Why Conspiracy Theory is Essential

With a title like that you might imagine that this is going to be a long, perhaps convoluted, argument.  In fact it’s entirely simple.  By regarding governmental complicity in 9/11 as an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary evidence, voices such as Kos preserve manufactured terror as a sort of royal road to power.  In short: a public manifestly paranoid about its government is less open to those willing to descend to such depths to manipulate it.  So long as terror works to goad people down the road to knee-jerk authority worship it will remain a primary weapon in the arsenal of tyranny – whether Bushco was complicit in 9/11 or not.

We should limit the availability of this weapon so far as possible.
Of course the defenders of naive orthodoxy never explain exactly what’s so extraordinary about imagining one’s own government as one’s primary enemy.  Sure, it’s one of the principle understandings behind the American Revolution. Sure, other governments act against their own people all the time.  Sure, our government has done so in the past.  Sure, Bushco has demonstrated again and again its will to power above all other values.  Still, we hear again and again that putting two and two together to get four is an extraordinary act.  Why?  Don’t ask naivety’s defenders.  They’re above the question… which is rather fortunate for them, given that they have no answer for it.  It is apparently enough for them to deride the allegedly immutable insanity of conspiracy theorists.  Chalk it up to American Exceptionalism:  even our ruthless psychopaths are limited by a sense of national unity that they can’t transgress.  

They’ll lie to get us into war, killing thousands and maiming tens of thousands more.  They’ll hold a fundraiser while New Orleans drowns.  But orchestrate an attack to provide themselves exactly the pretext they need to execute their entire program?  That’s just crazy talk.  

My point is this: regardless of whether or not the case for Bushco complicity will stand up in some hypothetical court, Americans need to become highly aware of false flag terror.  We need to be aware of this venerated tool or ruthless statecraft.  We need this awareness because this awareness is in itself our greatest protection.