Next Thursday they will pulverize the cataract on my right eye, and replace it with a nice new lens which will, they tell me, allow me to see clearly again. They say it will seem like a miraculous change, from my current status as officially legally blind.
On one hand I am astounded at how much one CAN still see when considered legally blind. But then, I can hardly know what I am not seeing, can I? It is really scary when you honestly THINK you are still seeing well enough to drive (and are still driving,) only to have the specialist say “You’re not driving, are you? You are legally blind!”
Yes, as responsible a driver as I am, and as carefully as I was monitoring my own known condition, I was literally shocked that my sight had worsened to the point of legal blindness. For two days, my knees literally shook at the thought of the harm I could have caused while honestly believing I was seeing well enough to drive. I haven’t been behind the wheel since.
Makes me wonder how many other people are out there driving around, peering through cataracts as bad as mine are, and not realizing it, because they come on so slowly you adjust to limited vision without realizing how bad it is. Since MANY people begin to develop these things after age 40, it’s something to stay aware of. It is also not a great idea, (as I was told), to wait till they become really bad, to have the surgery. In any case, whether they tell you to you not, go back in and get that vision checked often, once diagnosed.
Now let me tell you what was involved for me in arranging things so I could afford to even have this done! The process began last February when I finally realized I had to get these eyes fixed. Surgery will be Oct 19th.
It took me that long to a) find a way to pay the 20% balance Medicare won’t cover, and b) find an eye surgeon who was capable of treating me like a worthwhile human being!
I am 66 and live on SS disability of under 1000.00 a month, just enough to make me NOT eligible for state Medical Assistance, which would cover the 20% Medicare doesn’t. Twenty percent of hospital/Dr. charges is most definitely NOT in my budget.
Fortunately, I am a retired RN who has done case management, so in time, on my own, I unearthed a little known program called Senior Partners Care. This is a partnership between the Minnesota Senior Federation and Healtheast Hospital Corp here in the Twin Cities. The agreement is that certain HealthEast hospitals and clinics will settle for what Medicare pays, and not charge anymore than that. If you are poor enough, and over 65, you may qualify for this and I did. It does mean only being able to use certain clinics and hospitals, but everything IS covered, and you don’t end up in debt clear up to your cataracts!
The interesting part of this is that the clinic I had been using all along, IS a member of this agreement, but who knew ?! They sure didn’t tell me, and had been charging me the full 20% of my bill that Medicare doesn’t cover. If I missed one month payment, they were on the phone.
What this meant, of course, was I had to decline most of what my doctor had been recommending for me in terms of diagnostic tests and treatments, because I could not afford that 20% co pay. Hmmm. Maybe one way to keep the poor from over utilizing helpful corporate based programs like this is to just not tell people about them? (Oops, sorry, my cynic slipped out there for a moment!)
Ok. Funding taken care of, the next step was making an appointment with one of their approved eye clinics and eye surgeons. Six weeks wait to get in for initial appointment. I was grateful I had taken a witness with me, who can validate that this “doctor” had the personality of a constipated barracuda, and literally had me in tears with her nasty, authoritarian, demeaning manner. (I do suffer PTSD about having ANY surgery, due to some pretty traumatic past experiences, and telling her this did not soften her one BIT.)
Well, I’d sooner stay blind that let that woman near my eyes with anything sharp, so I called to get a second opinion from another doctor there. Another four week wait to get in. Like the first one, he agreed surgery was badly needed as soon as possible. That, however, turned out to be two and a half months later, when they could first get me in. Very busy clinic, he said. Sure must be. This surgery takes all of about 20 minutes start to finish, and they have what, 10 eye specialists and their own surgery center.
Call me a cynic if you will, but I highly doubt any insured patient has to sit around legally blind for what, seven months, in order to get cataract surgery.
I also know that most older people do not have the case management skills or the assertiveness I have to fall back on to help them beat the bushes to get the essential services they need.
It has not been easy to switch my life role around from being the RN Case Manager helping others, to being the client who NEEDS services now. Not. At. All.
But given time, I am coming to see the power I have in this role, that I never had in my professional role. For my whole career, I had to watch the sick and vulnerable pay the ultimate price for the failures of the helping systems. No matter how I ranted and raged and fought on their behalf, there was little I could actually change: they were the ones who paid the price for a sick, inefficient and often corrupt health care system.
But NOW I am the CLIENT. The kind of client most of system people are most certainly not used to dealing with. I know the game, inside and out.
I am not a grateful, sweetly compliant old woman who thinks Doctors are gods. I will NOT swallow the familiar “system brew” fed to the elderly that consists of condescending babble and various forms of manipulation and intimidation the system hands out to cover it’s own backside and inefficiency.
