1 1/2oz. Light Rum
2 oz. Pineapple Juice
1 oz. Cream of Coconut
1/2 Banana
1/4 cup Strawberry Puree
1/2 cup crushed ice
Combine all ingredients in an electric blender with the ice. Blend 20 – 30 seconds. Pour strawberry puree into a hurricane or collins glass. Follow with the blended mixture. This creates the flow.
Garnish with a pineapple wedge and paper umbrella (of course!)
I’ve taken 3 to date. Last one is Real Estate, arguably my weakest subject this semester.
And yes, I’ll be at Drinking Liberally next week. I’m not sure for how long, as I have some casework I will need to do that night, but I’ll be there for at least an hour.
for the rest of them Psi. You have a fall break approaching, no? Hope it gives you some much-needed downtime although with the election approaching I doubt you’ll do much slacking.
Things are much better now — I had a late meeting, but I’m home so doing much better. If it was a little cooler here today, I’m sure we’d be having heavy, wet snow … instead it was rainy, grey, cool all day.
Hey Manny, and I see FM’s about too…supposed to get about 7″ + -…
it’s nice having 4 seasons…but it’d be even nicer to have a beach/desert place to go to about jan/feb…the first shot is always the hardest one to take.
Nope he never gets tired of it. Last Xmas when some relatives he really doesn’t like came over he started barking. We all went across the street to my sisters house for a couple of hours and when I came back he was still barking even though no one had been in the house. Heck I could hear him across the street on my way back to the house.
A good work contract would be at least two naps a day, start work at 10:00 am with a 3 hour lunch starting at 11:00 am and working ending at 3:00 pm. Tell em you could be much more productive that way. 🙂
Luckily since I’ve had George I’ve never had to live in an apartment. When I first got him and was moving around some, that was one of my biggest worries.
I told my brother about Bud and HJ and he told me yesterday that he has a friend that has a new litter of Basset puppies. He told me when they were weaned he would bring me one. Don’t know how FMom or George would take to that. 🙂
Yeah I figure with the work day, I should become someone’s agent. Go in first and demand the client never has to show up for work and then let myself be talked down to the couple of hours a day. Of course for the couple of hours, we would have to double the existing pay scale. :~)
Lynyrd looks like he was a great dog. In a way I’m hoping for the puppy and in a way I’m not. I know FMom would raise the roof if I bought another pet in here, but she did learn to love George, so there is hope. 🙂
When George’s half brother Henry was alive, George used to give him so much hell that I thought when George gets old, I’m going to get a puppy to show him what he put Henry through. I think if I got the puppy, I would be the one going through hell though. 🙂
Plus George is so jealous that he won’t even let Cat sit right by me. If Cat jumps up by me, then George is right there placing himself in between both of us.
George is that way with anything, human or animal, that gets close to me. I picked up my great nephew yesterday and we were sitting down watching TV. As soon as George saw that, he started barking and trying to get the nephew out of my lap, so he could get there. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more jealous dog.
Anytime something like that happens or I fuss at George, he’ll crawl in my lap and put his head on my chest and just stare up at me. You can’t stay mad at something like that. 🙂
Yep I think he was, but Cat was there with him and the vet said they were in cages by each other. Actually when I went to pick them up I got Cat first, and I could hear George howling because he thought he was going to be by himself.
cute!!! I wonder how Bud would react to having snow around on a regular basis. It snowed back at my parents’ house last winter and he was freaking out with the new environment.
need a getaway but it’s not in the cards for the next several weeks. Grinning and bearing it has become an artform. You’ll have to be my proxy and slack the evening away 🙂
Be back in a few, gotta get another batch of work done.
Cat and George get along great. A lot of times they’ll be on my bed sleeping together side by side. George gets fiesty every now and then and he’ll run around and play nip at Cat. She’ll play around and put up with it for awhile, but when she’s ready to stop, George knows.
Now Tom is a different story. When George is outside and Tom comes up, he won’t put up with any BS from George. 🙂
It wouldn’t be good if George and Cat didn’t get along. And it wouldn’t be safe for you also, if they both sleep on the bed … hehe. Who knows, maybe if you did get a new puppy he’d fall in line … as long as you gave George his share plus of attention … 🙂
I don’t know if I would have the energy for a new puppy. 🙂
Have you had a chance to work on your sidebar icon? I was playing around with a new one earlier, but the icons are so small you have to get the color scheme right.
Looks kewl. 🙂 When are you going to give it a try?
I found out the first time you put it in the template, it takes a while for it to show up. Because of blogger taking time, I think. However, on the one I tried earlier, it came right up.
That’s half the fun of trying this. To see what you can come up with.
All I did earlier was change the background to a royal blue and the Fm to a reddish color. With the icon being so small, you could hardly make out the Fm. I was thinking of making some type of design or copying something like a distinctive insect to see what that would look like.
Forgot to add. On your sidebar with the bookmarks. If you have Parvum bookmarked and it has the blogger icon, you’ll have to delete that bookmark and put in a new one for your icon to show up.
I’m putting up a new post at the b now — some cloud photos … have you got any cloud photos to post? You can’t see anything in these though — they’re just pretty.
Had a great nap this afternoon, now about to settle in and watch the Sharks give the Dallas Stars (or as DJ calls them, the Phallus Scars) their first loss of the season.
I’m getting close to digging out the box of jeans that’s under the bed — I bought some that were a size too small (actually they did fit, but were a bit too tight for my taste) but I decided to keep them instead of sending them back. (Once I find a brand of jeans I like, I tend to just keep buying the same ones.) Can’t wait till I can stick the “fat chick” jeans into the bag for Goodwill… 🙂
Okay, time to settle in for hockey — Sharks just took a 1-0 lead! 🙂
I was crouched and bent over cleaning up stuff that had fallen behind the couch … and I had a hard time getting to my feet afterwards … does that count? 🙂
I decided to treat myself to some really good italian food after working late today so I could decompress. The Pinot Noir went down good, I didn’t want to stop after one glass O:-)
The Lava Flow
Does it come with a cabana boy? 😉
think he may have run off with refinish69’s chef.
so my stomach can go under, will ya?
Truth be told I’m 5′ 7″ or so and I’d be lucky to go under a bar that’s set at 5′ 6″.
end up throwing out your back, we’ll provide plenty of liquor to numb the pain. We aim to please.
who claimed he only used liquor in case of snakebite, and then went around going, “Here snake . . . here snake . . . “
Evenin’ folks…one more midterm to get through. Just one more…
How many have you taken already?
OT, but are you going to DL next week?
I’ve taken 3 to date. Last one is Real Estate, arguably my weakest subject this semester.
And yes, I’ll be at Drinking Liberally next week. I’m not sure for how long, as I have some casework I will need to do that night, but I’ll be there for at least an hour.
I’m sure you’ll be relieved to have that over with.
Hopefully I’ll see you at DL then.
for the rest of them Psi. You have a fall break approaching, no? Hope it gives you some much-needed downtime although with the election approaching I doubt you’ll do much slacking.
I have fall break this coming weekend. Going to go canvass for Lamont up in CT.
Bring on the beach…
been snowing since 10 this AM, and it’s starting to get serious, ah well…had to happen
where’s everybody?
I’m ready for the beach … and I’ve got my umbrella … 🙂
could use an umbrella here today…wet, heavy snow…prob should shake the trees in a bit, as it’s showing no sign of letting up.
How’s things in O-town?
It’s too early for snow ….. wah! 🙂
Things are much better now — I had a late meeting, but I’m home so doing much better. If it was a little cooler here today, I’m sure we’d be having heavy, wet snow … instead it was rainy, grey, cool all day.
Wow, I really need to get my @$$ out of the desert. While this is my favorite time of year here, I miss having four discernable seasons.
Hi D!
in Seattle:
Winter – season of cold rain
Spring – season of rain and fog
Summer – season of warm rain
Fall – season of rain and wind
Winter: jeans and sweater
Spring: jeans and tshirt
Summer: nekkid
Fall: see Spring
any sun in that mix?…you remember the sun?
Sun? You mean that big scary yellow thing that comes out of the clouds every July?
Hi Omir.
Are you trying to say it kind of cloudy up there? 🙂
Hey Manny, and I see FM’s about too…supposed to get about 7″ + -…
it’s nice having 4 seasons…but it’d be even nicer to have a beach/desert place to go to about jan/feb…the first shot is always the hardest one to take.
Hi dada.
I’ll trade you some heat/humidity for some snow. 🙂
I’d gladly share, but you can keep the heat/humidity….snow’s on the house…:{)
and shake the trees….catch yawl later
don’t drink it all up…k?
see ya in a bit
How’s everyone doing tonight?
How’s things w/ you? You busy visiting w/ the rels?
Yep the rels and a very long nap. 🙂
so, how’s George … still barking?
Yep he has been a barking machine since yesterday.
How’s did your day go?
It went not too badly considering I didn’t get to nap during the day … 😛 … but, I’m tired right now.
I just watched KO … he’s going to have a special comment tomorrow on the end of habeas corpus.
Yep George is having a ball, but my ears aren’t.
You need to have in your job description at least one nap a day. I’ll keep a look out for KO tomorrow.
get hoarse or something?
