Via MyDD, the Senate currently projects to a 49-49-2 tie. The two independents will be Bernie Sanders from Vermont (a Socialist) and Joe Lieberman from Connecticut (an Egomaniac for Connecticut). The numbers below are five-poll averages from
- Minnesota: Klobuchar (D) 51%–40% Kennedy (R)
- Washington: Cantwell (D) 50%–41% McGavick (R)
- Pennsylvania: Casey (D) 48%–39% Santorum (R)
- Maryland: Cardin (D) 47%–40% Steele (R)
- Montana: Tester (D) 49%–43% Burns (R)
- Rhode Island: Whitehouse (D) 46%–40% Chafee (R)
- Ohio: Brown (D) 47%–42% DeWine (R). Note: this average reflects the new Survey USA poll on the race.
- New Jersey: Menendez (D) 45%–41% Kean (R)
- Tennessee: Ford (D) 47%–44% Corker (R)
- Missouri: McCaskill (D) 46%–44% Talent (R). Note: this average reflects the new Survey USA poll on the race.
- Virginia: Allen (R) 48%–42% Webb (D)
- Arizona: Kyl (R) 49%–40% Pederson (D)
- Connecticut: Lieberman (CfL) 50%–39% Lamont (D)
While these numbers are generally fantastic, we still have work to do. I don’t know what more George Allen has to do to lose his race in Virginia. Even allegations of stuffing a deer head in a black family’s mail box have not knocked him out of the lead. The race in Arizona is dissappointing and time is running out for Pederson to make his move. McCaskill’s race is agonizingly close. You can contribute to her campaign, here.
The big deal is Lieberman. If he wins his race and it gives us a 49-49-2 Senate, he will be the tie-breaker that determines who controls the Senate. And that means two things. One, it means that we will have no choice but to give him the Chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Government Reform Committee. Two, it means that the Republicans can retake the Senate by offering Lieberman the top job at the Pentagon, and having their Republican governer appoint a Republican to replace Joe. Think about it. Do not support Joe. Support Ned.
Joe Lieberman; Kingmaker. I told you so. all of this could have been avoided if Lieberman won the primary, but you wanted to do this the hard way. If Lieberman wins, get ready to sweat, perhaps a lot!!!
Actually, even if he won the primary we would have the same problem.
So good to see you again. Do you contribute anything useful here? Because the only time I see you do anything is when you talk about Joementum. This is a progressive community, yet you are a promoter of one of the least progressive Democrats around.
This is funny.
eastboastrepublican is a prick who spews rightwing talking points.
if you like right-wingers turn on c-span, it’s the Casey/Santorum debate.
LOL! You must be drinking very liberally if you think I would willingly subject myself to that! For once, I’m glad I live far away from there and have no need to endure such a spectacle. I try to avoid rabid displays of wing-nuttiness at all costs but it seems I can’t keep from stumbling into similarly crass prickery right here on BT, from time to time….
I saw the part where Santorum blows his cool, and that was pretty funny.
eastboastrepublican’s fave isn’t a Donkey. He’s a Pushmi-pullyu.
That has always been my problem with Ned. I would just have preferred a better candidate against Joe.
Ned with his I dont support the Iraq war but I supported Israels massacre of Lebanon just did not cut it and excite me at all.
PSI fighter, good to see you again. Yeah, I do contribute things here, a differeing viewpoint from yours. Again, I say, if you don’t like what I write, simple, don’t respond to it. But you can’t help yourself. I am going to continue speaking out, and yes, I’m going to do it on a progressive blog. I know you want me out, but I’m not going anywhere, and neither is Lieberman. If he wins, he’s back in the Senate for 6 more years, if he loses, Rumsfeld resigns, and guess who your new defense secretary is. Pick one!!!
PSI fighter, you called Lieberman a Democrat. Is this a mistake on your part?? Just asking!!
You say this in every one of your posts. I don’t think you’re serious, just a trolling paid blogger.
But just for the record, in order to have serious discussions to find bi-partisan solutions, the majority party (the rethugs at this point in time) has to take a stance of finding common ground. GWB claimed he was “a uniter, not a divider,” but the Rethugs have been running a scorched earth campaign since FL in 2000.
Unfortunately the Dems tried to find a middle ground with the Rethugs for 4-5 years, and all they got was screwed, over and over. They’re finally fighting back (to some extent). It’s about time!!!
If and when the Dems take power and a few Eisenhower Republicans come out from under a rock I hope there’ll be some real cooperation to clean up the mess left by W and TurdBlossom. But as long as W and Rove are in the White House fugeddaboutit.
Quake, if you think Lieberman pays me to go trolling through websites, like these, prove it. In fact, he has never heard of me, never has seen me, and has no freaking clue who I am. That’s the God’s honest truth. My speaking out for Lieberman, and supporting him are my own, which I have stated here in the past. He’s been a good man for this state, and will continue to be.
As for being paid, the only payment I receive is from my job at a local supermarket, and believe me, it ain’t much!!!
god you are like an immature brat on the playground. Nananananana I told ya so. Ugh! We do attract some crazies from time to time.
