Originally Posted at Liberal Street Fighter
Clinton Equivocates on Torture
… at yesterday’s Daily News editorial board meeting, it emerged that she’s not actually against torture in all instances, and that her dispute with McCain and Bush is largely procedural.
She was asked about the “ticking time bomb” scenario, in which you’ve captured the terrorist and don’t have time for a normal interrogation, and said that there is a place for what she called “severity,” in a conversation that included mentioning waterboarding, hypothermia, and other techniques commonly described as torture.
“I have said that those are very rare but if they occur there has to be some lawful authority for pursuing that,” she responded. “Again, I think the President has to take responsibilty. There has to be some check and balance, some reporting. I don’t mind if it’s reporting in a top secret context. But that shouldn’t be the tail that wags the dog, that should be the exception to the rule.”
Asked again about these methods, she said:
“In those instances where we have sufficient basis to believe that there is something imminent, yeah, but then we’ve got to have a check and balance.”
Well, now THERE is a surprise. Hot on the heels of a strong anti-torture statement on the floor of the Senate, the would-be President talks out of the other side of her mouth. Now what other issue have we seen her play THIS game with before?
The Senator from New York is so emblematic of how pathetic and lost the Democratic Party has become. Handmaidens to the far right, to the military-industrial complex, for the parasitic investor class, the Democratic Party is interested only in gaining power. There is little or no thought about what power should be held FOR, other than maintaining some vauguely more “responsible” application of empire, death-dealing and greed. For every heinous, monstrous policy or action the Republicans pursue, the Donk leadership seems only able to say, “well, it’s all sadly necessary, but WE’D do it better!”
How paltry the debate about vital issues has become. Hell, WHY IS THERE EVEN A DEBATE ABOUT TORTURE? The Democrats, spineless courtiers eager only to maintain access to money and power, are unwilling, unable or DISBELIEVING that a civilized nation should hold itself to higher standards. Nope, better to pander, better to go all mealy-mouthed over fake dilemmas like the ticking time bomb scenario (hat tip to Schneier on Security for the link):
In a democracy, I do not think we should ask our fellow citizens to sacrifice themselves or their principles for the public good unless we are, at least in principle, prepared to do the same. We may not be capable of serving in the military, but we should understand what that means before we ask our fellow citizens to fight for us. One of the signal characteristics of the TTB is that it treats the interrogators and their agency, their principles, as a black box. Who they are is unknown. But we should not assume “democracy for us, dictatorship for the interrogators.” The interrogators are our fellow citizens, part of our democracy, and it would be wrong to ask them to do something we were not prepared to do ourselves. Thus the democratic implication of the TTB is that we must steel ourselves to do something that is very unpleasant, but necessary.
So let us imagine ourselves in the interrogation room with the suspect. Evidence collected from his apartment certainly seems to indicate that he has knowledge of a looming terrorist attack, but he is begging for mercy. Too bad, isn’t it? All we have done is deprive him of sleep and clothing. And it is a bit cold. Unfortunately, he may be scared and cold, but he hasn’t given us one scrap of useful information. And we’re under some time pressure. Your superior has an idea. For better cover, the suspect was living with his family, a wife and young daughter. We’re detaining them in another room. The evidence seems to show the suspect cares for them. Perhaps if we brought them into the room? Your superior warns you to steel yourself for what comes next. Perhaps the suspect will respond to mere threats that they might be put to death in front of him. If threats are not enough, however, we must be prepared to do the worst. Of course, in some cultures there are acts regarded as worse than death. Your superior looks at you. Do you understand what he is talking about? Of course you do. You are experienced in the ways of the TTB, of doing what is necessary to elicit information under the terrible pressure of a deadline.
I really hope I don’t have to elaborate further this fantastic scenario of moral corruption. Our popular culture is full of faux scenarios of torture and cruelty. Just check out your local video rental store. What’s amazing about the TTB is that it is taken to be “real,” a serious matter for public debate. But it’s no more real than my scenario, a Tom Clancy novel of military adventure or a superhero comic.
