Excuse my french. WTF?!!
ESCONDIDO, Calif. – City leaders have approved an ordinance prohibiting landlords from renting to illegal immigrants, the latest of a handful of communities nationwide to pass laws cracking down on people who hire or rent to undocumented immigrants.
Yep, better to let them just sleep under a bridge or other appropriate place. Because it would likely lead to the downfall of our nation, or possibly the entirety of western civilization, if illegal immigrants were to have proper housing.
More than 100 police officers and sheriff’s deputies dressed in riot gear were on hand for the vote, passed 3-2 Wednesday. After the measure was approved, one person ran outside the council chamber and yelled, “The USA wins!” prompting opponents and supporters gathered on the lawn to shout at each other for 30 minutes.
No, the USA loses. We are largely a nation of immigrants (or descendants of same). As of the most recent count (sorry, no link), something like 60% of Americans are descendants of immigrants that arrived here in the last 100 years. How quickly we have forgotten our roots.
Landlords will now find themselves playing the role of Department of Immigration agent:
Under the law, landlords will be required to submit documentation of their tenants’ immigration status to the city, which will then submit the information to the federal government for verification.
And the requisite penalty provisions have been enacted.
If tenants are found to be illegal immigrants, landlords would be given 10 days to evict them or face suspension of their business license. Repeat offenders could face misdemeanor charges and fines.
What have we become?
Do you suppose that Exxon-Mobile and Walmart are permitted to sell goods to illegal immigrants in Escondido?
We have become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Corporate mercenaries. We are a nation of people without representation.
This is sad – I don’t think it will stand for long.
I assume they will similarly pass and enforce laws punishing corporations for hiring illegal immigrants? I mean, after this such an employer can pay even lower wages. Because now their employees don’t have to pay rent or electric or anything.
Technically, corporations ARE supposed to check for proof of legal residency or citizenship… a signed form swearing that the HR person has seen this documentation is a required part of any personnel file, whether you work for the government, a huge multi-national firm, a fast-food restaurant chain, or a small local business.
That’s for regular employees, of course. I’m sure nobody asks about the day laborers in construction, office cleaning, landscaping, etc. Nor the migrant farm workers. And I’m sure that the INS isn’t looking too hard at hiring practices in busineses that depend on immigrant labor, who would go out of business (or be forced to pay real wages) without it. No one except the crazies whom the neocons are instigating on this issue really wants to stop immigration…. they just want to control them, treat them like a business resource, but keep them from ever qualifying to vote or developing sufficient confidence and solidarity to unionize….
NONE of this is at all fair, or right. This is more to create means by which immigrants can be kept out of more “desireable” neighborhoods… just require the landlord to provide proof of legal residence for any tenants you find undesirable. I’ve seen some Virginia suburbs recently pass zoning regulations that essentially forbid extended families or non-family members from sharing the cost of a mortgage or rent in a large house — because that’s the only way you CAN afford to live in a lot of neighborhoods, especially on low-wage jobs. This is ultimately aimed at setting up immigrant ghettos… force them to live in only certain areas through legal and economic pressures, which can be periodically “swept” to make sure none have overstayed their “guest worker” visa….
This is frightening and obscene.
Several other cities already have passed such laws and there are more to come. Each city is facing legal challenges and aren’t enforcing and probably never will. These bonehead laws are going to cost these cities a lot of money.
Of course the ultimate goal is to put latinos in ghettos and keep ’em away from the nice white folk. Every one of these anti mex folk benefits from the labor of latinos, they know it, they just don’t want to have to look at them, damn those uppity beaners for forgetting their place.