Morning familyMan!!!! I am working today to make up for being off Wed. Good thing I could bring my coffee pot as I am without power til Thursday at the earliest. Tomorrow I will deal with hot tea since I still have gas and water. Long boring story of personal woes that hopefully will be coming to a close soon and things will get back on a even keel. I have the laptop here charging so I will be online tomorrow some. The dang battery only last 3-4 hours. LOL Life with out electricity is simpler to say the least.
I read a little bit in a previous cafe what was happening to you. I’m really sorry to hear that.
In my last office I used to brink my coffee maker in too. Sometimes I would forget it and get up the next morning for coffee and no coffee maker. I decided to go ahead and buy a cheap one for the office. 🙂
Thank you!!! It could be much worse I guess and I will get through this. I have gone through tough times before and always survived and will again. LOL I will admit it does cause one to go to bed much earlier when their is no electricity. LOL
LOL of course spelling there as their gives it double meaning if you are in a relationship. LOL I am single so that doesn’t apply to me. LOL Now I know why my ancestors went to bed and got up with the chickens. There isn’t a hell of a lot to do when you cannot see. LOL Of course they made babies after dark but as I said I am single. ROTFLMAO!!!!
ROTFLMAO!!!! Yeah, even the Diva Dogs Thought I was nuts as I was leaving this am. Work actually doesn’t start for another 26 minutes but I came early to do some surfing and make coffee. and if you think nights are bad with no lights early am is even worse. LOL
It’s more like a crank. And now they have those cool flashlights that you shake for a minute and the light lasts for 15 or more minutes! Never needs batteries.
I wish I had one of those but I have a large flashlight and a small battery operated latern. I also have some candles and oil latern but have to find the oil for it. LOL
Well, most people I know whant the meat to be dry as a done and black as tar and since I love rare beef it is too much. I like my chicken done but not dry and burnt on the outside and char on a hotdog are burger is just wrong. LOL
I would much rather have the real thing with homemade hollandaise sauce. I actually know how to make it myself but am limited to ramen noodles and oatmeal and that type of thing for a few days. LOL
We were without power for 9 days during the ‘great ice storm of ’02’ and I remember frying bologna in a cast iron skillet on the grill for sandwiches. I’m so white trash.
Hey RF – do you know if people can build up a resistence to SSRIs? I think my effexor has stopped working. Either that or I’m just a big, crying, whining snot for natural reasons lately.
I got a letter yesterday from my shrink saying he is moving to another area of the state. I just cried. It takes a long time for me to trust people and I had just started to trust him and felt like therapy was being helpful. I don’t have the motivation to start over with someone new.
Hey dada, I don`t know if I told you about my trip to see a private car & motorcycle collection, before the vehicles were to be sold at auction. Here`s a little blurb about the sale.
Ex-LA Times publisher’s rare car collection brings in $36 million, possible record
The Associated Press
Published: October 22, 2006
OXNARD, California An auction of 90 rare cars and motorcycles owned by late Los Angeles Times publisher Otis Chandler brought in over $36 million (€28.5 million).
Two classic cars sold for more than $2 million (€1.6 million) dollars each. A 1931 Duesenberg J Special Phaeton fetched $2.64 million (€2.09 million) and a 1904 Mercedes 40/45 HP Sports Touring went for $2.25 million (€1.78 million), auction officials said Saturday.
More than 1,200 bidders and automotive enthusiasts crowded into Chandler’s Vintage Museum, which housed the collection, for the auction by Gooding & Company.
Company founder David Gooding believes the auction broke the previous single day auto auction record of $21 million (€16.6 million) with 33 cars and motorcycles still to be sold. The final tally was $36,094,250 (€28,605,365).
The highest-selling motorcycle, a 1907 Harley-Davidson 440CC Strap-Tank Single, brought in $352,000 (€279,000).
“Usually in a collection, when you liquidate it, there are one or two great items,” Gooding said last month. “Every one of these great items is the best of its category. It’s one of the finest (collections) in the world.”
Chandler began collecting cars when he was a student at Stanford University in 1947. He wanted the cars to go to collectors after his death.
“We felt the auction would be the best way to pass on these collector items,” his wife, Bettina, told the Ventura County Star.
Chandler, who died in February at age 78, was publisher of the Times from 1960 to 1980.
take the extra two dogs and slice them up into baked beans — one of my favorite dishes when I was growing up. (I’d also eat hot dogs cold, no bun — would dip them into a mixture of ketchup and mustard.)
I always believed that bologna was just hot dog road kill. lol
Afternoon folks — was out erranding today. Since I’m finally getting started at the Y on Monday with the water aerobics, I needed to find a swim cap; they require shoulder length hair or longer to be either tied back, braided or in a swim cap, and I’m a total klutz when it comes to braiding my own hair. Also picked up a pair of goggles, in case I decide to try a lap or two on non-aerobic days. (Not sure I can swim the 25 yards without stopping — give me a few months and about 20 fewer pounds…)
Not much else going on — going to have a small snack to keep the blood sugar from going totally out of whack. Picked up some new low-carb tortillas that are whole wheat; going to add some shredded low-fat Mexican blend cheese and make a quesadilla, and have that with some tomato soup — it sounds relatively healthy at least.
