MISSOURI: If you need any further motivation to support Claire McCaskill, read Jim Talent’s opinions on laws regulating abortion. Here is what Novakula has to say:

“Polls show this race on the razor’s edge between Sen. Jim Talent (R) and state Auditor Claire McCaskill (D). Talent, however, has more than 15 times as much cash in his own campaign account for the home stretch — $4.2 million to $250,000.”

SurveyUSA has McCaskill up by nine, Rasmussen has her down by one.

TENNESSEE: Harold Ford, Jr. is a clever guy. On the first day of early voting in Tennessee, he chose to campaign in his opponent’s home town:

On the state’s first day of early voting, Rep. Ford, after his Chattanooga speech, led his supporters on a quarter-mile march on foot alongside the busy highway to the Hamilton County Election Commission. Rep. Ford stopped at least once during the walk to put bumper stickers on the back of at least one car entering the commission’s parking lot.

Meanwhile, Corker continues to be plagued by ethical problems.

Rasmssen has Ford up by two. SurveyUSA has Corker up by two.

VIRGINIA: The Washington Post endorsed Webb, the Moonie Times endorsed Allen. Bush is openly campaiging for Macaca (as well as mistress-beater Rep. Sherwood (PA-10)) today. Slick Willie is openly campaigning for Webb today. A Washington Post poll puts the racist in the lead at 49%-47%. There’s a 3% margin of error. Rassmussen has Allen up by three.

NEVADA: Jack Carter and John Ensign had their fisrt debate on the 16th. No new polling yet. Carter has a lot less money and he is trailing badly in the polls. Hopefully, he will get a big bump from his exposure in the debates.

ARIZONA: Kyl and Pederson were joined by a combative Libertarian candidate in yesterday’s debate. That can’t be good for Kyl. Just as Lamont needs the Republican to do well in Connecticut, Pederson needs the Libertarian to draw off some votes. Kyl is polling 5-10 points ahead.

MONTANA: Montana State University has Tester ahead of Crooked Conrad Burns, 46%-35%.

PENNSYLVANIA: Rasmusssen has Bob Casey, Jr. ahead 55%-43%. Say goodnight, Rick.

RHODE ISLAND: Rasmussen has Sheldon Whitehouse ahead 51%-42%. But Rhode Island College has it at 40%-37% with 23% still undecided.

OHIO: Lots of recent polls for Ohio. All of them good. NYT/CBS has Sherrod Brown up 49%-35%. Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA and the University of Cincinnati all have Brown over 50%. These are stunning numbers for a challenger.

NEW JERSEY: Yesterday was official pander to Israel day in this race. Both Rasmussen and Quinnipiac have Menendez up by four.

MARYLAND: The latest SurveyUSA poll has this race tied. I have no explanation for that. The only other recent poll has Cardin ahead 53%-44%.

William Greider speaks for a lot of us.

Okay, I admit it. As the election approaches, I am feeling a creepy sense of paranoia. My right brain reads the newspapers, studies the polls and thinks we are looking at a blow-out next month–Dems conquer at last. My left brain hoots in derision. Get real, sucker.