We are not all created equal. Proof- People born in Dafur vs. anywhere else. Proof-lots of prettier, smarter, wealthier and healthier people walking vs me. Proof- Still a man’s world vs. women. I could go on and on but hopefully you see where I’m going here.

I was blessed with a curious open mind. I can generally see both sides of an issue and some value of both sides of an argument. I agree with the NEED for the Rule of Law, a semblance of the 10 commandments and other helpful guidelines to live amicably with others, but NONE of it is set in stone, not really. The rules, the status quo, the wealth and health, even what constitute a sin all depends on who is in charge and running the group at any point in time.

The last six years have forced more contemplation about life, why are we here, what is my purpose, what do I believe etc., and have tested my soul beyond limits in so many ways.

My conclusions seem to change almost daily due to the outrageous events of the past Bush years. I have waivered between fear, isolation, craving some mind numbness just to quell my soul’s sadness and panic from the world’s chaos and madness. I feel more anti- (bad) men than ever. I  see very little if no equality anywhere for anyone unless one belongs to the good-ole boy club where the haves keep getting more and the have-nots have almost nothing left.

I see guns being the badge of acceptance, honor, righteousness to those who stand by the US constitution instead of standing by their fellow man. Maybe our constitution is a bit out-dated to the realities of today in so many ways.

I see justice still leans toward those with the wealthier peckers, no matter who or what has been victimized.

I see 1% of the population with more wealth than all the rest of us combined.

I see that as a woman, I am still threatened by men’s law regarding my body and choices.

I see that good health is only available to those who have the means to maintain a healthier life-style which costs lots of money to eat right and well, live warm and cleanly and can escape to small islands of resorts to appreciate unpoluted air, and can afford medical care and meds if they need it. (Not too mention the big companies who have ‘tested’ new products on us.)

I know that there are many good, honest loving people still out there/here, somewhere, but I see that our concerns are almost minisculed in value because there’s no money, stardom or pecker value given to them much anymore. I almost do not recognize good life anymore. There are just too many phallic/pecker symbols running the world right now. Bombs, pedophiles, chemical induced liars, those drunk with power..

I cannot even enjoy my celibacy in peace when I see the world being raped day after day under the guise of a misused piece of paper- the constitution and by greed, war lies etc.

The rules of law change constantly depending who’s in charge and what rules THEY deem right for them. The 10 commandments only apply to the little guy. Religion is so out of whack, I even wonder sometimes that maybe there are 20 or 1000 gods running the planet like the Greeks used to believe.

I could go on and on, but what’s the point? I don’t know what the Rules are anymore. I even use to go by the golden rule, do unto others.., but because of what’s been done to me and so many others by those in charge now, I’m afraid of what I will do in return. I don’t have any more cheeks to turn.

I am leaning more towards wanting a progressive socialistic society where fair is fair, and has a set of laws that are applied equally,  regardless if one has a pecker or not. If we have to have politics I want term limits. If we have to have hollywood, I want short term stardom so more people get a chance. If we have to have sports I want it the old-fashion way- skill not money or steroid induced. Where good people are free to be good people and work for the greater good. Where good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is dealt with properly and not hidden in rehabs or covered up by cronies. And where money is a non-entity or at the very least equally distributed.

There use to be a sense of utopia in America- isn’t that why so many millions still want to come here? I think it was called the American Dream (which is now a nightmare’ cause if ya can’t keep it you’ll end up like me, in poverty.)  I do wonder why so many still keep coming here, they obviously don’t see what I see.

I have become a survivalist. I use to call it a survivor until dumb downing reality shows changed the meaning. I am also feeling like an insurgent. I so understand why they do what they do. Thanks George and his friends, for fucking up everything that once was America and freedom.

In September vote for change AND then get busy making REAL CHANGES. Share the wealth and keep the pecker in yer pants unless your lover really desires it. And maybe lets help make the US Constitution an up-to-date masterpiece that it was meant to be. It has a fairly decent foundation but it has really been mucked up and out-grown in so many ways. Please! I want to see life get better again in my lifetime. In your lifetime. In OUR lifetime.