I’ve learned, at last, how to channel all those years of frustration and anger into a very determined and highly effective communication style that will not allow for bullshit for answers from any of them. “I understand you cannot answer my question. Thank you for trying. Now please connect me with your supervisor. Not in? When is she expected? Connect me to her voice mail, please.” Then I call again. And again.
There have been many times when the outcome has been very good, once we get past all the BS and defensiveness on the part of system employees who truly are powerless to change it all themselves and are often on the ragged edge of their own case of system burnout. It is amazing how their manner can shift, once they get a clue that I DO understand how hard their job is. People in human services are so often literally starved for a kind and validating word from someone. If you can enlist these kinds as a partner, they will work hard to wade through the jungle with you.
But then you do have the dictator types who have become enthralled with their own puny piece of power over other people lives, with whom only a relentless offense can be effective. That’s what I gladly unleash my tried and true war strategies that I GET to use now, as a CLIENT!
“Yes, I understand your problem with delivery of this service. However, what I need to know, specifically, is how and when this is going to be resolved, so I will be calling your Director to discuss this further.” So far, there has only been one case where I had to threaten to go to the press and that sure cleared that one up in short order!
Can you tell I am now having a very good time engaged in my own kind of activism? It makes up for all the other kinds I can no longer engage in, and lets me feel like I am a vital part of creating needed change, one small bit at a time, from right here in the middle of my own life material. I know I am not speaking up just for me, but for the thousand and thousands of voiceless others I have cared for, and who are all around me everywhere now.
My next venture, once I can see again, may be to put together a series of Wellness Empowerment Classes for Elders (or anyone, for that matter) that will include a strong component of how to communicate assertively and effectively with the health care system.
This is such a hard time to be an authentic American who truly cares for the common good. It is so easy for me to fall prey to hopelessness, unless I can remember this: to do what I can do, from where I am, to make my own small corner of life a little bit better in some way they might help others also.
I find comfort in the thought that if we can each create small bits of positive change and hope in our own smaller spaces, eventually, their light will blend and become a stronger light that others will be able to see, and wish to help grow even brighter.
In any case, it makes me feel better than just sitting here sticking pins into my George Bush and Dick Cheney dolls. (Ok ok, so there are still times when only that will do!)
SEE you soon!
Hi Scribe! I wish you the very best with your surgery. I have a relative who underwent cataract surgery several weeks ago, and it is truly a miracle what it can do for your vision if you need it. My relative went from only being able to read how many fingers the doctor held up at five feet, to 20/40 vision with glasses. This person also has some retina problems, so they won’t ever have perfect vision again, but my goodness, what a difference it has made.
The surgery was quick and relatively painless, speaking from the position of an observer. Fortunately, the doctor involved was a nice guy and very professional and caring. It was a good experience for the patient and for the patient’s helper.
I remember a study that was published several years ago about pre-surgery anxiety in which the conclusion was that a certain amount of trepidation on the patient’s part was better for the eventual outcome than if the patient were all happy and trusting. Some pre-surgery anxiety is apparently good for preparing your body to deal with the trauma of surgery. So, I won’t tell you to calm down and have no fear, but the surgery you are about to have will significantly improve your seeing, and so I do believe that it will be worth it for you.
As for dealing with folks and getting them to follow up and do their jobs, I am familiar with your description of the typical runaround. It does take firmness and insistence when necessary, and kindness and understanding when possible. And although I do not take it literally and certainly not as a rule, sometimes the saying “A clerk is a jerk” is a good thing to remember. This doesn’t necessarily mean that every “clerk” is really a nasty person, but that most of the time they cannot deal with any problem outside the list of the ordinary tasks they are assigned. “May I speak to your supervisor” is the most powerful phrase in one’s vocabulary when dealing with front line employees, and I don’t hesitate to use it when I need to, even when talking to a supervisor already.
Best wishes, and hugs.
Thanks for the hugs! This doc seems cool, and even had a sense of humor. When I told him it would be to his benefit to sedate me, so I didn’t lunge for his jugular when he got close with that knife,he actually laughed, ( after first looking just a tad alarmed.) π
You will love the difference. Many people do not know this (including probably practically everybody here), but I had cataract surgery about 20 years ago at age 30. One day I was on a business trip and I noticed a little milky spot in my left eye that wouldn’t go away. This was in July. In September, by the time I had the first eye done, I was so blind I couldn’t see the computer screen at work.
