On Tuesday, Oct. 17 the LADWP will be taking up what to do about its electric cars the RAV4-EV. To organize the demonstration of support to preserve these vehicles and to possibly get these vehicles into the hands of the general public we would like you to RSVP the organizers of the demonstration.

Politicians seem poised to help, so your participation could tip the scales on our side.

Doug Korthof says, “… by attending, you are fighting for the right of individual owners to purchase plug-in cars, oil-free cars that can plug-in to rooftop solar systems, and putting them in the hands of the people.”

Be there or be square. People from the movie Who Killed the Electric Car? will be there. Organizers are planning car pools and if you have an EV Parking will be free at the event.

More information about getting with organizers follows….

Sign up to attend, give your RSVP, via email to: <mailto:Paul@PlugInAmerica.com>

Paul@PlugInAmerica.com or Chelsea@PlugInAmerica.com or, if all else fails, leave a message at 562-430-2495.

111 HOPE ST.,

If you have an electric vehicle park at the CHARGER PORTICO. If this area is full go west one block to DEWOP Street DWP gated lot and check in at the guard there. You will need a photo ID.

Go to the LADWP building to ROOM 1555 ON 15th FLOOR.

Remember that the meeting is going to be held on Tuesday, October 17th, at 1:30 PM. Be there earlier because there will most likely be a press conference.

You can put in a slip for “public Comment” under item “Report on RAV4-EV”

State that your organization is “PLUGINAMERICA.COM” If you don’t put in a slip, you are INVISIBLE to the Board, whether you speak or not.

Don’t forget to tell Doug Korthof, Paul Scott and Chelsea Sexton that Joe Lado sent you.