Four months ago, the White House offered a set of clear political directions to Republicans heading into the midterm elections: embrace the war in Iraq as critical to the antiterrorism fight and belittle Democrats as advocates of a “cut and run” policy of weakness.
With three weeks until Election Day, Republican candidates are barely mentioning Iraq on the campaign trail and in their television advertisements.
Even President Bush, continuing to attack Democrats for opposing the war, has largely dropped his call of “stay the course” and replaced it with a more nuanced promise of flexibility.
It is the Democrats who have seized on Iraq as a central issue. In debates and in speeches, candidates are pummeling Republicans with accusations of a failed war.
Rather than avoiding confrontation on Iraq as they did in 2002 and 2004, they are spotlighting their opposition in new television advertisements that feature mayhem and violence in Iraq, denounce Republicans for supporting Mr. Bush and, in at least one case, demand the ouster of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
help finance George “Macaca” Allen’s campaign: RadarOnline
It’s nothing but tsuris for Senator Macaca-witz these days. George Allen, the newly Jewish and allegedly racist senator from Virginia, was supposed to skate to a re-election victory next month and promptly start posturing toward the White House; instead, owing to a series of colossal campaign missteps, he’s locked in a dead heat with Democratic candidate Jim Webb.
And now comes word that among the conservative Allen’s campaign contributors is, according to recently filed court documents, a porn-loving, adulterous, abusive drunk who likes to advertise on Craig’s List for three-ways and anal sex and takes naked pictures of himself standing at attention.
The contributor in question is Craig T. Schelske, the latest sanctimonious Christian Republican to be outed as a wannabe Rick James.
The link also includes a lovely photo of the Schelskes with the Cheneys…
How close are we to the “tipping point” of runaway climate change? A new book says we’re 80% of the way there, and will reach it unless we cut existing rates of emission by between 60% and 80% in the next 40 years. It can be done, but the last decade of piddling about is one we could scarce afford – the cost of action is significant, but the cost of inaction is unthinkable. Because of the 25-30 year lag time between emission and the full effects on climate, we’re feeling the heat now from emissions in the disco era.
Using the highest resolution radar-signal images ever made of the moon; planetary astronomers have found no evidence for ice in craters at the lunar south pole. However, “These new results do not preclude ice being present as small grains in the lunar soil based on the Lunar Prospector’s discovery of enhanced hydrogen concentrations at the lunar poles,” said Donald Campbell, Cornell professor of astronomy and a principal investigator.
The military must inspect the chemical weapons it dumped into the ocean decades ago to determine the danger they now pose to people or marine life, under a bill signed into law on Tuesday. “We’re elated,” said a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii, who pushed for the new law. “This is the first concrete step that addresses a serious threat to the public. It’s very important.”
The bottom portion of Norway’s Storbreen (Big Glacier) in Jotunheimen has split in two and is steadily melting.
Several years of warm summers and poor snowfall have left Bretunga, the lower part of the glacier, in poor shape.
“The glacier is now clearly divided in two. Less than ten years ago it was completely joined there at the bottom,” Liss Marie Andreassen, glaciologist at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), told
I ran across some really cool tsunami simulation movies and thougth I’d share them.
Check out this site, where geophysicist Steven Ward has some awesome Quicktime movies of various tsunamis, real historical ones as well as possible future ones, including earthquake, landslide, and asteroid impact tsunamis.
After you’ve seen the ones you want on the main page, be sure to click thru the links at the top of the page for more goodies!
NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF: Jailed Journalist: Sami’s Shame, and Ours
There is no public evidence that Sami al-Hajj committed any crime other than journalism for a television network the Bush administration doesn’t like.
But the U.S. has been holding Mr. Hajj, a cameraman for Al Jazeera, for nearly five years without trial, mostly at Guantánamo Bay. With the jailing of Mr. Hajj and of four journalists in Iraq, the U.S. ranked No. 6 in the world in the number of journalists it imprisoned last year, just behind Uzbekistan and tied with Burma, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.[snip]
Mr. Hajj is the only journalist known to be there, and, of course, it’s possible that he does have terrorist connections. If so, he should be tried, convicted and sentenced.
