Via MyDD, the Senate currently projects to a 49-49-2 tie. The two independents will be Bernie Sanders from Vermont (a Socialist) and Joe Lieberman from Connecticut (an Egomaniac for Connecticut). The numbers below are five-poll averages from

  • Minnesota: Klobuchar (D) 51%–40% Kennedy (R)
  • Washington: Cantwell (D) 50%–41% McGavick (R)
  • Pennsylvania: Casey (D) 48%–39% Santorum (R)
  • Maryland: Cardin (D) 47%–40% Steele (R)
  • Montana: Tester (D) 49%–43% Burns (R)
  • Rhode Island: Whitehouse (D) 46%–40% Chafee (R)
  • Ohio: Brown (D) 47%–42% DeWine (R). Note: this average reflects the new Survey USA poll on the race.
  • New Jersey: Menendez (D) 45%–41% Kean (R)
  • Tennessee: Ford (D) 47%–44% Corker (R)
  • Missouri: McCaskill (D) 46%–44% Talent (R). Note: this average reflects the new Survey USA poll on the race.
  • Virginia: Allen (R) 48%–42% Webb (D)
  • Arizona: Kyl (R) 49%–40% Pederson (D)
  • Connecticut: Lieberman (CfL) 50%–39% Lamont (D)

While these numbers are generally fantastic, we still have work to do. I don’t know what more George Allen has to do to lose his race in Virginia. Even allegations of stuffing a deer head in a black family’s mail box have not knocked him out of the lead. The race in Arizona is dissappointing and time is running out for Pederson to make his move. McCaskill’s race is agonizingly close. You can contribute to her campaign, here.

The big deal is Lieberman. If he wins his race and it gives us a 49-49-2 Senate, he will be the tie-breaker that determines who controls the Senate. And that means two things. One, it means that we will have no choice but to give him the Chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Government Reform Committee. Two, it means that the Republicans can retake the Senate by offering Lieberman the top job at the Pentagon, and having their Republican governer appoint a Republican to replace Joe. Think about it. Do not support Joe. Support Ned.