so thoughtfully(ha) bought me for my birthday.
I submit that any future gatherings of pond dwellers must be photographically recorded and posted for the vicarious pleasure of those of us who are stuck away in hermitages.
Good Moring all!!!! Today will be a errand and cleaning day plus working on some new designs, a podcast and a new video. LOL So a restful day. How is everyone else doing?
Doing okay. Allergioes are kicking my butt some but tis the season. LOL I am trying to keep it under control without too many meds so It doesn’t move into sinus inferction or bronchitus. LOL I know that sounds weird but it has happened to me before and I can not afford to be sick untill after the election.
I am recording the sound from the gubenatorial debate from last night to post on my podcast. LOL They are only showing it a few times and the video of course if copyrighted. LOL The sound is also probably but what the hey. I think it should be available to the public.
I’ve got a major case of writer’s block — not unusual, but I’ve got three days to get rid of it, as it’s regarding my homework.
Other than that, still sore from yesterday’s mammogram, but this too shall pass. Spouse was a good boy and made the bed for me, so I can’t crawl back in, but I might at least lay down for a bit…oh crap, is that 10:45 on the clock? I’ve gotta get some work done around here…see you folks later…
OK who’s the froggy this morning?
Good morning everyone!
and I promise it isn’t one of the dogs.
So far it’s just Jim, Mary, and Me. Kidspeak and Teach aren’t coming into town till later this morning and poemless is meeting us for a picnic.
The only internet access is in the lobby so this is it for dropping by. Hope everybody has a good weekend.
I’ve been warned to only take pictures of inanimate objects so unless I’m a bad person (moi?), there won’t be any pictures of the meetup. You can have this shot on I-65 out of the car window last night as a substitute.
Nice sunset Andi. Only inanimate objects? That Mary is heartless. 🙂
Kidspeak and poemless are just as mean.
Much as I like hanging with you and the folks in the lobby, I’m going to go get some coffee, clean up, and meet Mary for breakfast.
I won’t have any access after 8:00 p.m. tonight so this is probably my only drop by.
Have a good weekend.
Ya’ll have fun and be careful.
She was just as heartless in Vegas too.
Talk about the woman of mystery. 🙂
would that count as “inanimate”??? lol
I want pictures of the meetup!!!!!! LOL so be as bad as you want.
Wonderful picture(as always)…looks faintly African landscape and I have a new screen saver to replace one of your other photos.
by the way I did get my german chocolate cake I was hankering for for my birthday and made a complete pig of myself..and am now afraid to get on the scales my sister so thoughtfully(ha) bought me for my birthday.
I submit that any future gatherings of pond dwellers must be photographically recorded and posted for the vicarious pleasure of those of us who are stuck away in hermitages.
“Inanimate objects” – Hah! this is bs.
Hi Alice.
I’m afraid we’ll have to suffer through the Chicago get together with pictures of the boat ride and park. 🙂
No doubt – how dare they put their vanity above our entertainment? We’ll just have to find a way to amuse ourselves without them.
I agree. They should think of us poor people here at home and be willing to sacrifice a little. But noooooo! 🙂
Good Moring all!!!! Today will be a errand and cleaning day plus working on some new designs, a podcast and a new video. LOL So a restful day. How is everyone else doing?
Good morning Refinish. I see you’ve got a busy restful day today. 🙂
Morning FamilyMan!!!!! Yeah I will also be doing voter id phonebanking later today. Hope you,FMom & George are doing well.
We’re doing OK, thanks.
How have you been doing? I think the last time I saw, you said you hadn’t been feeling well.
Doing okay. Allergioes are kicking my butt some but tis the season. LOL I am trying to keep it under control without too many meds so It doesn’t move into sinus inferction or bronchitus. LOL I know that sounds weird but it has happened to me before and I can not afford to be sick untill after the election.
I’ve had the bronchitis thing myself before. It’s no fun.
I am recording the sound from the gubenatorial debate from last night to post on my podcast. LOL They are only showing it a few times and the video of course if copyrighted. LOL The sound is also probably but what the hey. I think it should be available to the public.
I agree. It should be available to the public.
Things are starting to stir in the house, so I’ve got to go.
Have a good day and slack when possible.
It’s another beautiful long w/e here …
Thanksgiving w/e that is.
Whoever looked at something so beautiful and thought, ‘That’d be tasty!’ … 🙂
…on creating clickable thumbnails … and give it some love while you’re there. Thanks!
Click to be taken to the new diary … making it easy for ya!
I’ve got a major case of writer’s block — not unusual, but I’ve got three days to get rid of it, as it’s regarding my homework.
Other than that, still sore from yesterday’s mammogram, but this too shall pass. Spouse was a good boy and made the bed for me, so I can’t crawl back in, but I might at least lay down for a bit…oh crap, is that 10:45 on the clock? I’ve gotta get some work done around here…see you folks later…