PA Action, working with Women’s Voices Women’s Votes and US Action, is running a non-partisan campaign on the phones and on the ground to turnout likely progressive female voters this election.   You’ve probably read about WVWV over at MyDD. As Matt said in that post:

Right-wingers have two giant fears.  The first is if evangelicals stop voting, as they did from the 1920s until the late 1970s.  The second is if single women start voting.

That second part is our plan and you can help from the comfort and convenience of your home.  We need four hundred people to each call one hundred names on our list.  That’s about two hours of work per person.  Trust me, it goes by more quickly than you may imagine.  The script is short and direct.  The focus voters are people we need to get to the polls if we want to see some change in the direction this country.

Please make the jump and find out how you can spend a couple of hours helping to get this country back on track.


Here’s what you do:

  1. Please remember that this calling is non-partisan.  We aren’t encouraging anyone to vote for any candidate in particular.  We are working on turning out women who are likely progressive voters.
  2. Go to PA Action’s page at Pop Vox.
  3. Register to make calls.
  4. Login
  5. When you are ready to make calls, click on the Make Calls link.
  6. Select a campaign.  You can choose between Bucks and

   Delaware Counties.

  1. Click MAKE CALLS
  2. Enter the phone number you are calling from.  The system will call you and from the time you answer, you don’t need to touch the phone again.  In fact, I hooked up an earpiece because I kept hanging up after I talked to voters, which disconnected me from the system – no good.  It’s a hard habit to break if the phone is in your hand.
  3. Your phone will ring.  when you answer it, you’ll hear music until you click “Ready for Call.”   Then Pop Vox will look for a voter for you to talk to.  Please be ready to go as soon as you hear the beep otherwise there’s an annoying delay on the voter’s end.
  4. When you get a voter, read the script and get the answer to the question, which is: Do you plan to vote on November 7?
  5.  Do not hang up the phone!  Click “End Call.”
  6. Fill out the response fields.
  7. Click “Save Call.”
  8. Click “New Call.”
  9. Click “Ready for Call” and the whole process starts over again.

100 calls.  Two hours.  Help make a big change in Southeastern PA and the country.

UPDATE: There is a very nice “play recorded message” feature you can use when you hear an answering machine pick up. Just click on that, then save call, next call, ready for call and you’re back on track.