Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour II
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
A new clean cafe. Sit back, put your feet up and drinks are on their way.
I never put my feet up – I have manners. Oh, who am I kidding?
Aren’t we all talkative this evening!
Manners and cafe just don’t seem to mix. π
Yep we are talkative, but it’s about time. I hate to click into a cafe and see no one has made a comment in hours.
Me too. I bet lots of people click and see that no one has commented, so they don’t either. :/
I think you’re right about the not commenting. Hopefully when full blown winter gets here, people will be inside more and able to jump in more often.
Sometimes it’s daunting to jump in becuse so many BTer’s know each other so well. It’s like you’re at a party and two or three people are in a tight circle, deep in discussion. It’s hard to know how to ease in. But it’s a friendly place, and I certainly have been made to feel welcome. I hope others feel safe to de-lurk as well.
A good opening line even for newcomers is: hey, where’s the orgy?
Yep that always seems to get everybody’s attention. π
SN, you may just shock the gentle their gentle souls.
I meant to say, you my just shock their gentle souls.
Jumping into a conversation in the Cafe is never inappropriate…
I agree with you ask. No matter what the conservation or who it is, jumping into the conservation is always appropriate.
I agree, but I suspect it never hurts to toss out invites and reassurances, like we’re here.
finally a cafe that didn’t take 12 hours to fill what’s new
Yes, now I don’t have to talk to myself like I did earlier this week.
I don’t know. I find when I talk to myself, I’m the most intelligent and funny person I know.
Doesn’t say much for the people I do know. π
When I talk to myself, I’m the drunkest person I know.
Unfortunately I don’t have to be drunk to do that, but when I am, damn I can tell a good joke. π
Alcohol brings out my dour Scot’s side, must be careful. I do enjoy a happy drunk, though.
Drinking always made me into a cuddly drunk. I never really understood the people who get angry when they drink.
I’d rather enjoy it by laughing and having a good time than to let anger rule me while I’m drunk.
I don’t get angry, but I do tend to get caustic, pessimistic, and generally bleak. It’s the way we Scot’s do things. We didn’t give the world Hobbes and John Knox by accident.
A long time ago when I used to go down to New Orleans a lot, I would love to buy a hurricane and sit on Bourbon Street and watching all the different types of drunks pass by, or out for that matter. π
My one and only time in no … π
When I used to do this, you could walk down Bourbon St and find someone with these giant pots boiling corn on the cob. I used to like to get a corn on the cob and drink hurricanes while watching.
With the strenght of the hurricanes and the price of the corn, it was a pretty cheap drunk. π
It was a wild night out for lil o from canada … π
I bet it was a wild time for lil O from Canada. π
that I had never even imagined in my wildest thoughts … π
I always thought NO was the wildest town I had every been to. That is until I went to Amsterdam. Now that was truly amazing. π
Maybe the impressions of an 18 y.o. girl from Canada and her wild nights in NO. π
no writing … π … an no photos … π
I would be more than happy to host your diary at my b.
Hah and double Hah! π
okay … if you’re going to write something up, I might consider doing the same and you can post at your b … Might.
Ah ha, trying to pull the double whammy on me are ya? π
Your might, might turn into another Olivia podcast. π
But then I thought about what I’d be writing and not sure I want to be using that as my podlaunch … lol … π
I keep telling ya, just a short simple hello starting podcast, and then on to the 2 hour talks. π
I’m going to run and put up a 24/7 cafe.
Back in a second.
It’s never appealed to me, but I know many people love that town.
I used to think it was a great town, but back then I was much younger and loved the crowds of people on Bourbon St.
Today, I can do without the crowds, and my big throw it all to the wind party days are gone. π
if you are refering to the Senators when you talk hockey.
They just lost to d’s team tonight — the Avs …. grrrr.
I’m refer to both the Sens and the junior team, the 67s. Can’t get enough hockey … π
but moved to Dallas, just as the Broad Street Bullies started winng. I’ve been in Detroit for the Red Wings last three Stanley Cups. They are a fun team, but I think they maybe in down turn. Still, they aren’t bad.
this year … you know he’s persona not grata here in ottawa …
and of course, I’m a stevie yzerfan … π … gonna miss him …
He didn’t make too many fans here either his first time through. I don’t think he’s going to hold up. His style of play, age, and history of groin problems will probably catch up wth him. The Wings are being overshadowed by the Tigers right now and by the pistons the past few years. But they are fun to watch. The tickets though cost a fortune, so I don’t go to games.
w/ the Tigers … lots of energy.
I lived in Windsor very briefly — couple of yrs — and went to one Tigers game while there.
It is very fun. This team lost 119 games three ago. It hasn’t had a winning season since ’93. But I think this town is more excited by this Tigers team that it was by the Red Wings or the Pistons championship teams.
it’s a sweet ride … I hope they do it. π
Is there anyway you could get away for a BT Midwest-Mid South get together. Is there an option for temporary assistance with you mother?
I would love to get away and meet everyone, but it’s a we’ll see once the date and place approaches.
Well, where’d be good for you?
The closest place I could think of would be Memphis. The last meeting held there, I missed, but Memphis is only about a four hour drive for me
I’m up for Memphis. I know others have discussed it as well.