The TTB counts on eliciting a certain sort of response. Of course, “the president would have to authorize torture” to prevent millions from dying. But surely it puts a slightly different spin on the situation to imagine that you are the one responsible for making sure the interrogation is effective. And you will have to live with the consequences if you turn out to be wrong. What wouldn’t you do to prevent millions from dying? Well, I wouldn’t engage in torture, child abuse, murder, rape and a whole long list of morally corrupt acts. And I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t either. Scenarios like the TTB are well designed to cloud our reason and judgment. For that reason, we should avoid them and concentrate on the ways in which we can realistically prevent terrorist attacks.
We in this country seem EAGER to ask others to do things we’d never do ourselves. We cheer on soldiers as they are put into situations where they kill journalists, slaughter large numbers of civilians and even other soldiers and marines. After they provide this “service”, we often abandon them when they return from the slaughter, a crime we’ve repeated throughout this country’s history. We depend upon cheap and slave labor for our piles of stuff, we expect children to pay for the failings of their parents. Why not demand our spooks ape Joseph Mengele if it gets us what we want, the illusion of safety?
There is a scary question we must ask ourselves. What if Senator Clinton and her fellow righties at the top of the Democratic Party are RIGHT? What if America really is an out-of-control Sparta, a feudal state occupied by an ignorant, immense pool of economic and martial cannon fodder supporting a bloated and greedy landed class? Is their course, only slightly-less-pandering to fear, bigotry and hatred than the Republicans, driven by what kind of nation we’ve become? One could argue, looking at the long history of genocide, human bondage and economic exploitation the fundamental truth of us as a people, that perhaps the Bush and Clinton families DO represent what and who we are. This is a question we must face, will we continue to submit to these venal “leaders” who stir up our darkest urges, or will we find a path back to the halting course that we’ve followed at time to ameliorate our past crimes … back to expanding suffrage, economic opportunity, HOPE? For all of our atrocities, we’ve also built better things as well: our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Civil Rights Acts, Voting Rights Acts, we lead the way on the development of the modern Rules of War, including the Geneva Conventions. Will we be a nation of bridge builders or berserkers?
Will we be content to pander to the demands of the various creeds, or will we return to shared public square where we can find common ground no matter how we explain life’s mysteries to ourselves?
The left in this country needs to stop enabling a center-right Democratic Party leadership that produces and promotes characters like Senator Clinton if we want to return this nation to a more humanist course. This nation has no chance to follow the angels of its higher nature when the debate is dominated by the rabid right and enabled by pandering creatures of ambition like Clinton and her cohorts. If you believe that we will have a better nation if we COOPERATE than if we destroy, if you want full and reasoned debate to replace shallow talking points, if you want this country to be a force for good, both within our borders and without, if you’re a leftist who despairs at the monstrous acts being committed in our names, it is VITAL that you not support shameless equivocators like Senator Clinton.
Glen Greenwald at Unclaimed Territory has something to say about this general topic:
it’s not enough for your “team” to win. We need to “win” FOR our values, for a future we actually want to create. Senator Clinton is constitutionally unable to help us do that.
Clinton health care plan per: wikipedia
Medicare D: “`I for one believe we should scrap this and start over,’ Clinton said.”
from the WaPo by Hillary Clinton and Bill Frist
Blame the computer
“Consumers must demand quality health care…”
Please excuse me, I fell out laughing and couldn’t stop.
How the hell does someone who is sick have the energy to “demand” anything? And how many health care insurance providers give a fuck if they do? (“Your policy doesn’t cover that procedure” or “That’ll be umpteen thousand dollars copay for the most modern and reliable version of that test” or “That specialist isn’t in our approved list of doctors, so that’ll be umpteen jillion dollars more” or “Since you couldn’t afford the catastrophic illness coverage, you can just go ahead and die from it now, because you aren’t worth more than 250,000 dollars” or “That’s enough rehab for you, I don’t care what the doctor says, thats all your itty bitty little policy covers”.) And how many doctors, many who believe that they are gods, give a damn when you want to ask too many questions, or insist that they read some material that you brought to them from your own research? And how many people are left to die because their prescription meds cost too much? (“Oh honey, don’t worry, the drug companies will give them to you free if you fill out these umpty-seven pages and get two doctors and the IRS to sign it”.)
well, haha fucking ha. If I wasn’t laughing I’d be crying. High quality, affordable health care is a right, not something we should have to “demand” on a regular basis.