I’ll have to make the nap request during the next performance eval’n 🙂
Nope he never gets tired of it. Last Xmas when some relatives he really doesn’t like came over he started barking. We all went across the street to my sisters house for a couple of hours and when I came back he was still barking even though no one had been in the house. Heck I could hear him across the street on my way back to the house.
A good work contract would be at least two naps a day, start work at 10:00 am with a 3 hour lunch starting at 11:00 am and working ending at 3:00 pm. Tell em you could be much more productive that way. 🙂
That sounds like the perfect work day. 🙂
Maybe George was just trying to tell you that you forgot him when you went across the street … 😉
It’s a good thing you don’t live in an apt!
Luckily since I’ve had George I’ve never had to live in an apartment. When I first got him and was moving around some, that was one of my biggest worries.
I told my brother about Bud and HJ and he told me yesterday that he has a friend that has a new litter of Basset puppies. He told me when they were weaned he would bring me one. Don’t know how FMom or George would take to that. 🙂
Yeah I figure with the work day, I should become someone’s agent. Go in first and demand the client never has to show up for work and then let myself be talked down to the couple of hours a day. Of course for the couple of hours, we would have to double the existing pay scale. :~)
His name was Lynyrd (yes, after the band :)…
He was the last dog I had … He’s been gone a few years now.
Here’s a pic I just scanned:
Click for larger
Lynyrd looks like he was a great dog. In a way I’m hoping for the puppy and in a way I’m not. I know FMom would raise the roof if I bought another pet in here, but she did learn to love George, so there is hope. 🙂
had his moments, but don’t we all … 😉
can you imagine George and FBasset … barking and howling away … LOL
When George’s half brother Henry was alive, George used to give him so much hell that I thought when George gets old, I’m going to get a puppy to show him what he put Henry through. I think if I got the puppy, I would be the one going through hell though. 🙂
Plus George is so jealous that he won’t even let Cat sit right by me. If Cat jumps up by me, then George is right there placing himself in between both of us.
Wow … that is interesting about Cat … yeah, getting a puppy would probably not sit well w/ George!
George is that way with anything, human or animal, that gets close to me. I picked up my great nephew yesterday and we were sitting down watching TV. As soon as George saw that, he started barking and trying to get the nephew out of my lap, so he could get there. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more jealous dog.
Anytime something like that happens or I fuss at George, he’ll crawl in my lap and put his head on my chest and just stare up at me. You can’t stay mad at something like that. 🙂
Poor guy must have been in agony when you went away for those few days and had him at the vet.
Yep I think he was, but Cat was there with him and the vet said they were in cages by each other. Actually when I went to pick them up I got Cat first, and I could hear George howling because he thought he was going to be by himself.
I think you posted about that moment.
Do Cat and George get on well then? Or do they tolerate each other?
I’m moving down to the bottom left to answer. See ya there.
cute!!! I wonder how Bud would react to having snow around on a regular basis. It snowed back at my parents’ house last winter and he was freaking out with the new environment.
like us … but I bet it was fun to watch him explore it for the first time … 🙂
engaging in some frivolity while I gear up for a long evening at the office. u?
A long evening at the office? Manny you need a vacation!
Not much going on here, just slacking as usual. 🙂
need a getaway but it’s not in the cards for the next several weeks. Grinning and bearing it has become an artform. You’ll have to be my proxy and slack the evening away 🙂
Be back in a few, gotta get another batch of work done.
Always glad to help you out in the slacking department.
Although it will be a stretch, I think I can slack enough for two, maybe three even. :~)
Cat and George get along great. A lot of times they’ll be on my bed sleeping together side by side. George gets fiesty every now and then and he’ll run around and play nip at Cat. She’ll play around and put up with it for awhile, but when she’s ready to stop, George knows.
Now Tom is a different story. When George is outside and Tom comes up, he won’t put up with any BS from George. 🙂
Meant to add this picture.
The way they’re both sitting there like that! How’d you get them to pose so nicely … LOL
I don’t remember really. A lot of times it hard to get a picture of them because they don’t like the flash. 🙂
Can I just say that George is about the homeliest looking dog I’ve ever seen? 🙂
That’s what makes him so cute. He’s in the category of so ugly he’s cute. 🙂
I think I would have named him Snaggletooth Louie.
As a puppy you couldn’t tell his teeth would come out that way. My brother told me that everyone of George’s siblings came out with that look. 🙂
although George doesn’t look too amused. Maybe he needed whatever herb Cat was trippin’ on at the time 🙂
I think Cat is the only cat in the world that doesn’t like catnip. You would know I would end up with a Southern Baptist cat. 🙂
It wouldn’t be good if George and Cat didn’t get along. And it wouldn’t be safe for you also, if they both sleep on the bed … hehe. Who knows, maybe if you did get a new puppy he’d fall in line … as long as you gave George his share plus of attention … 🙂
I don’t know if I would have the energy for a new puppy. 🙂
Have you had a chance to work on your sidebar icon? I was playing around with a new one earlier, but the icons are so small you have to get the color scheme right.
very true … and patience, but I think you’ve got that one covered … 🙂
Yeah … I was working on it. It’s so small … Here’s what I’ve got:
Looks kewl. 🙂 When are you going to give it a try?