Luckily I was employed, had good insurance and only ended up out of pocket about $1100. I’m glad you’ve managed to arrange to get yours done on your budget.
In fact, it was so great it looks like I get to do it again. Apparently there is some residual matter left over from that surgery and some clouding of the lens sac that my current doctor says he can take care of. I was at a dilemma; I should have had it done when I was off work over the summer, but I can afford it now that I can’t take a significant amount of time off for it. We have some issues to work out with elevated pressure in my left eye, but I hope to be taking care of this sometime next year.
Good luck! Let us know how you like your new eyeballs. (Well, your new lenses anyway.)
Good luck with your eyeballs too, Omir. 30 is young for cataracts, and yes, they sure can suddenly porress as a rapid rate.
Or they can take their time and suddenly BAM! Happenned to my mother and she had the same type of surgery that you are describing.
Sort of OT, but it really irritates me about how case management has been trivialized. If I didn’t have a case management background, I don’t want to think of where I’d be.
30 is young for cataracts
Yes, I heard that a lot at the time. π
The surgeon who did my relative’s surgery explained the “residual matter” problem to us before doing the surgery. It is possible, but risky, to totally and completely remove or destroy all the cells of the old lens/cataract. Some will be left behind and since they are pluripotent cells, they will become fibroblasts, like the cells that form around the edges of a cut on your hand or such. Fibroblasts are a normal result of damage to the tissue in your body, and eventually, they may surround the new artificial lens or coat the inside edges of the lens sac in a misguided attempt to heal. Apparently, though, the odds are that most people won’t have the problem bad enough to warrant more surgery. I suspect that in your case, the facts that you were so young and still had a vigorous immune system and plenty of time for it to do its misguided work have something to do with your problem.
I certainly wish you the best of luck with your planning and eventual corrective surgery.
I’m so glad you posted about your experience, for two reasons.
First, there are so many people who need this surgery and are reluctant to get it. My mother put off cataract surgery for more than 10 years – it took one of her children asking her to pull over to the side of the road, whereupon he took over driving, for her to realize that she wasn’t seeing at night for anyone to be safe with her at the wheel.
She was scared about the surgery, though she didn’t want me to know it. I flew in for her surgery – outpatient – and she went in and came out very quickly. The next day she told me she’d already scheduled the second eye for as soon as they would allow her to come in; the difference for her was immediate. For most people, I think, the surgery is worse in the waiting for it than in the doing. (Like a lot of life).
Second, there is your excellent advocacy – for yourself. What a great example you are! Just this past week, I had a parent say that we needed training for parents, for caregivers, for people in general, teaching them how to “work the system” for their family members and for themselves if necessary. They are right.
So many people stand in awe of physicians, (and other professionals) and will not question their judgment or just ask questions. Likewise for insurance, whether private or government. And more and more, just to get what is there to help you is not well known by people even in the system, (like the program your insurance/care was a part of) much less the persons in need. Unfortunately, the reaction of some people is either to become angry and belligerent at the first difficulty, or just to cave in acquiescence. Neither strategy works very well.
Now, more than ever everyone really needs to become self educated about whatever health issue they may hve and about the drugs that are prescribed, as well as how to navigate a cery complex health care system. Now that medicine is being run as a business, effciency and the bottom line often take precedence over really getting to know patients. Plus, in this age of specialization,it is easy for specialists to overlook the fact that their organ of choice is connected to a whole lot of others and that they are all connected to a heart and mind also!
I bet your Mom was VERY grateful you were there for her. My girls will be with me too, to drag me in there bodily, if they have to!
Best wishes, hugs, prayers, good energy all coming your way. Thank God you are both smart and assertive.
Let us know when you can see clearly again.
Thanks, Kahli. Now if I just still feel that way when they come at my eye with a sharp stick!
My mom had this procedure several years ago and is very pleased with the result. I’ve had several surgeries (not eye) and always had a bit of anxiety just before, mostly because I knew the recovery from each would be quite painful.
I understand very well the need to know something of the system or have an advocate to help navigate the twists and turns. How wonderful that in the midst of your own difficulty, you continue to think of helping others. Big hug from Mrs. Dem and I.
Good, more hugs. I’m saving them all am and will take them with me, for sure!
please give us an update after the surgery! we’re all sending great big wishes to you.
Will do, Wilfred as soon as I can see the screen and thanks for the wishes too!
Hey Scribe, great to hear you’re getting the care you need, even if you did have to fight for it every step of the way. I salute you for taking on the health care system and winning. Thanks for sharing the experience with us.
I am enjoying the experience of feeling this empowered, and not have to keep my mouth shut for fear of getting in trouble with any employer! Free, free, free at last!