But so far, the evidence turned up by his lawyers and by the Committee to Protect Journalists — which published an excellent report on Mr. Hajj’s case this month — suggests that the U.S. military may be keeping him in hopes of forcing him to become a spy.
That’s right, he’s not a terrorist, or a terrorist collaborator, just a guy who the US wants to spy on Al Jazeera. So they keep him and threaten him and his family in the hopes that he’ll eventually agree to be a spy. We’ve held him for almost 5 years for nothing. See how that “enemy combatant” thing works? Think Bush will be any more careful or honrst when he starts declaring you and me as enemy combatants?
“[A] critical question, easily answered by Bush, is this: was the nuke that North Korea just tested a uranium-235 or plutonium-239 device? That difference, though seemingly technical, is of considerable geopolitical (and just plain political) significance.
[..] Thus, if the nuke was a plutonium bomb (as it now appears to have been), then Bush can put a nuke-armed North Korea on his list of foreign-policy achievements.”
“Thus, if the nuke was a plutonium bomb (as it now appears to have been), then Bush can put a nuke-armed North Korea on his list of foreign-policy achievements.”
Last night I saw Republican assholes excoriating Clinton and Carter for coming out and saying North Korea is directly in Bush’s lap. But it has been OK to listen to every Republican hack from Tony Snow on down blame Clinton.
Yesterday Idredit and I were discussing how the Israelis use of experimental weaponry in Gaza mirrored the US’ use of experimentals in Iraq. I found where I had heard about the Iraq incident. It was, as I suspected, from a DemocracyNow! broadcast back in July of this year:
The suspicion was that it was some type of laser. Bodies that weren’t hit with any projectile were burnt and shrunk to less than a meter in size. There were traces of fused metal and the US forces dug up the entire area before replacing even the dirt. There were three bodies in a car that had the heads burnt so badly that there were no eyes; only gaping holes and exposed teeth. A year later, another document was found on these weapons:
NARRATOR: We found another disturbing document on the use of mysterious weapons in Iraq, which referred to episodes taking place almost at the same time as those described by Majid al Ghezali.
SAAD AL FALLUJI: Twenty-six in the bus. About twenty of them, some of them have no head. They had been cut. Some of them, the arms, the legs. The only one who didn’t injure was the driver, and really I don’t know how he reached our hospital, because one hand, one arm was in his lap, one head beside him. It was a very, very strange, horrible thing. In the roof of the car there was parts of the bodies: omentum, intestines, brains, all parts of the body. It was miserable. Very, very, very, very miserable.
GEERT VAN MOORTER: Do you have idea with what kind of weapons they attacked that bus?
SAAD AL FALLUJI: This bus, we didn’t know what kind of weapon hit. Really what we saw cut arms, cut legs, cut head, abdomen, open abdomen, viscera outside.
DOCTOR NO. 2: It seems to be a new weapon.
SAAD AL FALLUJI: Yes, a new weapon.
DOCTOR NO. 2: They are trying to do experiments on our civilians. Nobody can identify what the type of this weapon.
NARRATOR: We went to Belgium to find the filmmaker of this sequence, Geert Van Moorter, a doctor working as a volunteer in Iraq.
GEERT VAN MOORTER: Here in this footage is taken in the hospital, the General Teaching Hospital in Hilla, which is about 100 kilometers from Baghdad and close to the historical site of Babylon. Here, we had a talk with the colleague doctor Saad al Falluji, which is the chief surgeon in that hospital. Doctor al Falluji said me that from the survivors that he operated, that they said they did not hear any noise. So there was no explosion to hear, no metal fragments or shrapnels or bullets in the bodies, so they themselves were thinking of some strange kinds of weapon, which they did not know.
