A rare photo of Luna in motion (like most dogs, she does sleep/rest an awful lot).
Luna is the only Pyrenean I’ve had that likes to play fetch (or more accurately “keep away” until she decides the only way you’ll throw it again is if she lets you have it). She insists that we play it at least once each day
Hi keres. Great shot of Luna.
I especially like how the split-second planting of her back feet has caused the hair on her rump and tail to cant forward.
Yeah I see that. I like how it looks like she is standing on one paw.
Does Luna looks a bit like a polar bear (around the eyes) in this picture? She also appears to be floating. Maybe it’s just that strange tea I drank. It tasted a little . . . off.
Lovely Luna shot!
I’ve been teaching a couple of the Gang of Four to fetch, maybe I’ll blow up Luna’s picture as inspiration.
Good luck with that one. I once spent a week trying to train a Pyr to hold tent stakes in his mouth and bring them to me (for a magazine shoot – I’ll see if i can fine the spread and post it some day). In the end, it was stuff his mouth full of stakes and shoot quick.
other than it’s not her best look.
Ah well, we love her for her inner beauty as well.
That’s such a cute picture SN. ๐
Thanks. How bout some new ones of Mr. George?
I’ll get to working on that right away. ๐
they both look so sweet when they’re asleep — does that mean that Ryan trashes the house too once she’s awake?
I still can’t break her of that annoying habit of chewing up toilet paper…but she’s my daughter and I love her anyway.
They are so cute, SN! How’s your less-freckled one doing these days?
She’s doing great – thanks for asking! She just turned 22 on Monday and suddenly seems so mature.
of Sniff not in motion.
I guess it’s about time to bring the Gang of 4 out of hiding – but gradually. These are the twins. Not the best picture, but still one of my favorites:
the four pooties of the apocalypse made an appearance — even if it is only half of them. And they are very handsome.
Spot’s on the left and Splotch is the right.
About the names. We already had five cats when a young feral cat we had been feeding since she was a kitten returned the favor by giving birth to 4 kittens on the back porch that was in mid-rebuilding mode. I knew our weakness for cats and also knew that four more was pushing the borders of sanity.
Anyway, I knew Kidspeak would feed them no matter what I felt about the subject. (She is currently feeding a young possum on the same back porch. She claims it is “a baby, orphan possum.” Apparently, she checked with the of Michigan Possum Protection Agency.) My strategy was to draw the line at naming them. If they didn’t have names, they couldn’t come in. Seemed sensible to me.
But, you know, you end up talking about them and you need some terms of indentification so you know which one has just done what very cute thing. We settled on simple identifiers that would not be confused with sensible, domestic cat names, like Thorfinn Skullcrusher, my loyal old orange tabby.
And so the twins, seen above, became Spot and Splotch. Spot has smaller, clear spots of orange and black, scattered over a corresponding larger area of white fur. Splotch’s orange and black patches are larger and cover more of her. The fat,white male kitten with a black patch on the top of his head, almost became “Toup” or “Rug” as it looked like he had a bad toupee. Kidspeak drew the line at this discourtous name, and he became “Fuzzy”. Because be was, well, fuzzy. This was changed to “Fozzy” to honor the Muppet of the same name. Also, my childhood cat was a large orange tabby named Fuzzy.
The final GO4 member was sickly little guy that Kidspeak nursed back to health with some medicine she talked the vet into giving us. When he was tiny, he slept most of the day. He’d take his medicine, eat a tiny bit and curl up in a cardboard box with an old bathmat in the bottom. While the other kittens raised havoc in the yard, he’d sleep. He is mostly white, but he has a tortoiseshell saddle and tail. (I think Kidspeak is about to post his picture.) All curled up, he looked like a little turtle, so he became Turtle-Back, or TB.
Coming this time next time, The Go4 and Kidspeak plot successfully and the best laid schemes of Teach313 gang aft agley.
Uh, are you aware how rare male calico/torties are? If TB is a boy and a tortie, he has to have an XXY chromosome signature.
Oops. Did I write that? I hate it when my fingers type without consulting my brain. I misspoke about TB. I meant to say that he is tabby-striped with a white chest and front legs. He’s got a crooked face blaze that makes him look just a tad wacko. When he was a kitten and would curl up, he looked like a turtle with his head peeking out of his shell. I guess that means he isn’t rare, but he’s still pretty popular around here.
Ok, then, here are the other two, as they were at about 10 months.
The one on the right, Fozzy, is now enormous. Biggest cat we’ve every had, this picture doesn’t capture his size. Cat on the left is T.B.
(Click on the picture to see them somewhat larger).
You all were so supportive when my dog, Bo, was mauled earlier in the summer.
Thank to the fotofair folks, I’ve learned how to post photos so I’d like to introduce you to the completely healed Bo.
Bo looks wonderful Kahli.
Since this is a formal introduction, I guess I should have used her former racing name: Bohemian Bubbles.
Nice to meet you Bohemian Bubbles, but I like Bo better. ๐
both Bo and your thumbnail skills.
Hey Andi,
a completely over-excited Imogen here. Two very large boxes all safe and sound! Just in case you were wondering, deep inside those enormous boxes was:
another box
another box
over the speaker
so the speakers are about 1/3 the width and 3/4 the length of what they were packed in.
Lori is off to the store & to get a massage, and electrical cord for connecting them up has been added to the list.
Thank you so much – and especially for the card, that was extra thoughtful of you. ๐
Albert has had his scratch, and is also extremely pleasd with his new cardboard “burrows” to play in – he’s deconstructing them as we speak.
Jim and I are so glad they are there and intact (and I’m sure that all that packaging, even though it caused a spot of bother, was very much responsible for that). I hope they sound wonderful and that you & Lori have many, many fine years of listening to them.
I think the first thing you should play is a recording of Happy Birthday. ๐
Bo’s coat is wonderful! I’ve never seen a coat like that on a dog. I’m glad Bo is all healed.
Bo is a classic brindle.
A nice story from the Daily Mail