Good luck with the surgery! My dad had it and it was fabulous for him.
Funny, my boss is having cataract surgery on the 20th too. I’m having knee surgery on the 20th as well and am terrified. I’m just trying not to think about it and keep telling myself that I will be so much better after it is all over.
Take care and great activism!
what type of knee surgery? Orothoscopic or something else. I had the ortho and it was pretty amazing. . .got me through about 10 years. However, I had both knees done at the same time. . .I wouldn’t recommend that unless you have someone around to care for you. It was pretty interesting in the early part of recovery. Since I needed both knees done and I couldn’t do two separate periods off of work for the recovery, I did it all at once. Just don’t slack off on the physical therapy they will send you to. The more determined and dedicated you are to getting back the strength and movement, the better it will be for you.
Good luck and try not to worry about it. The anticipation always seems worse than the actual deed.
Big hugs,
Wow…two knees at once!?! That sound bloody impossible. Once again you amaze me. :>)
I’m having an ACL reconstruction and they may do some meniscus repair work as well. I don’t know much about it, but it involves taking ligament or tendon from my thigh, drilling a whole in my knee, inserting a pin and wrapping the new new ligament around it and other gross things like that. I have heard lots of favorable stories from people and all make it clear that the rehab is the most important part. I will do my best to heed that advice.
While I am scared, I am really really looking forward to being able to walk again!
Thanks for the good wishes and hugs.
Wow, sounds like a pretty invovled procedure. Makes me curious about the miniscus, and I don’t guess that you know much more about it than I do. When I had mine done, the miniscus was stronger on one side than the other and pulled the knee cap off to the side where it would not “sit” where it is designed to fit, thus causing damage to the back of the knee cap among other things, so they cut the miniscus on both sides to let the knee cap just “float” there. So my question has always been if people have surgery to repair torn or detached miniscus, why would cutting it be a good solution. . .just the kind of dumb stuff that runs around in my mind. Hah! LOL
Best of outcomes for your surgery and I’ll be rooting for you in the PT part of the recovery. We can swap recovery stories later.
Wishing you the best also, Kamakhya. I have one bionic knee and it really made a difference in my quality of life.
I’m sure glad you have YOU for your advocate. It is heart breaking to watch how so many of our elders are treated in the health care system and pushed aside, not given all the information, not directed to people and places that can help, and often treated very dismissively. Most of us women have already had previews of this. . .for often women are treated quite the same way no matter what the age, although it seems to get even worse as you get older. A big part of the reason I stopped dealing with the health care system altogether.
As for your surgery, I know how great it can be for you. My mom had her eyes done when she was in her mid to late 80’s and it was wonderful.
I expect great reports from you and metaphoric dancing on the ceiling (or anywhere else) when your clear vision of your eyes matches your clear vision of spirit.
Big hugs and pleny of good thoughts your way,
Not much of a dancer even when I could see, but you CAN expect to see me zooming down the MANY road in my ol green van darned soon afterwards!! Not being able to drive REALLY REALLY SUCKS!
Dearest Scribe… I am so sorry we live in a country that gives millionairres tax cuts and allows its citizens to rot away.
I am so sorry you had to wait so long to be able to afford surgery.
There are children in USA “We’re #1” who are dying due to simple things because their folks can not afford treatment for them. People dying due to diabetes because they don’t have regular doctor visits.
My own son, as many know here, almost died due to dental nightmares and red tape.
Right now I hate my country. I hate what is has become and what it has allowed.
I hate that you had to wait.
And I hate that I can’t wrap you up in my arms and give you a good squeezin’ π
((((Scribe)))) XOXOXOX
Well, as I was reminded by a fervent Bush Cult Clone the other day, it could be worse. I COULD be living in a country with NO available health care at all, (which of course shut me right up and made me count ny blessings instead… NOT!)
Thanks for the’s tucked away in my bag of Big BooHugs I intend to take with me Thursday. Amazing how much strength can be shared via this medium. Thank you all!
Thanks for your activism-we really need more of this type of ruckus kicked up! Big Med and Big Pharma are so corrupt it’s difficult to find good docs and safe and effective meds.
My late beloved grandmother had the surgery when she was in her 80’s and her quality of life was totally enriched.
Here’s my best wishes for you and big hugs.
You will be a fantastic leader of those Wellness Empowerment gatherings someday, scribe. You’re already doing that for us with every word you offer to the mix.
My best wishes to you this week, add another hug to your reserves because you have a big one coming from the desert. paz
Wow..I had to go get a bigger bag for the hugs and good wishes! You all are somthin else!