Just dropping in while taking a very short break. Kidspeak and I are swamped tonight, (I’d say what all we have to do, but I wouldn’t want FM to pass out), so this is my contribution. “Titta in” googled gets you many Swedish sites. I leave the mystery there.
She’s currently quizing me about beer recipes, so clearly we will be heading by the Homebrew shop for supplies. The “tip shop” (shop that pulls usables from the garbage dump) is also on the list – for bottles to make glass cloches, and whatever else looks fun.
Then we are going to a couple of hardware stores to get some guttering, so we can finally catch the rainwater run off from our sheds and run it into our lower water tank (have I mentioned the drought?).
Oh, and I’ve got my weekly massage at 3:30.
And then there’s the garden and critters, of course.
Good. Very good in fact. Made all the better by the addition of a wood stove and the lack of about 30 smelly prisoners crammed side by each along the back wall (there’s a diagram on the wall showing how the quarters used to look).
There are even hot showers available down by the bbq hut.
I had to tie my hat on with my bandana while walking this stretch.
The kangaroos didn’t seem to mind, either the wind or us. We saw about two dozen on this lawn alone – most of them sprawled out and sunning themselves.
Hi Folks!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I am so busy I could scream and have lots of things I need to be doing now but am taking a break. LOL I did a podcast this am at about 3 am.
Hey Refinish,
I haven`t seen this one yet, but I will in a min.
Having seen the other ones.. oops maybe I`m talking about your UTUBE links. The utubes were very good made more so by the good choice of tunes.
Now I`ll see if I can listen to a podcast.
I’ve been sick all day — it’s getting frustrating, so I’m heading for the doctor tomorrow morning. I hope it’s something as simple as my body not liking one of my new meds. Symptoms include: extreme fatigue, lack of appetite (maybe that’s the good part), and occasional chills (I wanted to put the blanket on the bed last night but the spouse wants to wait till it gets really cold).
Spouse went to YMCA orientation (I’ll reschedule mine after I’m healthy) and he was very impressed with the trainers! They’ve got a whole plan worked out for him on the Cybex strength training machines — he wasn’t sure about doing the strength training, but after he did it he thinks it’ll be a good addition to his workout regimen. He’s out having soup/salad, and will bring dinner home for me so I’ll have something healthy at least.
Need to get off the computer soon — my body is complaining that it wants me to curl up on the couch and veg with the football game (Arizona demolishing Chicago — who knew?). Night all…
I don’t know what “Titta” means, but it sounded like something you all would like.
Hi SN, I’ll take the usual 27 please.
I sure could use George to tend bar tonight, FM.
George is always happy to help out. 🙂
Gosh, he is so hot! I believe I have the vapors. 🙂
George has that effect. Of course his usual condition would be drunk behind the bar. 🙂
George is such a dapper drunk. LOL
Just dropping in while taking a very short break. Kidspeak and I are swamped tonight, (I’d say what all we have to do, but I wouldn’t want FM to pass out), so this is my contribution. “Titta in” googled gets you many Swedish sites. I leave the mystery there.
Just do not switch the initial ‘T’ with the 6th letter of the alphabet… (in Swedish, that is)
check your email… 🙂
Just did.
Morning Happy Lounging Froggies!
Good morning keres!
Got a big day planned today?
It sounds like Imogen is planing one for us.
She’s currently quizing me about beer recipes, so clearly we will be heading by the Homebrew shop for supplies. The “tip shop” (shop that pulls usables from the garbage dump) is also on the list – for bottles to make glass cloches, and whatever else looks fun.
Then we are going to a couple of hardware stores to get some guttering, so we can finally catch the rainwater run off from our sheds and run it into our lower water tank (have I mentioned the drought?).
Oh, and I’ve got my weekly massage at 3:30.
And then there’s the garden and critters, of course.
I’m getting tired just thinking about all you’ve gotten planned. 🙂
We don’t know why Inti has to kush down to eat – he just does (Imogen took this photo).
Hi everybody. FM – what is the usual 27? For some strange reason, I got the urge for a beer.
Maybe titta is supposed to mean totter. I imagine if FM has 27 of anything, he’ll titta out. Just one for me – can’t stay long.
Do they still have jukeboxes? If not – that makes all these quarters worthless. Where am I?
Hi Alice.
27 just seems to be a good starting number. 🙂
How ya been doing?
It’s been gray, rainy, and cold all day — a true midwestern fall day.
Sounds like down here except for the cold.
Hey! Sounds like Seattle! We seem to have settled into our typical fall/winter pattern of gray skies and varying shades of rain.
Hi Andi. If you haven’t already, check out the image I posted of the Painted Cliffs at the end of the last Froggy Bottom.
Oops, amend that to last but one (the one started by FM).
Besides being very attractive, it looked very geologically interesting.
How were the convict quarters?
Good. Very good in fact. Made all the better by the addition of a wood stove and the lack of about 30 smelly prisoners crammed side by each along the back wall (there’s a diagram on the wall showing how the quarters used to look).
There are even hot showers available down by the bbq hut.
I have reached the age and state of mind and body where hot showers are non-negotiable. I’m open-minded on barbecue.
I hear ya.
We stayed in the building at the back.
The two rocky bits in the background/left of the photo are “Bishop and Clerk.”
Looks like a very nice to visit but I wouldn’t want to be incarcerated there.
(looks windy too)
I had to tie my hat on with my bandana while walking this stretch.
The kangaroos didn’t seem to mind, either the wind or us. We saw about two dozen on this lawn alone – most of them sprawled out and sunning themselves.
Just heard some thunder. Gotta shut down for awhile.
Back later.
musta meant
Set ’em up George…and keep ’em comin’
Hi Folks!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I am so busy I could scream and have lots of things I need to be doing now but am taking a break. LOL I did a podcast this am at about 3 am.
Stop This World & The Repugnant Corruption
Do you ever sleep?
LOL I don’t sleep much but that is the life of an activist.
Hey Refinish,
I haven`t seen this one yet, but I will in a min.
Having seen the other ones.. oops maybe I`m talking about your UTUBE links. The utubes were very good made more so by the good choice of tunes.
Now I`ll see if I can listen to a podcast.
LOL!!!! I am planning another video for tonight so I will post the link later once it is done. Thank you for the compliment.
or a booswarm or sixteen. Been one of those weeks that makes me wish I drank a lot more than I do. I’m up to three beers in three weeks at the moment.
How many boos does it take to make a swarm? Looks like it’s just you and me.
Hope things settle down for you.
I’ve been sick all day — it’s getting frustrating, so I’m heading for the doctor tomorrow morning. I hope it’s something as simple as my body not liking one of my new meds. Symptoms include: extreme fatigue, lack of appetite (maybe that’s the good part), and occasional chills (I wanted to put the blanket on the bed last night but the spouse wants to wait till it gets really cold).
Spouse went to YMCA orientation (I’ll reschedule mine after I’m healthy) and he was very impressed with the trainers! They’ve got a whole plan worked out for him on the Cybex strength training machines — he wasn’t sure about doing the strength training, but after he did it he thinks it’ll be a good addition to his workout regimen. He’s out having soup/salad, and will bring dinner home for me so I’ll have something healthy at least.
Need to get off the computer soon — my body is complaining that it wants me to curl up on the couch and veg with the football game (Arizona demolishing Chicago — who knew?). Night all…
‘Night, Cali. I love strength training. It’s the only thing that gives me energy and makes me feel like Xena.