Today there were a bunch if fascinating articles in the Guardian:

Guardian Home page

I wandered there following a diary on the article about how diet might affect violence.  The theory goes that omega 3 is better than omega 6 and that if used as a supplement it can help violent offenders change their ways.  It also intimated that it could help Attention Deficit Disorders.

Along the way I noticed that Isreal is now using some new weapon that doesn’t show shrapnel in the victims.  Instead burns and a powder coat the organs.  And, most troubling for doctors, even after they get the  patients stabilized the patients will up and die on them for no known reason.  Scary thought.

Then there was the story that the Brits are having trouble with rations in Afghanistan.  The rations have gotten so low that the troops are using belt rations.  Ah planning at its finest!
But then there was the genuine kicker article.  The human race will bifucate into two races about year 3000.  The article suggests that it will split along class lines.  Not much has changed in England since they started having a monarchy!  I suspect that we may have indeed done some splits.  After all, there are those of us who can believe in conspiracies and those that can’t.  There are those of us who look for authoritarian doctrines to get us through and those of us who don’t.  There are those of us who drink Kool aid and those of us who don’t.  I am not sure which of these maybe two lines will come to dominate.  Probably neither.  But maybe if we stuff each other full of Omega 3 oils we won’t be tempted to blast each other to bits with that new Israeli weapon!

Or we could just not worry and wait for the rapture:
doomsday curve

Or again we could take a more cosmic view of the world:
Cosmic song