And they’ll probably sound even better when I get a proper sound card for the computer (we use the computer to store music and/or as a CD player)and read the instructions for the digital tuner/amp that has been waiting for them to arrive.
Now listening to “Tears from the Moons” by Conjure One with Sinead O’Conner.
In less than 12 hours we are heading to Maria (pronounced Mariah) Island for the weekend. It’s only accessable by ferry and there are no cars or stores, electricity, etc. on the island. We’ll stay in an old convict building (last time we tented) as Im’ mum, brother and his wife and child, are all coming with.
I’m sure there will be plenty of photos to share Monday.
Now listening Cher’s version of “in his kiss.” We’re very eclectic in our musical tastes.
I get along fine with Imogen’s family. It helps that there’s only one boy in the bunch (her brother). Our neice is only 19 months old and lots of fun, and her mum is a German with a wicked sense of humor.
Maria is a great place for wildlife watching. Birds range from penguin to albatross, plus the greatest concentration of forrest dwelling endemic species. All the other critters are so protected that they pretty much ignore humans (which makes for good watching).
It sounded great (although in this case Bach’s Suite #1 for cello was actually played on a viola da gamba). And I agree, it’s the quality of the low notes that really tests speakers. Have I mentioned that I worked as an A/V tech for 15 years?
We’ve kept our magnaplanars for almost 30 years because no other speakers have ever come close on our test piece of music (Saint Saens Symphony No. 3 — “The Organ Symphony”).
Let’s see – writing checks, buying stamps, mailing bills. Calling 3 docs to make appts. Interviewing family members about pending court hearing terminating parental rights. Generating some kind of passable report to the judge. Oh, and constantly cleaning up whatever the dog has just chewed up.
This one’s for Andi. When it starts to get frosty, sometimes the horses are full of piss and vinegar and just fly around and play. Bella (the black one) looks horrible in this shot, and she’s actually a beautiful mover. This is the best shot I got of the action, alas.
OOOOoooo… an e/m about the fotofair! I’m so thrilled that we’re doing another one. I’ll be happy to help any way that I can. That account has become infested with spammers, so a real message will be a nice change of pace.
A late west coast/Cascadia good morning! The weather here has been beautiful all week, highs in the 70s but we may have rain tomorrow. I hope your day is filled with all of fall’s loveliness!
Am sleeping much better (6-7 hours!)but still plagued with some melancholia. Accidently missed an appointment with my counselor and now she’s gone until Tuesday-wah!
Hi Andi, we’re enjoying “goodnight moon” by Shivaree at the moment.
The first thing we played was Bach’s suite 1 for solo cello played by Paolo Pandolfo.
and yay! Do they sound like several thousand miles of great?
And they’ll probably sound even better when I get a proper sound card for the computer (we use the computer to store music and/or as a CD player)and read the instructions for the digital tuner/amp that has been waiting for them to arrive.
Now listening to “Tears from the Moons” by Conjure One with Sinead O’Conner.
In less than 12 hours we are heading to Maria (pronounced Mariah) Island for the weekend. It’s only accessable by ferry and there are no cars or stores, electricity, etc. on the island. We’ll stay in an old convict building (last time we tented) as Im’ mum, brother and his wife and child, are all coming with.
I’m sure there will be plenty of photos to share Monday.
Now listening Cher’s version of “in his kiss.” We’re very eclectic in our musical tastes.
It was sounding great until you threw in all the family (I love my family but I prefer them at something more than arm’s reach).
Hope you have a great trip. What kind of terrain is it?
I get along fine with Imogen’s family. It helps that there’s only one boy in the bunch (her brother). Our neice is only 19 months old and lots of fun, and her mum is a German with a wicked sense of humor.
“Survivor” by Destiny’s Child.
Maria Island
“Holding out for a hero” by Frou Frou.
The Painted Cliffs sound especially nice.
(the whole parks site is really addictive)
Maria is a great place for wildlife watching. Birds range from penguin to albatross, plus the greatest concentration of forrest dwelling endemic species. All the other critters are so protected that they pretty much ignore humans (which makes for good watching).
“C’est la vie” by Natasha Atlas.
Just a few more and you’ll have a randomly placed friday random 10.
How’d did the cello piece sound? I’m always more drawn to speakers by how they play low notes than higher ones.
