The attempt to make Foley a key issue in this fall’s election is flopping. It’s not credible to tar a political party with the misdeeds of one person. Did Republicans, for example, even try to link Gary Condit to other Democratic candidates in 2002? Was anyone really interested in Condit’s party affiliation? Of course not.
And voters aren’t in Foley’s. National polls taken last week were basically unchanged from pre-Foley polls–bad for the GOP, but not irredeemable.
Democrat Jack Davis has opened a significant lead over Republican incumbent Thomas M. Reynolds in a congressional contest fueled by Reynolds’ association with the Mark Foley sex scandal.
Davis leads Reynolds 48 percent to 33 percent in a new Zogby International poll conducted for The Buffalo News, prompting pollster John Zogby to conclude that Davis poses a genuine threat to the longtime powerhouse from Clarence.
“There is no other way to look at these numbers except to say Tom Reynolds is in trouble,” the Utica-based Zogby said.
Neo-conservatives seem to have an ongoing rocky relationship with anything remotely resembling reality.
No, the liberal crowd is not tarring all Republicans with the Foley brush- just the House Republican leadership and the hypocritical Republicans who claim to be the only party with family values.
Au contraire Boo, they have a perfectly good relationship with their reality. You know, the one they keep making up? The New New Reality, which has less facts so it is less filling.
More like head up his…
He doesn’t have his head in the sand. That would assume he believes what he spews. Like the rest of his kind, he uses words strictly to manipulate. They have nothing to do with truth or reality, not even his own.
Has his head in the sand unless….
They have another October surprise to come that will wipe Foley off the map.
Well, we all remember the famous comment from the W.H. insider to the effect that ReFucks were gonna ‘create their own reality…’
Turns out that their God wasn’t too pleased with that level of hubris….
So he sent them Foley.
Kristol is a great example of why Murkkka is a mess.
Folks who know nothing are inluencing policy because they have money.
Money can’t buy you intelligence; thus….
Bill Kristol.
AssClown of the Week!
“Head in the sand” is putting it nicely.
Kristol has his ears spot welded to sides of his upper Gi tract.
I think its time to call for a special-prosecutor, ‘cuz when a Dem, does this it is calls for a 10 million dollar investigation.,0,3896853.story?coll=la-home-headlin