So you tell me… what kind of souless demons are in charge in this country? The same brand as the ones who are using experimental weapons in Gaza. Some day I pray that the entire truth comes out. America needs to come face to face with what we’ve become under Bush.
the same ‘souless monsters’ that shredded the constitution, legalized torture because it’s only the enemy… comforting themselves as being on the right side of humanity not fully realizing they’ve caught up with 1930s Germanic principles of inhumanity.
What an exchange? trampling freedoom while professing to fight for it with cruelty. They’ll pay. in. the. future.
A little-known Republican group that claims to have swayed the 2004 presidential election with provocative radio advertising aimed at black and Hispanic audiences is spending nearly $1 million this year to boost the GOP’s chances of holding on to a majority in Congress…
Here’s one of the tactics they’re using:
…Another ad features a dialogue between two men.
“If you make a little mistake with one of your `hos,’ you’ll want to dispose of that problem tout suite, no questions asked,” one of the men says.
“That’s too cold. I don’t snuff my own seed,” the other replies.
“Maybe you do have a reason to vote Republican,” the first man says.
That’s supposed to appeal to African-American voters, so that they race right out and vote Republican. WTF?
The cloak is constructed from advanced “metamaterials”
A US-British team of scientists has successfully tested a cloak of invisibility in the laboratory.
The device hid a small copper cylinder from passing microwaves in tests at Duke University in North Carolina.
It works by deflecting the microwaves around the object and restoring them on the other side, as if they had passed through empty space.
Gone from view
In principle, the same theoretical blueprint could be used to cloak objects from visible light. But this would pose a challenge, as nano-scale engineering would be needed to make the cloak.
. The researchers say that if an object can be hidden from microwaves, it can be hidden from radar – a possibility that will fascinate the military.
Cloaking differs from stealth technology, which does not make an aircraft invisible but reduces the cross-section available to radar, making it hard to track.
Today Bush will be in town to suck money out of rich Republicans for Don Sherwood. Air Force One just flew over my house a little while ago.
As soon as I realized what was happening, I ran outside and flipped a nice double bird with an explanation at the top of my voice: “FUCKER!”
Yeah he’s here. Local rich Republicans are pissing themselves to get in line to pay to fawn over Bush. Everyone else is disgusted about it. Carney was asked this morning about Bush’s visit. He said that Bush’s numbers are about 35% approval in the district, but those are higher than Sherwood’s numbers, so maybe it will help a little. (good answer)
Anyway, Bush might have looked out his window and saw my house, my barn, me. I feel so dirty!
You know, I have a nasty cold today and am truely miserable, but being able to flip the bird to Air Force One… priceless!
miscalculated this election season: NYT
About damned time the Dems did that…
help finance George “Macaca” Allen’s campaign: RadarOnline
The link also includes a lovely photo of the Schelskes with the Cheneys…
With me, I’d be chasing the horse.
How close are we to the “tipping point” of runaway climate change? A new book says we’re 80% of the way there, and will reach it unless we cut existing rates of emission by between 60% and 80% in the next 40 years. It can be done, but the last decade of piddling about is one we could scarce afford – the cost of action is significant, but the cost of inaction is unthinkable. Because of the 25-30 year lag time between emission and the full effects on climate, we’re feeling the heat now from emissions in the disco era.
Using the highest resolution radar-signal images ever made of the moon; planetary astronomers have found no evidence for ice in craters at the lunar south pole. However, “These new results do not preclude ice being present as small grains in the lunar soil based on the Lunar Prospector’s discovery of enhanced hydrogen concentrations at the lunar poles,” said Donald Campbell, Cornell professor of astronomy and a principal investigator.
Bees and other important pollinators such as birds and bats may be on the decline in the United States, putting crops and other plants at risk, experts reported on Wednesday.
Methane-gobbling microbes that live in the deep ocean at the vents of so-called mud volcanoes have been found to be able to mop up about 40 percent of the methane emitted by this mud volcano, and worldwide might turn out to be an important part of the natural processes regulating this greenhouse gas, 21 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.