Well with me a lot of things have to be right before I could make it there. Of course taking care of FMom, money and transportation. Lets just say if everything came into alignment memphis would be the best place.
See my NYM v. StL bet at soggy end of the earlier cafe.
Hi Teach. How has the day been going?
Today we began the three-week extravaganza of High Stakes testing. My third graders did pretty well on the first part of the Math section. Looks like 8 out 10 will make the cut. I’ll check out the 4th graders tomorrow. Not much nap time in elementary school anymore.
Yes you’re shaping the great minds of tomorrow. I think you should have a mandatory nap class. The little ones should be taught the higher points of napping. π
Instead of the higher points of rote learning and being so nervous that you cry before school or throw up like my youngest did a few years ago.
It was dark dreary here today. I finished the day with 45 minutes a Harry Potter read aloud. Several young FM proteges dozed right off. You’d a’ been proud.
It has been about the same here. We had some really hard rain/thunder showers from time to time, but it appears to be settling down now. I think our next thunderstorm will be around Sunday.
Anybody/anything that can just doze off, I’m always proud of. π
Mr. Nature has dozed off in mid-sentence a few times.
I’ve been sitting at the computer and typing when I’ve dozed off before. Then again, I think I’ve made napping into an art form. π
Jim falls asleep pointing the remote at the tv and his hand on the channel button.
ask curly!
(couldn’t make it shorter)
Male Energy Saver Mode. He knows when he wakes up, he’ll want to surf the channels.
That’s the same reason I sleep with a bowl of chocolate frosting.
That’s why God gave us two hands. Just watch out for the zapper getting dropped in frosting. Hey, wait a minute, A chocolate covered Pop-Tart with a miniturized channel changer encoded in the surface. Eat and Surf, Surf and eat. Any techies out there want to go into business?
are tricky with a room full of kids. They are sleepy and irritable. Some of them sleep, some hit. It takes eyes in the side of your head, as well the back, to keep things moving. That’s why my Happy Hour drink is a brisk cup of Barry’s tea and a few Carr’s Ginger Lemon Creams. Anything harder and I’d be wiped out. And Friday awaits.
Yeah it will be Friday which means a weekend coming up. Just think you’ll have an entire weekend and then you’ll start everythig over again. π
I try not to think about Monday until Sunday night.
Very wise decision.
I’m so glad I’m agnostic.
Hi Andi. How has the day off been?
took a nice walk in the rain, bought some new tennies, went to the library, went out to dinner — that’s about a month’s worth of activity in one day.
You’ll need some recovery time then. I cleaned up lots of dog pee, took HJ on a 2 mile walk, took her to the dog park, picked up a used birdcage and sterilized it before moving Bitey into his new home, took some snack foods to the high school where Ben has been spending 14 hours a day building the set for tonight’s opening (he’s operating the spotlight – very cool for him!) and let’s see what else, oh yeah, cleaned up more pee.
did you see my comment I made to you this morning about the peeing problem?
I did, but I had her checked for a UTI and whatever else might be a physical cause and she’s fine. She sleeps on my bed all through the night without a problem, so I think it’s behavioral. It’s not really very much at a time – a squirt here a squirt there…:)
I was talking about Hopeful, Jr., not you.
That’s how it was with giddy — mostly dribbles and usually when she was lying down.
She seems to do it any time I leave her alone or close a door so she can’t follow me. Like she’s saying nyah nyah.
I should add that she drops a deuce every now and then too, just for variety.
Definitely sounds behavioral. I think she’s mad at you.
my kind of woman
There’s not room in this house for two vindictive bitches. One of us has got to go.
So when will you find your new place. π
Sure…its fine with me. But if the Mets win, the Tigers will be facing the curse of the KC Royals..(Damon MVP 2004, Dye MVP 2005, Beltran MVP 2006). Because the Baseball gods hate KC, they have decided to make our cast-offs World Series MVP’s. –they all played in the same outfield at one-time in KC.
Your had the Brett, McRae, F. White, Willie Wilson, Quiz, Mayberry years. Is it the new owners who have messed up the team. I’m guessing the team has new owners since Ewing Kaufman died.
No, we are cursed, World Series 1985…the ball hit down the first base line was really a foul ball not fair.
Not much going on here. Just trying to get everyone feed and settled down.
How about you?
Hi FM. I wasn’t sure if you saw this last time I posted it, hence the repost.
Everytime I see Inti eating while lying down, for some reason I think of you.
Hi keres. Thanks for reposting.
Inti is an animal after my own heart. π
He always manages to pour me a little extra.
How is everybody?
with things they don’t want.
How’s your new job going?
Heck Omir, George and I are always happy to pour a little extra for you.
How has the new job been shaping up?
Hey, Omir. Job working out OK?
The job is going pretty well. Give me a few months and I might have an idea of what I’m doing.
Already I can see several ways in which the processes I’m learning can be automated better. The documentation consists of several pages of “run this command, then run this command, then install this utility . . .” and Perl (my favorite language) excels at that sort of thing.
I just finished dinner. Full tummy, dry pants, must be time for bed.
Bed this early? Me thinks geezerhood is at Omir’s house. π
Well I ain’t there yet. I have a couple hours of messing around on the computer first. But I’m definitely heading in that direction.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe here