Yesterday over at big Orange Eric Massa had a diary  that introduced a powerful meme: They were warned and they did nothing.

Here’s my letter to the editor on that theme:

They were warned and they did nothing

That is going to be the epitaph of the current Republican control of the national government. They were warned about Bin Laden in August of 2001 in the Presidential Daily Brief and they did nothing. They were warned about the disaster Iraq was likely to become without sufficient troops or planning and they did nothing. They were warned that Hurricane Katrina was likely to drown New Orleans and they did nothing. They were warned that their tax cuts for the rich would create record deficits and they did nothing. They were warned about one of their own, Rep. Mark Foley (R) Florida, and the dangers he presented to the House pages and they did nothing. They were warned that their isolation strategy for North Korea would lead to the nuclearization of the Korean peninsula and they did nothing. The evidence is overwhelming. They were warned and did nothing time and again. This is the Republican record. This is what happens when you hand control of government to people who believe government is the problem. It’s time to vote them out.


Tampopo’s note below reminded me that I hadn’t said this explicitly. Please feel free to steal, borrow, adapt…whatever any portion of this or the whole thing for your own LTEs or whatever.