I found out the first time you put it in the template, it takes a while for it to show up. Because of blogger taking time, I think. However, on the one I tried earlier, it came right up.
LOL … but it’s a start for now … Did you put it up at the other b?
I’m going to try it out w/ Manny’s code.
That’s half the fun of trying this. To see what you can come up with.
All I did earlier was change the background to a royal blue and the Fm to a reddish color. With the icon being so small, you could hardly make out the Fm. I was thinking of making some type of design or copying something like a distinctive insect to see what that would look like.
But, you’re right … it’s so small isn’t it.
Try out an image and see what it looks like.
I’ve been looking for a image, but with it being so small, I have to find the right one.
It worked … 😀
I just saw. Great!
Now that you have the main part down, you can start experimenting. 🙂
Forgot to add. On your sidebar with the bookmarks. If you have Parvum bookmarked and it has the blogger icon, you’ll have to delete that bookmark and put in a new one for your icon to show up.
thanks for that tip!
I just saw the time … whoa! 🙂
I’m putting up a new post at the b now — some cloud photos … have you got any cloud photos to post? You can’t see anything in these though — they’re just pretty.
Yeah I know, I’m up a lot later than usual.
I’ve taken some, but I haven’t gotten any good, let your imagination run shots yets.
Had a great nap this afternoon, now about to settle in and watch the Sharks give the Dallas Stars (or as DJ calls them, the Phallus Scars) their first loss of the season.
I’m getting close to digging out the box of jeans that’s under the bed — I bought some that were a size too small (actually they did fit, but were a bit too tight for my taste) but I decided to keep them instead of sending them back. (Once I find a brand of jeans I like, I tend to just keep buying the same ones.) Can’t wait till I can stick the “fat chick” jeans into the bag for Goodwill… 🙂
Okay, time to settle in for hockey — Sharks just took a 1-0 lead! 🙂
Hi Cali. Glad to hear about the nap. 🙂
I’m the same way on clothes. If I find a brand I like, I stick with it.
Enjoy the hockey game.
And woo hoo on the wt loss … 🙂
What are you people doing up so late?
Hi Mary.
Just one of those nights. Plus I slacked most of the day, so I’m not to sleepy yet. 🙂
How’s your day and night been going?
Hi FM. Busy, as usual. Work, McCaskill, a meeting tonight, and of course watching the game with a couple of people.
I looked in and couldn’t believe people were still around.
Wait …. who are you and what did you do with the REAL Family Man?
Hah, we’ll never tell were the real Family Man is. 🙂
Yep with people still around, it’s feels like old times. :~)
ah, “feels like old times”
quite the geezer statement. You ARE Family Man.
When you’re a geezer you make geezer statements. 😛
Of course I am Family Man. Who else has such a rapier wit. :~)
Of course 😉
I like the picture of George and Cat above. They are quite the pair.
Yep like brother and sister almost. 🙂
to pick up your drink. Pick your poison:
How pretty. Such nice presenation. You really ARE the best on-line bartender 🙂
good is a bartender is only as good as his/her regulars 😉
How’s the audit going?
done with my part, should have everything wrapped up by Friday [knock on laptop screen] Then the waiting game will begin for my boss’ portion.
I’m slowly on my way out … I really wanna say I beat FM to bed … LOL
Are you aspiring to geezerhood?
whether I aspire or not … 😉
Ah yes, but geezerhood is only in the mind. Well then again, when the body starts to fall apart, that also a slight indication. 🙂
I was crouched and bent over cleaning up stuff that had fallen behind the couch … and I had a hard time getting to my feet afterwards … does that count? 🙂
Sure sign of geezerhood. 🙂
at least, I THINK you’re Olivia, but if you beat Family Man to bed …
Wait … has everyone changed identities tonight? 😉
still me, I think.
I decided to treat myself to some really good italian food after working late today so I could decompress. The Pinot Noir went down good, I didn’t want to stop after one glass O:-)
since you’ve been so busy lately. But no Pinot for him … maybe some Frosty Paws?
What did you have? Pasta?
it’s like you’ve entered the cafe through the Looking Glass … 😉
A Panda on the front page is like a full moon — brings out strange things in people 🙂
Funny I never needed a Panda to be strange. 🙂
I think it’s more the possums that come around here that get me.
come on over to the fresh thread.