Refi, if you were closer by, I’d have you over for dinner…take care of yourself, hon…
Hope everybody has enjoyable plans.
Morning Andi & all the other ponders!!!! I am at work making coffee and playing on the internet. Yes, I brought my coffee pot from home. LOL
Good morning Refinish and Andi.
RF what are you doing working on the weekend?
Morning familyMan!!!! I am working today to make up for being off Wed. Good thing I could bring my coffee pot as I am without power til Thursday at the earliest. Tomorrow I will deal with hot tea since I still have gas and water. Long boring story of personal woes that hopefully will be coming to a close soon and things will get back on a even keel. I have the laptop here charging so I will be online tomorrow some. The dang battery only last 3-4 hours. LOL Life with out electricity is simpler to say the least.
I read a little bit in a previous cafe what was happening to you. I’m really sorry to hear that.
In my last office I used to brink my coffee maker in too. Sometimes I would forget it and get up the next morning for coffee and no coffee maker. I decided to go ahead and buy a cheap one for the office. 🙂
Thank you!!! It could be much worse I guess and I will get through this. I have gone through tough times before and always survived and will again. LOL I will admit it does cause one to go to bed much earlier when their is no electricity. LOL
I’m sorry RF, but I had to LOL when I saw you’re rationale for going to bed early. 🙂
George is going crazy to go out. Ill check back in a minute.
Give george a treat for me and I will head out and have a cig with my first cup of java.
LOL of course spelling there as their gives it double meaning if you are in a relationship. LOL I am single so that doesn’t apply to me. LOL Now I know why my ancestors went to bed and got up with the chickens. There isn’t a hell of a lot to do when you cannot see. LOL Of course they made babies after dark but as I said I am single. ROTFLMAO!!!!
Hey refinsh, my fullest sympathies for being at work, especially at such an early hour. Slackers Anonymous will be arranging an intervention.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Yeah, even the Diva Dogs Thought I was nuts as I was leaving this am. Work actually doesn’t start for another 26 minutes but I came early to do some surfing and make coffee. and if you think nights are bad with no lights early am is even worse. LOL
we lose power pretty regularly out here so I’m in full sympathy. Thank goodness for wind-up powered radios.
Morning again Andi.
Have you been out for an early morning walk?
Now I know about wind up clocks. I have never seen a wind up radio.
It’s more like a crank. And now they have those cool flashlights that you shake for a minute and the light lasts for 15 or more minutes! Never needs batteries.
I wish I had one of those but I have a large flashlight and a small battery operated latern. I also have some candles and oil latern but have to find the oil for it. LOL
Just be careful, RF. You always read about people burning their houses down because their power got cut off.
No the candles get blown out before I go to bed or leave the house.
Where is everyone? :/
Whadda ya mean, where is everyone!
I thought you’d gone to make me breakfast or sumpin. Relatives still around?
Yep they are supposed to be here until tomorrow. Actually I did cook a quick breakfast too. 🙂
Why couldn’t I have married someone like you? Sigh. I’ll always regret not looking further south to Hooterville. 😛
Then you would have found a bubba who only knew how to burn things on a grill.
Mr. Nature is pretty good with a box of Hamburger Helper. Too bad I gave that up when I was 10 years old.
Quit talking about me Refinish. I don’t burn everything on the grill. 🙂
Well, most people I know whant the meat to be dry as a done and black as tar and since I love rare beef it is too much. I like my chicken done but not dry and burnt on the outside and char on a hotdog are burger is just wrong. LOL
Just depends on your taste I guess. I don’t like steak extremely rare, but medium rare will do me nicely.
I’ll take eggs benedict. LOL
Are you sure you wouldn’t like an eggs McBenedict. 🙂
Good one, FM!
I would much rather have the real thing with homemade hollandaise sauce. I actually know how to make it myself but am limited to ramen noodles and oatmeal and that type of thing for a few days. LOL
We were without power for 9 days during the ‘great ice storm of ’02’ and I remember frying bologna in a cast iron skillet on the grill for sandwiches. I’m so white trash.
Nothing wrong with fried bologna sandwiches. Now if you were talking road kill stew, I might tend to agree. 🙂
I actually loooove friend bologna sandwiches! They make a dynamite one in an Amish restaurant just south of Cleveland. Mmmmmmm.
Yep, most people just don’t know what they’re missing. 🙂
I never had fried bologna till I dated someone from Texas. LOL It is pretty damn good especially with cheddar chese and mustard.
At work!!!! LOL I will check in as I can.
At least you have hot water, RF. It really really stinks (literally) to have to take cold showers. And not just for the major shrinkage it causes.
