Not enough gators, I’m afraid. And: a low of 32 sounds absolutely heavenly.
Y’know, I’ve been interested in taking pictures since adolescence, but conventional materials costs & procedure held me back for decades. Then came digital technology — an amazing blessing to me. I’ve taken literally thousands of pix in the past few years, learned a lot. It’s been terrific!!
Alas, my trusty busty camera is now buried deep in storage up north. Quietly crying my name, no doubt. Or sighing with pleasure that she isn’t frozen.
In fact, there’s plenty to photograph here on the sandbar, too — like the much-larger-than-life Disney flamingo statue in the local park painted up just like the flag.
Quite emblematic, methinks. Incredibly tacky and ugly.
In any case, this jurassic PC doesn’t seem to have imaging capabilities.
Frankly, I’d just as soon close my eyes, click my heels three times & wish myself home.
I’ve decided to place my lovely homestead on the market, however — so where ‘home’ might be is anyone’s guess.
until I was awoken by the spouse calling to let me know he would be home shortly — he went for a walk/hike after we got home from erranding. He was appropriately apologetic for waking me up.
Cardinals doing much better than anyone expected — they’re leading 5-1. I’m sure Maryb is pleased. Trying to keep myself awake till the Sharks hockey game tonight — hope I can make it through the whole game without crashing.
If I don’t make it back in, hope everyone has a good night…
Yaaarghh! ‘Tis true, matey — desperately afloat amongst the wiliest pirates ivver to cast ye golden trickets into the virry maw of bleedin’ death. ‘Tis the island of Miami Beach, me bucko. I’m losin’ me sense of reason, I am — though it weren’t too virry sharp to begin with.
So sorry to hear about ye pegleg, lad. I’d suggest a bit of a dip in a vat full o’ fine Jamaican rum — afore I lose me pirate growl altogether & find meself a blinkin’ leprachaun. Then I’ll have to tell ye to switch to a sip o’ that foyne Oyrish whiskey instead..
Went canvassing for Lamont today…first time since the primary! You can check it out here!
Right now, though, I have to get back to doing accounting homework.
for the perversions of youth.
Very funny. I could say the same about you folks, based on some of the things I’ve observed in the Cafes. 😛
Yeah but our perversions are the good, old-fashioned kind — sex, booze, and drugs.
And my perversions…are…what? I think I’m getting confused now. 🙂
studying …. accounting … on a saturday night
the horror, the horror!
Don’t worry; I’m going over to a friend’s house shortly to play some video games. 🙂
now I’ll be able to sleep tonight without the fear of nightmares.
Hahaha. 😛
Busy day it seems … 🙂
I got immersed in the book I’m reading (biography of James Tiptree Jr/Alice Sheldon) and sort of forgot about everything else.
Those are the best sorts of books. You haven’t had any snow yet, have you?
We’ve only had a low of 32 so far.
Had a nice sunset today — well, it looked nice on the trees. 🙂
Have you been enjoying your vacation?
I may have gone a little shutter happy — on yesterday’s walk, I took 135 pictures (of which about 90% were worthless).
That’s why you have large mem cards, right? hehe
Beautiful, Andi. Thank you.
I’m thrilled to know you’ve gone shutter-mad ..
it really is wonderful how digital cameras enourage you to go ‘wotthehell’ and take pictures.
How’s things in gatorville?
Not enough gators, I’m afraid. And: a low of 32 sounds absolutely heavenly.
Y’know, I’ve been interested in taking pictures since adolescence, but conventional materials costs & procedure held me back for decades. Then came digital technology — an amazing blessing to me. I’ve taken literally thousands of pix in the past few years, learned a lot. It’s been terrific!!
Alas, my trusty busty camera is now buried deep in storage up north. Quietly crying my name, no doubt. Or sighing with pleasure that she isn’t frozen.
I would be nice if someone could loan you a camera and you could take a little trip to the everglades.
In fact, there’s plenty to photograph here on the sandbar, too — like the much-larger-than-life Disney flamingo statue in the local park painted up just like the flag.
Quite emblematic, methinks. Incredibly tacky and ugly.
In any case, this jurassic PC doesn’t seem to have imaging capabilities.
It’s clear that you need to buddy up to a 20 something technogeek who can support you in a quest to capture florida-as-tacky-paradise.
Frankly, I’d just as soon close my eyes, click my heels three times & wish myself home.
I’ve decided to place my lovely homestead on the market, however — so where ‘home’ might be is anyone’s guess.
Meant to ask you: how’s the family?
I see down below that I’ve missed you but if you happen to see this comment later — all’s well here.
Hello dearies!
I’m at the local anarchist cafe waiting for my friends to show up-oh they just rode up on their bikes right now!
at an anarchist cafe do the waitstaff wither away?
until I was awoken by the spouse calling to let me know he would be home shortly — he went for a walk/hike after we got home from erranding. He was appropriately apologetic for waking me up.
Cardinals doing much better than anyone expected — they’re leading 5-1. I’m sure Maryb is pleased. Trying to keep myself awake till the Sharks hockey game tonight — hope I can make it through the whole game without crashing.
If I don’t make it back in, hope everyone has a good night…
Same to you, Cali. Enjoy!
Hi cali. Hope you get to enjoy the hockey game.
Ahoy maties! Prepare to be boarded!
Avast ye, boran2! How are ye?
Me pegleg is a bit sore.
Did I hear that you are away from our Hudson Valley?
Yaaarghh! ‘Tis true, matey — desperately afloat amongst the wiliest pirates ivver to cast ye golden trickets into the virry maw of bleedin’ death. ‘Tis the island of Miami Beach, me bucko. I’m losin’ me sense of reason, I am — though it weren’t too virry sharp to begin with.
So sorry to hear about ye pegleg, lad. I’d suggest a bit of a dip in a vat full o’ fine Jamaican rum — afore I lose me pirate growl altogether & find meself a blinkin’ leprachaun. Then I’ll have to tell ye to switch to a sip o’ that foyne Oyrish whiskey instead..
I am in awe, matey!
I’m sailin’ off into the blasted sunset — thanks to a touch o’ cursed burnin’ neuropathy! ARRRrgh!
Hope to see y’all soon. Mebbe next time with a hook.