1 – 1 going into the eighth, after Endy Chavez’s spectacular catch and Jeff Suppan’s gritty pitching in the sixth. Cards-Mets going down to the wire. Amazing.
Yep it is fun to play with. The thing that gets me is I never know how it’s going to turn out until I’ve posted it. What looks good in a larger graphic and colour scheme sometimes doesn’t when reduced down.
I know that 16 X 16 really puts a damper on things. I think this is one of those experiments that you keep at until you finally get so disgusted, you’ll pick out anything. 🙂
San Jose Sharks leading the Detroit Red Wings (or as commonly known, the Dead Things) 3-0 after only one period, so I’m catching the last half of the Mets-Cardinals game. Mets not making it easy for St. Louie, that’s for sure…got 2 on with no one out, bottom of the 9th…
and my phone’s been ringing continuously. My ear hurts from hearing people shouting through it at me.
I didn’t get home until about 9:00, just in time to see that fantabulous play by chavez. I figured that was the game, they couldn’t come back after that.
The only thing the Cardinals have going for them in the World Series is that the Tigers finished so early and have been sitting around (in the cold). Other than that? National league pitching against American league pitching? Ha!
A nice clean cafe and a little help for our friends on dial-up.
1 – 1 going into the eighth, after Endy Chavez’s spectacular catch and Jeff Suppan’s gritty pitching in the sixth. Cards-Mets going down to the wire. Amazing.
Checking out to watch end of game. Nite all!
Good night Teach. It was good talking to you.
FM and George … Looks like a bunch of satisfied froggies to me … 🙂
Thanks Olivia. It looks like all the froggies in the pond are satisfied.
So are you planning to be up all night and only getting a few hours of sleep before work tomorrow?
And with me never being one to gloat, I won’t. But I will say nanny nanny boo boo, I stayed up later than you last night. 🙂
It’s just not right … I don’t want to be a geezer … it’s too soon … nooooooo … 😛
I’m happy to see you handling the approaching geezerhood with such grace. 🙂
Forget grace, I don’t want to be a geezer yet … 🙂
That my dear, I’m afraid you have no choice in. 🙁
Bests to accept it and go from there. 🙂
That whole you-staying-up-later-than-me thing?
Since it hardly every happens I’ve just got to brag about it.
I did the same thing with Psi that one time. 🙂
Evenin’ folks. Got a little Japanese to do, and then I am packing for fall break and going to sleep.
Hello Psi. Going back home for fall break, or are you going to hang around and beat up of refrigerators. 🙂
Very funny. 😛 I will be going home, canvassing for Lamont at least once, catching up on a lot of work, and just clearing my mind, so to speak.
Well I do hope you find some time to relax and have some fun. You’ve been working really hard with school and politics. You deserve a break.
We’ll see. I often find I’m at my sanity’s end during every day at least once.
Your table is pretty full. I’m sure I would have been at sanity’s end most of the time if I had all you do to do.
You need a break like no one else I know … well, maybe IVG … but seriously, I hope you do take some time to do nothing.
I wish I could, but these couple weeks of testing have put me behind the 8-ball in terms of getting work done.
Hey Olivia. I just saw you new icon. The last time I looked it was still the O. Did you make this one up yourself or acquire it from someplace else?
I made it in photoshop … lots of cool things you can do there … but, I’m thinking of putting up initials: po
It’s fun to play w/ it …
Yep it is fun to play with. The thing that gets me is I never know how it’s going to turn out until I’ve posted it. What looks good in a larger graphic and colour scheme sometimes doesn’t when reduced down.
You have to go through all the steps and add it to the template to see what it looks like … thankfully the process isn’t to difficult, eh?
What are you going to try next? Too bad you can’t shrink down a slot to 16 pixels … 😀
I was wondering about that. 🙂
I’m not sure what’s next. I was looking at my side bar and saw how Booman has the frog face, MSOC has her white dove and photobucket has its camera.
I would like to come up with some really good graphic that stood out. Just haven’t figured out what it will be yet.
sloth icon
Extremely cool. I think that will be going up tonight.
Thanks Olivia.
I shrunk this one down to 16p myself … very tiny!
I just added it to my template and I’ll see how it looks in just a minute.
It looks great … LOL
I guess I should have waited for your reply first. If you didn’t know slothful was part of FM would you be able to tell what it was?
and I’m not sure … it really is so tiny …
we might have to get other opinions on this … the Fm is very clear, but not so sure about the sloth … hmmmm.
I think that’s a good idea. Make a comment that has all of the reduced graphics in it and take a poll on which one is the best.
on your b in the description area … that might make it more clear when people see both?
I like the idea of getting opinions though.
That’s a good idea too. I’ll give that a try tomorrow.
What new designs are you thinking about?
just initials for now … I’m not sure what to do
I know that 16 X 16 really puts a damper on things. I think this is one of those experiments that you keep at until you finally get so disgusted, you’ll pick out anything. 🙂
And then you turn it over to your readers to get some feedback … 🙂
I just did it and it’s so small you can’t really tell what it is.
I think I’ll go back to the last one i had up for now. Thanks for the help though.
you can make that one out … lol
San Jose Sharks leading the Detroit Red Wings (or as commonly known, the Dead Things) 3-0 after only one period, so I’m catching the last half of the Mets-Cardinals game. Mets not making it easy for St. Louie, that’s for sure…got 2 on with no one out, bottom of the 9th…
We’re going to the World Series!
Nothing like having a basically crappy team that you complain about from even before the All Star Break go to the World Series.
I’m watching Bill DeWitt accept the trophy and can see, like a bubble coming out of his head, “now I don’t have to spend ANY money in the off season.”
Actually you just explained my whole outlook/attitude. Always expect the worst, but when something good happens it’s like Xmas.
I take it people in Saint Louis are celebrating. 🙂
and my phone’s been ringing continuously. My ear hurts from hearing people shouting through it at me.
I didn’t get home until about 9:00, just in time to see that fantabulous play by chavez. I figured that was the game, they couldn’t come back after that.
No work will get done at my office tomorrow 🙂
Geeze all this excitement over a little hockey game. 🙂
Hate to run when you just got back, but I’m going to call it a night. I’ve got to take FMom in for a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
Whew – I can exhale now. And to get Beltran, of all people, for the last out, and to get him looking on a paralysis curveball. Amazing.
Now let’s hope Albert’s bat heats up next week.
Go Cards!
The only thing the Cardinals have going for them in the World Series is that the Tigers finished so early and have been sitting around (in the cold). Other than that? National league pitching against American league pitching? Ha!
But who cares? We’re going to the World Series!
I’m going to bed …I’m nodding off here. UGH!
I was trying to outlast FM, but I can’t do it … LOL
Hah, double Hah and triple Hah!
Geezerhood has it’s claws in you Olivia.
Sleep well and we’ll see you tomorrow.
lighweights when it comes to this nightowl business.