Chuck Todd, blogging for the National Journal, had some very interesting things to say about Ned Lamont, and almost none of it was very good.
Todd says when Lamont beat Joe Lieberman in the primary in August, Lieberman was down. He had lost the primary, he had lost his party, he had very little staff, and very little money. Instead of going for the kill, Lamont let Lieberman up from the canvas, and that could very well come back to haunt him in November.
Now, Lieberman is running as an Independent, he has wide support amongst Republicans and Independents, he has substantially cut into Lamont’s liberal base, he has the money, and the staff to win in November.
While the Iraq war is very unpopular in the state, some Connecicut voters are not connecting Lieberman with the war vote. Lamont has not carried much above the 40% mark in several polls, and his standing has very much stagnated in the last few weeks. Lamont has his liberal, anti-war supporters, but it’s going to take more than that to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The Hartford Courant poll found that only 15% of Lieberman supporters still could change their minds prior to election day, and that same number could still change their minds, and not vote for Lamont.
Chuck Todd still thinks Lamont could pull this off, but he also says it’s going to take some sort of serious gaffe on Lieberman’s part to do so. If Lamont goes down in Nove,ber, he will take a hard look back at the month of August, where he had Lieberman, battered, and on the ropes, but couldn’t put him away.
Look down about halfway for the story.
on his favorite subject: himself.
Enjoy. 😉
Enjoy. 😉
Sure did, CG.
And however much ecm likes crowing over the recent polls I remain comfortable in the belief that the tsunami currently hitting the GOP will also affect Joe. He’ll be gone!
Two things Lieberman needs to worry about, and they are related.
He is placed fifth or sixth on the ballot. That means that he will never do as well as he does when offered up as one half of a decision in a poll.
The other is that the GOP candidate has got to do better than 4%, if for no other reason than that he is listed first on the ballot. I mean, seriously, how can a Republican, listed first on the ballot, only get 4%?
So, Joe is going to lose votes.
However, if he is polling ahead by 7 or 8 percent on election day, he might be able to weather his ballot position problems. If I were advising Joe, I’d say he needs a double digit lead.
SurveyUSA poll still has Lieberman up 13% on Neddie. Joe has 53%, Ned 40%, and Schlesinger 5%
The ONLY reason Lieberman may be up by that 13% that you refer to is because the repugs don’t have a candidate that can beat Mr. Lamont so they poured their money over to Joe Lieberman because they know they can count on his voting their way. Enough said.
Uh huh, and the Hartford Courant puts the gap at about half that, 7-8%, and closing.
Closing?? All the polls I’ve seen show Lieberman’s lead growing. Get it right Omir.
That’s a lot closer than the 20% Zogby poll you were pimping last week.
Hey Mr. Boss Man, why is it I can’t place an object tag at the top of a diary? I have a nifty little video I want to share with the community and I can’t put up a YouTube like you can on the front page.
Oh, and is it possible to make “Reply To This” print in fluorescent flashing glowing neon green so maybe Mr. The Voters Of Connecticut Are Too Stupid To Choose For Themselves can find it? Thanks.
none of the scoop sites allow youtube in the diaries. I don’t know why. You think you can fix it?
Maybe, but I’d probably need access to the code. My guess is that you can only use the “allowed HTML” tags in diaries, and anything else that looks like HTML but it doesn’t like gets de-HTML-ized. That’s only a guess, though. I’ve never actually looked at the Scoop code.
I’ll poke around the interface and see if there’s someplace in there you can set it, but it’s not likely. If I can’t figure it out, can I post something on the front page?
use ‘search admin tools’ and see if you can figure it out.
must’ve changed, because I embedded a YouTube video in my diary about Pink’s anti-Bush song a few months ago. I used the standard codes back then, but they don’t work anymore.
if something changed it was on YouTube’s end.
I’ve never been able to post youtube at Kos or MyDD.
those corporate internet gnomes, they ruin everything!
BTW I went snooping around and there isn’t any substantial difference between Manny’s Pink diary and what I was trying to do. In fact I tried just doing something like this
<object blah blah blah> </object>
and it didn’t recognize the tag even with no YouTube information in it. So I have no idea what’s going on.
Assuming the Scoop code hasn’t changed, I suppose it’s possible that YouTube has changed the way they present their videos. I’ll poke around and see if that might be the case. (I can’t poke much, though, as I am actually on the clock and supposed to be working for The Man.)
you were crowing about LIEberman’s 20% lead, now you’re crowing about his 13% lead.
That would indicate to most people that Lamont is closing on LIEberman.
I think the crowing will attenuate as people learn just how cozy Lieberman is with the borrow and spend, stay the course right into the iceberg, harbor the predators, party before country Republicans.
It will drop even further as they learn there is a Republican running for the Senate in Connecticut who actually has an “R” behind his name.