Been there done that many years ago and it did suck!!!and not in any good way at all.
Maybe Benedict can help you with that. Just tell him to leave his eggs behind. 😉
If I meet a really cute frenchman named Benedict, I will think about it. LOL
Hey RF – do you know if people can build up a resistence to SSRIs? I think my effexor has stopped working. Either that or I’m just a big, crying, whining snot for natural reasons lately.
You can or you might need a new med. I would call or go see your doctor.
What Refinish said.
I got a letter yesterday from my shrink saying he is moving to another area of the state. I just cried. It takes a long time for me to trust people and I had just started to trust him and felt like therapy was being helpful. I don’t have the motivation to start over with someone new.
Well if you think your shrink was helping you out, I would definitely find another one. Like I said before, no one is more important than you.
Amen to what FamilyMan said!!!!!
What FM said.
Have him refer you to someone. they usually know who is good and who is a total quack.
Nephew is up and hungry. Gotta get moving.
See ya’ll later.
Have fun. Make him a bigf southern breakfast…eggs,bacon,grits,sausage,ham,oatmeal,hashbrowns,and steak and gravey.. LOL
Only in America……do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
4 packages of hot dogs = 5 packages of buns, ha ha!
but they wrap them in back-bacon to make them edible!
check this baby out…62/63 Lincoln Cont conv w/ suicide doors…parked across the street a week or so ago…sweet ride, totally cherry and looked original.
Bluesmobile…clik to enlarge
what a sweet ride!!!!!
Hey dada, I don`t know if I told you about my trip to see a private car & motorcycle collection, before the vehicles were to be sold at auction. Here`s a little blurb about the sale.
Ex-LA Times publisher’s rare car collection brings in $36 million, possible record
The Associated Press
Published: October 22, 2006
OXNARD, California An auction of 90 rare cars and motorcycles owned by late Los Angeles Times publisher Otis Chandler brought in over $36 million (€28.5 million).
Two classic cars sold for more than $2 million (€1.6 million) dollars each. A 1931 Duesenberg J Special Phaeton fetched $2.64 million (€2.09 million) and a 1904 Mercedes 40/45 HP Sports Touring went for $2.25 million (€1.78 million), auction officials said Saturday.
More than 1,200 bidders and automotive enthusiasts crowded into Chandler’s Vintage Museum, which housed the collection, for the auction by Gooding & Company.
Company founder David Gooding believes the auction broke the previous single day auto auction record of $21 million (€16.6 million) with 33 cars and motorcycles still to be sold. The final tally was $36,094,250 (€28,605,365).
The highest-selling motorcycle, a 1907 Harley-Davidson 440CC Strap-Tank Single, brought in $352,000 (€279,000).
“Usually in a collection, when you liquidate it, there are one or two great items,” Gooding said last month. “Every one of these great items is the best of its category. It’s one of the finest (collections) in the world.”
Chandler began collecting cars when he was a student at Stanford University in 1947. He wanted the cars to go to collectors after his death.
“We felt the auction would be the best way to pass on these collector items,” his wife, Bettina, told the Ventura County Star.
Chandler, who died in February at age 78, was publisher of the Times from 1960 to 1980.
That is so you don’t have buns for the two the dog ate or were burnt beyond recognistion. LOL
buy kosher knockwurst and have them on kaiser rolls
MMMMMMMMMMMM that sounds wonderful as I head out to heat up nuke popcorn for lunch. LOL
on the bright side, even if you use butter on the popcorn, the cholesterol level will be an order of magnitude lower.
take the extra two dogs and slice them up into baked beans — one of my favorite dishes when I was growing up. (I’d also eat hot dogs cold, no bun — would dip them into a mixture of ketchup and mustard.)
I always believed that bologna was just hot dog road kill. lol
Afternoon folks — was out erranding today. Since I’m finally getting started at the Y on Monday with the water aerobics, I needed to find a swim cap; they require shoulder length hair or longer to be either tied back, braided or in a swim cap, and I’m a total klutz when it comes to braiding my own hair. Also picked up a pair of goggles, in case I decide to try a lap or two on non-aerobic days. (Not sure I can swim the 25 yards without stopping — give me a few months and about 20 fewer pounds…)
Not much else going on — going to have a small snack to keep the blood sugar from going totally out of whack. Picked up some new low-carb tortillas that are whole wheat; going to add some shredded low-fat Mexican blend cheese and make a quesadilla, and have that with some tomato soup — it sounds relatively healthy at least.
Refi, if you were closer by, I’d have you over for dinner…take care of yourself, hon…
Where is everybody?
Hi- FM
any requests?
Hello BooMan.
No request. What’s been going on today?
I’ve been napping. You’d be proud of me.
I’m very proud of you Boo. Most people don’t understand what a good nap is.
So, is this it? Sort of a day and evening and night drive-thru cafe? That’s what I get for sleeping most of the day.
I guess I have no excuse not to think of something to do that resembles an evening meal.