An action plan to cut energy use in the EU by 20% before 2020 has been outlined by the European Commission. More than 75 “ambitious” measures include tougher energy standards for electrical goods, a low-energy building strategy and more fuel efficient cars. Officials say the proposals will deliver an annual saving of 100 billion euros (£67bn) and help the EU meet its Kyoto Protocol target to cut emissions by 8%.
The military must inspect the chemical weapons it dumped into the ocean decades ago to determine the danger they now pose to people or marine life, under a bill signed into law on Tuesday. “We’re elated,” said a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii, who pushed for the new law. “This is the first concrete step that addresses a serious threat to the public. It’s very important.”
Environmental problems cause up to 20 percent of deaths in developing countries, according to a watchdog group that released a list of the 10 worst polluted places on earth. Environmental toxins in these towns put residents at risk of being poisoned, developing cancers and lung infections and having mentally retarded children, the group said.
More indications:
Vanishing giant
Don’t know what I did with the link above.
This one should work:
Vanishing giant
I ran across some really cool tsunami simulation movies and thougth I’d share them.
Check out this site, where geophysicist Steven Ward has some awesome Quicktime movies of various tsunamis, real historical ones as well as possible future ones, including earthquake, landslide, and asteroid impact tsunamis.
After you’ve seen the ones you want on the main page, be sure to click thru the links at the top of the page for more goodies!
Something strange with Stingrays. A truly incredible tale from Florida.(H/T: Huffpost)
A five foot wide, 30 lb stingray jumped out of the water into the boat and stabbed an 81–year-old fisherman in his chest. The man is in critical condition.
There is no public evidence that Sami al-Hajj committed any crime other than journalism for a television network the Bush administration doesn’t like.
But the U.S. has been holding Mr. Hajj, a cameraman for Al Jazeera, for nearly five years without trial, mostly at Guantánamo Bay. With the jailing of Mr. Hajj and of four journalists in Iraq, the U.S. ranked No. 6 in the world in the number of journalists it imprisoned last year, just behind Uzbekistan and tied with Burma, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.[snip]
Mr. Hajj is the only journalist known to be there, and, of course, it’s possible that he does have terrorist connections. If so, he should be tried, convicted and sentenced.
But so far, the evidence turned up by his lawyers and by the Committee to Protect Journalists — which published an excellent report on Mr. Hajj’s case this month — suggests that the U.S. military may be keeping him in hopes of forcing him to become a spy.
That’s right, he’s not a terrorist, or a terrorist collaborator, just a guy who the US wants to spy on Al Jazeera. So they keep him and threaten him and his family in the hopes that he’ll eventually agree to be a spy. We’ve held him for almost 5 years for nothing. See how that “enemy combatant” thing works? Think Bush will be any more careful or honrst when he starts declaring you and me as enemy combatants?
At it again in Florida. Jeb Bush’s Secretary of State will appeal Florida’s court ruling in favor of Dems.
Foley’s replacement barred from posting signs at polling places. Grounds for the appeal-
“We think voter education issues are paramount,”
As worries abound over N. Korea said getting ready for second test,
A tell-tale little nuke
“[A] critical question, easily answered by Bush, is this: was the nuke that North Korea just tested a uranium-235 or plutonium-239 device? That difference, though seemingly technical, is of considerable geopolitical (and just plain political) significance.
[..] Thus, if the nuke was a plutonium bomb (as it now appears to have been), then Bush can put a nuke-armed North Korea on his list of foreign-policy achievements.”
Retaliation against lawyers for terror suspects more than a pattern
“Thus, if the nuke was a plutonium bomb (as it now appears to have been), then Bush can put a nuke-armed North Korea on his list of foreign-policy achievements.”
Last night I saw Republican assholes excoriating Clinton and Carter for coming out and saying North Korea is directly in Bush’s lap. But it has been OK to listen to every Republican hack from Tony Snow on down blame Clinton.
