Are you totally disgusted by the Trans Texas Corridor? Do you hate that Perry and the Texas Repugnants are staging the largest land grab in Texas history and possibly throwing thousands of Texas families off their land?
Come join us for an old fashioned Texas Barbecue and see one of the homesteads that will go under the asphalt if the Republicans stay in office. Meet Joyce White who moved her home once after the Granger Lake land grab. Now she is in danger of losing everything!!!
Join the Festivities & the Fight to Save our Land & Jobs! Meet our GREAT slate of local & state Candidates
To reserve your space, please send check made out to TJW Land and Labor Pac, 13200 FM 972, Granger, TX 76530.
Tickets purchased by mail will receive confirmation by email or can be picked up at the Gate Will Call.
Ticket prices purchased before the day of the event: $10.00 per person. BUY YOUR TICKET NOW!!!!
Age 10 and under free. Day of Event add $5.00 per ticket.
Name: _________________
Address: ________________
email address:____________
(for confirmation only; will not be shared at all)
Event sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson White Land & Labor Club. Proceeds will go to Hank Gilbert &
the Thomas Jefferson White Political Action Campaign.
Treasurer, Charles Sulak, 13200 FM 972, Granger, TX 76530.
CONTACT: Courtney Sulak-Zahid 512- 788-1124
you’re a flurry of activity, refinish…
LOL!!! As a die hard liberal & Yellow Dog Democrat, I am always about the peoiple. Plus that way you meet the most interesting people.