Morning earlybirds. It’s 34 degrees and I didn’t get nearly enough sleep before Hopeful, Jr. threatened to pee on the floor if I didn’t take her outside.
I had overlooked the joy of rolling out of a warm bed directly into the cold air in my slippers and a hoodie. Seemed more appealing back when it was 95 degrees out.
I think that only works if you either have a fenced yard for the dogs or have a house in the country where you can just let them out the door. Poor SN has neither. 🙁
Scratch that. The Gang of 4 has taken to sitting on me until I get up and feed them – which is, of course, hard to do when 4 large cats are holding you down.
on my way to put out family fires. Sigh. Hope y’all are having a nice restful Sunday. If somebody has time to nap for me, I’ll happily hand off my proxy.
Good morning Andi.
Getting settled back in after your trip?
I’m settled the second I walk in the door.
How was your Saturday?
Good morning, Andi and FM.
Quiet for just a little longer…
The asklets are here, curly as well. All still asleep, but notfor long, I suspect.
Nothing like a busy house to bring out the pleasure of quiet — especially when the quiet serves as a nice anticipation of all that loving noise.
Well, it’s time for breakfast now! See you later.
Morning earlybirds. It’s 34 degrees and I didn’t get nearly enough sleep before Hopeful, Jr. threatened to pee on the floor if I didn’t take her outside.
Are you getting off on that cool weather?
I had overlooked the joy of rolling out of a warm bed directly into the cold air in my slippers and a hoodie. Seemed more appealing back when it was 95 degrees out.
Aw, your blood is getting thin from spending too many years in The South™.
How are all the kiddies?
Jeez, I think that might be true. How depressing. Kids are fine.
The woods look beautiful.
Did Colin go back to school?
Right now the woods look freakily green for mid-October because the winds on Friday stripped off a lot of the leaves that had already turned.
The real joy comes from recognizing it’s too chilly to get up and snuggling back into a nice warm bed.
I think that only works if you either have a fenced yard for the dogs or have a house in the country where you can just let them out the door. Poor SN has neither. 🙁
Or if you only have cats.
Scratch that. The Gang of 4 has taken to sitting on me until I get up and feed them – which is, of course, hard to do when 4 large cats are holding you down.
to celebrate the Tigers’ going to the world series? Tsk, tsk.
Yeah, the fence (or country living) is a key part of slacker dog ownership….
Did I doze off and miss everybody?
on my way to put out family fires. Sigh. Hope y’all are having a nice restful Sunday. If somebody has time to nap for me, I’ll happily hand off my proxy.
Quiet time did someone do something wrong? What is going on around here, it seems the FBC has been a little empty.