[The Constitution of the United States
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.]
We have the wealth to do it with here in America, IF the pols and their big donors gave a flying fuck, or took the Constitution at its word.
The consumers of health care vote for representatives who are supposed to do the demanding for us, and implement laws and do oversight that ensures we get it when we need it. Oops, sorry, that would require some of our elected reps to actually go out on a limb and advocate doing something against the wishes of big pharma and big HMO. Oh well, I guess we can forget about THAT anytime soon………
I had more to say, but my computer ate it.
No kidding….
I see a lot of discussion and educational programs in the health benefits industry about “educating consumers” to “make responsible healthcare decisions…” — as if going to a doctor to find out why you or a member of your family is in pain, has a list of health complaints that look ominous in combination, or has discovered a hard lump where no lump should be…. is the same as shopping for a new car or someone to build an addition to your house.
What they really mean by “make responsible healthcare decisions” is “don’t get sick with something you can’t afford the treatment for.”
I can see a future where insurance companies will have written “patient responsibility” clauses in their policies — essentially meaning that if they can prove (using their doctors, of course, and by researching every detail of your personal life) that your illness results from “unhealthy behaviors” or “healthcare negligence” on the part of the patient (ie, smoking, being overweight by a designated percentage, using illegal drugs while pregnant, etc.), they will not be required to pay any medical claims resulting from that “negligence” on your part — if you’re sick, it’s your OWN fault, therefore you’re responsible for the “consequences”….
I already see comments on some blogs where some posters believe that because THEY “take good care of themselves” (these are young adults, I suspect), and thus don’t incur many medical bills, their premiums should not be paying for the healthcare of someone who wasn’t so “careful”… there seems to be a widespread selfishness in our culture, and a strong belief that if you do the “right things” you will always have a job, you will always be able to secure your own retirement, you will always either have good health or be able to afford medical care… therefore anyone who can’t find work after your company outsources your job, who has nothing but Social Security to live on in later life, or who has chronic illness and no insurance…. is somehow at fault for their situation.
You are right on, JanetT, that is where we are headed in the insane world of totally privatized high-cost low-quality medical care – “If you get sick because you made a bad decision, well, that’s your fault, so hurry up and die.” I can see it now – “Do you have time and date stamped tamper-proof videos of yourself thoroughly washing your hands after you went shopping at the grocery store last week? Hmmm? Yes? Well, it looks to us like you only took twenty five seconds to wash your hands after that trip and every one knows it has to be thirty seconds or more to wash away all the germs, and your scrubbing doesn’t reach the appropriate standards for vigor either, plus your cheap soap isn’t on our approved list…. Well, then, your flu is YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT, quit yer bitchin and maybe that’ll teach you to wash your hands more vigorously and with approved soap next time, and NO DOCTORS OR DRUGS FOR YOU. Oh, you’ve got pneumonia now? Well, remember to wash your hands next time, OK?”
It’s already here in one way. Tort Deform now says that in my state, if a doctor fucks up my life forever with the grossest negligence imaginable, I can only get 250,000 dollars in punitive damages. “Shut up and be glad we’re gonna pay the lowest possible amount for your ongoing, lifelong medical care the doctor mistreated you into, because if you had been a RESPONSIBLE PATIENT, you would have noticed the doctor was fucking up and DEMANDED high quality health care from the comfort of your gurney in the emergency room.”
As for young people, I was young once too. I couldn’t understand why the auto insurance companies put me in a high risk category when I had never gotten a ticket or been in an accident, and I complained mightily about my rates. It’s not the stupidity of young folks that bothers me so much as the stupidity of the older, supposedly wiser folks who still hold the same adolescent view of shared risk propositions and the importance of community in all aspects of our lives.
I have more to say but this damned computer is still eating some of my words. I guess I’m just not personally responsible enough to keep the damned thing working right.
Described me as a traumatic brain injury survivor, living on SSD/I, having epilepsy, requiring my prescriptions DAW or they don’t work, and now replapsing from the pneumonia that I had last year.
Made it to the doctors yesterday.
Been saying that for God-knows-how-long.