It sounded great (although in this case Bach’s Suite #1 for cello was actually played on a viola da gamba). And I agree, it’s the quality of the low notes that really tests speakers. Have I mentioned that I worked as an A/V tech for 15 years?
“Come a long Way” by Michelle Shocked.
a “crossover” on pop music.
We’ve kept our magnaplanars for almost 30 years because no other speakers have ever come close on our test piece of music (Saint Saens Symphony No. 3 — “The Organ Symphony”).
Good choice.
I should head to bed, as it’s an early morning.
“Sous la Lune” by Paris Combo.
Mornin’ folks. Hope all is well.
Good morning everyone.
Good morning sleepyhead.
Good morning. How are you today?
I had a quick burst of energy this morning, but thank god it’s gone now. 🙂
I have a ton of errands to do that I’ve been putting off.
I’ve been waiting for my quick burst of energy for the last couple of year now.
As for the errands, never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. 🙂
That’s what got me into trouble in the first place. I’m running out of tomorrows.
Yeah but you can always just squeeze in one more tomorrow. 🙂
It’s kind of cool down here, and I acutally turned on the heater for a little bit last night.
You big baby. You need a down comforter and a bigger dog.
I’ve got the down comforter and George is just fine.
Actually I was fine with the temp, but FMom was cold. I prefer to sleep in a cold room.
I like it cold too. I keep the window open most of the winter even though the Mr. grumbles about the wasted heat.
Yeah I keep bedroom cold, but once I’m outside of it, I want heat.
I hate errands, unless they’re the fun ones.
Let’s see – writing checks, buying stamps, mailing bills. Calling 3 docs to make appts. Interviewing family members about pending court hearing terminating parental rights. Generating some kind of passable report to the judge. Oh, and constantly cleaning up whatever the dog has just chewed up.
The fun never ends.
Those don’t sound like fun errands.
Well maybe the HJ part. 🙂
Good morning everyone!
Hi CG. Done you 5 miles yet?
I’m waiting till lunchtime today…it’s a little chilly here this morning, and I have an outline I need to force myself to finish.
What are you up to?
Nothing much, just getting the animals outside and fed and getting the house cleaned up.
This might end up to be a slackerly day. 🙂
Good morning Olivia. Did you stay up all night working on the fotofair?
Just a weeeeeee bit more to go … Hopefully this evening I can post.
I’m glad to hear that. You’ve put a lot of time and effort into this.
I saw Buffalo, NY got snow, did ya’ll get any?
Although outside the city they had some … but so far, we haven’t. I’m not ready! :O
Well send it down here! I get so tired of just cold weather during the winter. I want something to spice it up. 🙂
LOL … but, I would if I could FM.
Could I throw in some ice chuncks and freezing rain … 🙂
Nah you can keep the chuncks and freezing rain. Just a light dusting of snow please. 🙂
That’s what I’d like too … 🙂
I’m off to a meeting. Have a good slackerly day … and I’ll catch up w/ ya later.
This one’s for Andi. When it starts to get frosty, sometimes the horses are full of piss and vinegar and just fly around and play. Bella (the black one) looks horrible in this shot, and she’s actually a beautiful mover. This is the best shot I got of the action, alas.
Looks great to me Nag. Cold weather seems to get everything moving around.
“Cold weather seems to get everything moving around.” … except me. Pass the coffee. 🙂
Love to see your beautiful horses. 🙂
(And, I’ll be sending you an e/m soon about the fotofair …. 🙂
OOOOoooo… an e/m about the fotofair! I’m so thrilled that we’re doing another one. I’ll be happy to help any way that I can. That account has become infested with spammers, so a real message will be a nice change of pace.
FMom is awake and I’ve got to get her settled and fed.
See everyone later.
A late west coast/Cascadia good morning! The weather here has been beautiful all week, highs in the 70s but we may have rain tomorrow. I hope your day is filled with all of fall’s loveliness!
Am sleeping much better (6-7 hours!)but still plagued with some melancholia. Accidently missed an appointment with my counselor and now she’s gone until Tuesday-wah!
had your Cup of Meta today? It keeps the Rovians away.
I’m far too stressed out for it to be a Friday. Get me something stiff that’ll put me out. A tire iron ought to do it.