Booman Tribune has succeeded in carving out its own niche in the lefty blogosphere…er blogtopia (yes! skippy coined that phrase) over the past year and half.  While electoral politics are debated regularly here as at other sites, the human voice can be found as well in its naked glory.  We are activists, advocates, frat boys and voices of warning; gardeners, story-tellers, poets, and painters.  

Each of us offer something unique to this place – our voice – but that’s just the beginning.  It’s a practical reality that in order to maintain a forum like this, it takes support of various types to keep things moving forward.  Follow me below the fold for the many different ways you can keep the Frog Pond going strong past the election:
The most obvious place to stop first is at the Booman Tribune Store.  It’s operated by one of our members, wolverine writer, who excels in customer service.

If you’ve been looking for ways to support this site on a regular basis, you can do so by buying one of the $25 bumper stickers listed below  – perhaps monthly.  

Support BMT by sporting a six color, frog-tastic sticker on your vehicle, cube, bike, dog, whatever. Full color frog with motto and website address black on white.

Please note that due to liability issues, there has to be some type of exchange for donations to the site, which is why the colored bumpersticker option was created.  A PayPal option is just not in the cards (BooMan can explain it further if you have any questions).

Next on the auction block is the very sturdy, perfect-sized BooTrib Coffee Mug

List Price:  $15.00

White 12 oz. mug, 3 3/16″ x 4″. Imprint area is 2 3/4″ x 2 3/4″ on both sides. The logo and web address are on the front of the mug and the motto is on the back: “We won’t rest until they’re frog-marched out.”

List price includes shipping to any address in the continental US. Please contact us directly for shipping outside this area.

Once you’ve got your shot of caffeine, you’re ready to hit the streets and protest the atrocities committed by the Bush War Council.  What better way to drum up support for the site than to model one of the BooTrib T-Shirts

List Price:  $20.00

Quality Fruit of the Loom Athletic Heather Grey Tees with the logo on the front and the motto on the back: “We won’t rest until they’re frog-marched out.”

List price includes shipping to any address in the continental US. Please contact us directly for shipping outside this area. (XXL size is priced different here).

And for the ladies: (as seen in Crawford, Texas)

List Price:  $24.00

Lady’s Bella Short Sleeve Tee, crew style, white with navy collar and sleeve fringe. Booman logo w/web address on the front and the motto on the back: “We won’t rest until they’re frog-marched out.”

List price includes shipping to any address in the continental US. Please contact us directly for shipping outside this area.

Make sure you check out the full listing of items offered by the BooTrib store, including BostonJoe’s Direct Actions and Becoming Mr. Henry by Mi Corazon.

Another way to help out the site is to utilize the Powells Bookstore links on the left sidebar.  By clicking through to their site from here and making a purchase, you’ll help bring a portion of the sale right back to the community.

Need music?  Use the iTunes link, also on the left sidebar, that will launch the application and identify BooTrib as the referring site.

Don’t forget, there is also the Blogads Network Advertising Liberally.  Use them to promote upcoming events such as conferences, protests, anything really.

And last, but certainly not least.  Contribute to one of the Booman Tribune Act Blue Candidates that are in the final stretch of their campaigns.  Let’s permanently retire the Rubberstamp Representatives that have given Bush a free pass!

Okay, so what happens if you don’t have any cash flow?  Not to worry!  There are plenty of other ways to support the site.

  • If you operate your own blog, make sure Booman Tribune is listed on your blogroll.  Also, crosslink diaries and frontpage posts that you feel are worth sharing with your readership
  • De-Lurk Yourself! – don’t have an account?  not the chatty type?  feeling alittle bit shy or overwhelmed by the conversation?  Not to fear, we’re all about dialogue here and hope you’ll jump into the conversation.  Don’t be afraid!  Here’s a New User’s Guide if you want to learn more about how to sign up.
  • Join in one of the many group projects.  We’re gearing up for the 2006 fOtofair.  Last year’s was a resounding success and this one is shaping up to be even better.

Alright, that’s enough yapping from me.  If you have other ideas to drum up support for the site, please use the comments below to offer suggestions.  BooMan needs our financial support to keep the blog running.  Please consider helping in any way that you are able, this place is only as strong as its membership.

Peace, Pacem, Pax, Pace y Paz

Update [2006-10-13 20:9:25 by Man Eegee]:More views of the items in the store:
BT_GreyShirt_BumperSticker    BT_LadyShirt_CoffeeMug    BT_LadyShirt_BumperSticker