Promoted by Steven D.
I’m off to work, but had caught the following on CBS News Early Broadcast, this morning.
Troops With Stress Disorders Fit For Duty?
Some Soldiers With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Are Being Re-Deployed To Iraq
Oct. 19, 2006
“To put someone in that situation and say ‘face your fears’ is contrary to all current medical and scientific knowledge about PTSD.”
(CBS) Army Staff Sgt. Bryce Syverson spent 15 months in Iraq before he was diagnosed by military doctors with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sent to the psychiatric unit at Walter Reed Medical Center, CBS News correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi reports.
“It ended up they just took his weapon away from him and said he was non-deployable and couldn’t have a weapon,” says his father, Larry Syverson. “He was on suicide watch in a lockdown.”
That was last August. This August, he was deployed to Ramadi, in the heart of the Sunni triangle — and he had a weapon.
You can view the Report HERE
We are creating our own ‘Human’ WMD’s as these Troops without Proper Treatment, after Multiple Tours, and Already Diagnosed with PTSD are sent back into Theater! They will, and are, ticking timebombs, through No Fault Of Their Own, to Explode on those around them!!
I had a few friends who after returning from ‘Nam couldn’t handle living, once again, in a semi stable society. So they volunteered to return to the War Theater, Where They Were Killed!! As well as others who turned to Drugs and Alcohol, and there are others who turned to crime or committed Violent Acts when their Demons Took Over!!
We here the reports, than flip it out of mind, while we Should Be Studying this, because it not only happens to Military Personal and Civilians in War Theaters, it can happen to Anyone who goes through Tramatic Experiances in life that shake their perceived foundations!
I posted this up over at ‘Veterans For America’, at my blog spot there as well, along with a few other places.
This is one response I received from that posting:
I served in OIF III as a US Army Infantryman. I was only an e-3 at the time (e-4 now). I was in Falluja, Taji (only for two weeks), but i spent most of my time in Mosul. I was a line grunt. I have PTSD, but i wouldn’t have known it until i got out. It wasn’t till i was on the brink of divorce that i decided to talk to a VA counselor. That’s where i learned that i had a problem and I have started my medication and treatment. I’m not saying I’m cured, but if it weren’t for the medication and the treatment than i can guarantee that i would be in prison now because my anger was that strong. What most people don’t understand is that most soldiers that are deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan don’t face the daily struggle that the “grunts” face. I was deployed as an infantryman to Iraq, and i had to become mean in order to survive. It’s what war made me, and that’s why i feel so strongly against the death penalties for these soldiers. When i lost one of my friends in an IED attack, I was on the verge of murdering as many Iraqis as i could. I wanted revenge, and if it weren’t for the fact that my team leader helped talked me down (even though he wanted to do the same), i would have. saying the government is doing their job to scan these soldiers is a BOLD FACE LIE!!! i did a survey once when i got back and that was it. Also, i felt as if I posted my true feelings I would be imprisoned. And if it weren’t for my wife giving me an ultimatum to seek treatment than i easily could have been on the news for killing someone. The government is just trying to cover their own skin instead of standing up for their soldiers. Honestly, I feel betrayed. The soldiers that are being persecuted should be pardoned and should be put in a psychiatric ward so that they can adapt to being normal again. It has saved my life, and I want the same for them.
I won’t put his name down yet, as I haven’t contacted him, need to get a number of links to info before I do.
But what he writes is what the Truth brings out, I saw it in ‘Nam and others saw it in their own Conflicts, most of which Were Civilin Leaders lying about them and Not Understanding What ‘Hell On Earth’ is!!!!!!!!
Damn Bush. Damn him to hell.
I wish I could put into words how horrifying and evil(I hate throwing that word around but what else is this but evil) this truly is. That Circle In Hell is far far too good for bush and company.
Before it all over, we may all have PTSD, like Iraqis do.
The ‘Human WMD’s’ for a reason, one name of recent history, Tim McViegh!!!!!!! (sp?)
Just got home from work and from the first of hearing this report I’ve Been Pissed Alllll Day!!!
This kid is lost to any type of Normal Life, if he survives, and something tells me He Won’t!!
I was one of the few who appreciated Gore Vidal’s interview of him if for no other reason than it was a classic example of how witnessing atrocities can deeply affect ones psyche.