
On his Web site, Majority Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) calls the prospect of Pelosi becoming speaker “just plain scary” and says: “While Republicans fight the War on Terror, . . . House Democrats plot to establish a Department of Peace.”

Sometimes I wonder if they even hear themselves speak. How many Iraq vets are running for office as Republicans? How many Democrats are really calling for a Department of Peace. I remember Dennis Kucinich bringing that idea up during the debates of 2004. He didn’t get a lot of delegates. But, here’s a question. Would a department of government dedicated to preventing the outbreak of war be such a terrible thing? I know we have the United Nations for such things, but since we don’t have any respect for them maybe we should think about doing it ourselves…you know…unilaterally…the BushCo. way.

Yeah, I know, it’s stupid. Almost as stupid as Roy Blunt.