Yesterday Idredit and I were discussing how the Israelis use of experimental weaponry in Gaza mirrored the US’ use of experimentals in Iraq. I found where I had heard about the Iraq incident. It was, as I suspected, from a DemocracyNow! broadcast back in July of this year:
The suspicion was that it was some type of laser. Bodies that weren’t hit with any projectile were burnt and shrunk to less than a meter in size. There were traces of fused metal and the US forces dug up the entire area before replacing even the dirt. There were three bodies in a car that had the heads burnt so badly that there were no eyes; only gaping holes and exposed teeth. A year later, another document was found on these weapons:
SAAD AL FALLUJI: Twenty-six in the bus. About twenty of them, some of them have no head. They had been cut. Some of them, the arms, the legs. The only one who didn’t injure was the driver, and really I don’t know how he reached our hospital, because one hand, one arm was in his lap, one head beside him. It was a very, very strange, horrible thing. In the roof of the car there was parts of the bodies: omentum, intestines, brains, all parts of the body. It was miserable. Very, very, very, very miserable.
GEERT VAN MOORTER: Do you have idea with what kind of weapons they attacked that bus?
SAAD AL FALLUJI: This bus, we didn’t know what kind of weapon hit. Really what we saw cut arms, cut legs, cut head, abdomen, open abdomen, viscera outside.
DOCTOR NO. 2: It seems to be a new weapon.
SAAD AL FALLUJI: Yes, a new weapon.
DOCTOR NO. 2: They are trying to do experiments on our civilians. Nobody can identify what the type of this weapon.
NARRATOR: We went to Belgium to find the filmmaker of this sequence, Geert Van Moorter, a doctor working as a volunteer in Iraq.
GEERT VAN MOORTER: Here in this footage is taken in the hospital, the General Teaching Hospital in Hilla, which is about 100 kilometers from Baghdad and close to the historical site of Babylon. Here, we had a talk with the colleague doctor Saad al Falluji, which is the chief surgeon in that hospital. Doctor al Falluji said me that from the survivors that he operated, that they said they did not hear any noise. So there was no explosion to hear, no metal fragments or shrapnels or bullets in the bodies, so they themselves were thinking of some strange kinds of weapon, which they did not know.
So you tell me… what kind of souless demons are in charge in this country? The same brand as the ones who are using experimental weapons in Gaza. Some day I pray that the entire truth comes out. America needs to come face to face with what we’ve become under Bush.
the same ‘souless monsters’ that shredded the constitution, legalized torture because it’s only the enemy… comforting themselves as being on the right side of humanity not fully realizing they’ve caught up with 1930s Germanic principles of inhumanity.
What an exchange? trampling freedoom while professing to fight for it with cruelty. They’ll pay. in. the. future.
The latest in campaign advertising NY Sun
Here’s one of the tactics they’re using:
That’s supposed to appeal to African-American voters, so that they race right out and vote Republican. WTF?
It makes me want to take a shower with a circus hose.
From the BBC News/Science:
…fascinate the military…indeed
Today Bush will be in town to suck money out of rich Republicans for Don Sherwood. Air Force One just flew over my house a little while ago.
As soon as I realized what was happening, I ran outside and flipped a nice double bird with an explanation at the top of my voice: “FUCKER!”
Yeah he’s here. Local rich Republicans are pissing themselves to get in line to pay to fawn over Bush. Everyone else is disgusted about it. Carney was asked this morning about Bush’s visit. He said that Bush’s numbers are about 35% approval in the district, but those are higher than Sherwood’s numbers, so maybe it will help a little. (good answer)
Anyway, Bush might have looked out his window and saw my house, my barn, me. I feel so dirty!
You know, I have a nasty cold today and am truely miserable, but being able to flip the bird to Air Force One… priceless!
be careful Nag. The SS may knock at your door.
Screw ’em. I’ll just cough on them.
Now we get to see what Cheney wanted kept secret.(H/T: Thinkprogress)
Federal Judge orders release of Cheney’s office and personal residence visitor’s log.