I’m so excited to see that name at the top of the list!! MN might send Klobuchar to the Senate, Wetterling to the House and it even looks like Walz might be giving Gutknecht a challenge in the poll Booman linked to last night (47% to 48%). Now, if we can send our Rethug Gov. Pawlenty packing – we can lay claim once again to being a BLUE state and stop all this talk about “trending purple.” A few months ago Pawlenty said he would support Bush if he was 2% in the polls. Hope that comes back to seriously haunt him!!
I said this would happen, and it just looks like it might. I was called all sorts of names, but Boo-Man is backing me up on this. He realizes that if Lieberman wins, a lot of Democrats are going to be sweating bullets, trying to discover where Lieberman comes down on certain issues.
Don’t blame me if Lamont is losing support. People like blueneck and others who can’t stand the fact that a Democrat, or in my case, and Independent, doesn’t have the same ideas he has. In his world, you have to be a robot, and every liberal in the world must come out on top, and if that doesn’t happen, you’re some kind of prick, and a troll.
I have some news for you pal, not everybody thinks the way you do, (Thank God). All this could have been avoided if the primary voters voted for Lieberman in the first place. Now, you might just have to suffer some consequences of your actions. GO JOE GO!!!
Around here you’re only a troll if you taunt others regularly with right wing talking points and provide no substance in your posts. That description fits you perfectly.
Right wing talking points? Just because I don’t agree with you, it’s right wing talking points?? Please. Anything left of you, and your ultra-liberal stances are right wing talking points. Gimme a break.
Why should I give you a break? All you have done since you have arrived here is spew unsupported crap and impugn the integrity of anyone who doesn’t agree with you by calling them things like “ultra-liberal” when you don’t even have any idea about anyone here’s positions on anything other than your little bitty one unsupported by any facts suppositions about your one right-wing candidate who was voted out of the Democratic party by the voters of CT.
You are a petty, trite little brat.
“I bite my thumb at thee.” – The Bard
It’s funny that you claim I am backing you up. What’s my point in this diary?
That if Lieberman wins and is the deciding vote for control of the Senate, the GOP will give him Defense and have Jodi appoint a Republican, switching control of the Senate.
That has nothing to do with Lamont. It would be true even if Lamont had not run.
So, what’s your response to this?
That you want your Senator to be the next Secretary of Defense and to be replaced by a Republican?
Until you respond thoughtfully to this possibility people are going to continue to call you a troll.
How do you see BooMan as backing you up? You seem to have a warped sense of reality.
Regardless of whether or not Lieberman wins, history will not be kind to him. He has subverted the will of the democratic voters of Connecticut. He’s put himself above them. And you, with your insulting labeling of them as stupid because they chose someone else, are the perfect spokeschild for all that’s wrong with what he’s doing. I don’t know, or care, if you’re a democrat, indy, republican, or a troll. You are a prick though. The childish and immature way that you gloat over a man who’s stabbing his own citizens in the back say’s all anyone needs to know about you. Booman has his reasons for allowing you to post here. But I guarantee you it isn’t because you add any substance. You are an enemy of democracy and history will bear that out. Now go smile into one of your mirrors some more, and play with your imaginary friends. Soon they’ll be all you and the Traitor have left. WTF is Lieberman going to do if the democrats win and start investigating and charging the Bush administration? Where will he turn then? Or are you also hoping that the right retains it’s majority? You better hope they do. Because Joe just aligned himself with the occupation. And when they eventually go down, he’ll go with them, and it won’t be pretty for him. But it will be a sight to see his political corpse buried with his idealogical brethren.
OHH God, I have to take the knife out of my back. Your rapiar like wit has cut me to the quick. OHH the agony!!!
All this could have been avoided if Joehole knew how to be a good loser. He lost the flipping primary after campaigning with the main theme of what a great Dem he has been for this country and party. The next day he files to run as an Independent(of course paper work already to go) and you back this prick? Give me a break. It is Joehole that has f’d things up for the Senate dems.
When Lieberman lost the primary, he had every right to run as an Independent. Name me anything in the political world that says he can’t do it. The only reason why you’re so upset is that Lieberman has the lead.
God you are an ass. Of course I am upset that he has the lead. He has gone about running to keep his repug ass in the halls of the Senate under false premises. Ask your buddy Joe where he gets his money. Even Bush won’t back the repug running. Joe is accepting alot of repug money hon so be prepared to watch the traitor vote with the repugs over and over again. I am not one to troll rate people because we differ on povs but you temp me over and over to just get you the hell out of here. What does this do for you?
If Lieberman wins, the Senate, it might give us a 49-49-2 Senate, with Lieberman controlling the shots. You said it yourself Boo-Man in black and white. Lieberman will be the man people go to. That’s the kingmaker in my book. Thanks for backing me up. I greatly appreciate it. The only problem with you all, is that I was right from the beginning, and you guys couldn’t handle, and still can’t handle the truth. Just think, the man who was thrown out of the party for his war stance, could return to the Senate as the man who holds all the cards. Joe Lieberman thanks you!!!
Umm, he wasn’t thrown out of the party, he lost a primary. In actuality, he left the party long ago but simply fails to acknowledge same.
Actually he was thrown out by the people. The dems of CT did not want a repub representing them. The lead he has is because the repubs don’t like the twit that is running so they are giving all the support to someone that is just like them anyway.
I have no way to “prove it” nor do I have any interest in trying, but it’s obvious to anyone who reads your posts that they’re just canned talking points.
Go back to Sauron, troll.