In case you didn’t know, Atrios sucks. But, he’s not alone. For example, Matt Stoller and PsiFighter37 and Oliver Willis and thereisnospoon suck too. Of course, Kos sucks. My Left Wing sucks. I suck too. Chris Bowers sucks not once but two times. Armando sucks. Meteor Blades sucks. And in case you are not sure, Steven D sucks too.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Why would people waste their time reveling in these idiotic, trivial blog “wars” ? There must be something better for them to do. It reminds me of the story Terry Jones, of Monty Python, tells about why he stopped “reading history” at Cambridge and moved on to comedy. He tells about a time he was in a Cambridge library getting angrier and angrier at something someone had written about Chaucer. He looked around him and saw other students getting similiarly worked up over similiarly esoteric arguments. He closed his book, left the library, and went to join the world. It’s a big world and a short life. Why spend it on trivial things?
I can speak only for myself, but I am here because the sense of community I find here. I like the ideas that inform and challenge me. I don’t agree with them all, nor do I expect to. I enjoy the obvious affection and concern for one another that community members share. I like encouraging other members in their pursuits and challenges, and appreciate the support and encouragement I’ve gotten from them. I enjoy the serious discussions and the silly ones.
Now, I mean this as a sincere question, why are you here?
what about skippy? i suck too! what’s wrong with pointing out how sucky my blog is?
Yes, you suck so much ManEgee made the point once you mentioned his blog during an interview. You suck.
definitely suck since I barely caught this thread.
I am here because Booman is a gentle place. I am here because there are some remarkable people here and I admire them. I am here, too, for the connections and the easy hugs!
um… I’m really unclear why you’re trying to increase traffic to these sites? Am I missing something?
My thoughts exactly. Or maybe I’m being sanctimonious and hypocritical again. ๐
When’s the game?
those of us who read the above sucky writers suck too! Proudly, in my case.
kossucks? :o/
yes super, kossucks
Look, if you don’t like it here, why don’t you just go hang out at Big Orange.
If you have a problem with me, just come out and say you have a problem, instead of posting bullshit like the above.
I have no problem with you. Except that you have Westbrook and that guy is a fantasy stud.
If he’s such a stud why is your only win against my team? He sucks. Just like the Eagles suck. We all suck…sometimes. I gotta go.
I am 3-3 going on 4-3. I hope.
See, I thought you were Legions of Syriana. I should’ve known better. You suck, but you can’t suck that bad…or good.
Westbrook sucks because you never know if he’s active or not. Anyway, after tonight the Giants should be leading the division.
but, yeah, all Eagles suck. Sometimes it takes until January for them to prove it though.
I have to sign off, but i’ll check back here later…maybe
Why do any of us have to fall into Philosoraptor’s wankery? See Atrios.
Cripes, even Crooks and Liars is into it now. Amato had a post up about the Atrios/Philosoraptor hoo-haa.
I happen to like both
Green and Orange and both E.T and DD blue, and think Information Clearing House is great too.
I think Malkin is a like Christopher Hitchins in drag, without the boozy spirit.
I think Wolcott and Digby should get married, which could be a surprise to their spouses/significant others to be sure!
But let us call jealousy inspired wankery what it is….WANKERY!
The enemy is the goofy Republican out there beyond the monitor, and not inside the blogosphere.
This is exactly the type of crap that gives weblogs and the writers a bad rep.
Armando definitely sucks.
[Don’t say it.]
[No, really, don’t say it.]
Yeah, and I use my tongue, too.
[Just shut up.]
I suck?
My life’s work is complete. Thanks for all the candy; I’ll be on my way now…
You forgot that Ductape Fatwa sucks too.
Wow..someone had the balls to say Ductape sucks..where is Ductape, haven’t seen a post in a long time.
I’d like to know myself.
chose to withdraw from posting at BT as he felt that his contributions were not welcome.
He last posted a comment on his own site on 19 September and at Mobettameta on 15 September.
He did a disappearing trick in the middle of last year for a period of a few weeks. I believe he suffers from diabetes and he also claims to have reached an advanced age. I trust that his health is OK and that he will reappear soon. In the interim, nobody on the internets can be sure because Ductape has had the good sense not to leave any trace of his real identity.
flowing to Mexico–it’s just leftist bloggers?
you suck.
oh, and like you don’t.
Check out this e card link for your favorite party scare. Just follow the continue preview link. It’s really good, IMO!
Hey, don’t forget me, my blog sucks too!
sorry, you definitely suck ๐
You’re not another one of those evil liberal bloggers outing people, are you?
Can I just say that I like the way that Booman and Steven D. suck.
Oops that didn’t sound right.
The reason so many bloggers suck is that they don’t link to GOTV blog ๐
Hey, don’t forget: I suck, too.
God, you suck.
pastordan..he’s the worst.
Yeah, Jeebus. Freaking beer mooch anyway.
I haven’t been in a position to participate for awhile, so I hope that I’m missing some type of inside joke. I say that because when I have stopped by, I’ve been pretty darn touched by the outpourings of support and peaceful demeanor of the place, with good things waiting around the corner (such as the much-anticipated FOtofair….:)
With that being said, I was fairly taken aback by the nature of this thread, and wondered what would motivate you to dredge up some pretty darn old (and pretty darn negative) stuff…
Again, I might (hope to!) be missing something, but this left me awfully confused.
good night….
I just wanted everyone to know that all bloggers suck. It’s not a whole lot more complicated. We suck. Bad.
But you suck more than most.
I can;t believe I still suck. I don’t even post anymore.
yeah, but your punctuation still sucks.
I have a Public School Education, therefore, I’m a little slow, what is this diary all about???
It’s about how much you suck. And I suck. But most of all, just how much Booman sucks. ๐
Did you learn that in this class?
See what happens when you get can suck then teach a class about the subject.
Heh…he was one of my marketing professors last semester. Wasn’t fond of the class myself, although I think he was a decent professor. Just didn’t like the material. It also got me the lowest grade of the entire year.
but I don’t think it is very funny. And, yes, I know that I suck too.
y0u g0t 0wn3d!!!!!!!!!
Great post, by the way. And you suck.

I leave it as an excercise to the reader whether I mean Joey Harrington or the Detroit Lions.
You know what the difference is between you and me? I make this look good.
Oh for the love of God! I finally get a high speed connection and can now watch all this youtube stuff, and you make me watch that?!? Agh…15 seconds was all I could stand. Geez, Booman, you really do suck.
Just earlier today I was thinking about how much you suck, but I couldn’t think of the right way to tell you. Needless to say, I’m relieved that you were able to figure it out on your own. This post does present an interesting problem though. What sort of relief is available for those of us who suck, but who either suck so much or suck in such uninteresting way that nobody ever takes the time to point it out? That leaves a whole lot of unfulfilled and unsatisfied narcissism just rotting out there on the vine, wouldn’t you say? Perhaps we could set up some sort of a foundation to address this pressing issue.
If we could just get you to acknowledge that guinea pigs suck, you would be on your way to overcoming denial and you could start making amends.
1) We admitted we were powerless over guinea pigs–that our lives had become unmanageable.
2) Came to believe that a guinea pig greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Okay, I’m with you so far, but here’s where things go off the rails and all hell breaks loose.
3) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of guinea pigs as we understood them.
Like, what the hell?? Here I thought I was trying to get over guinea pigs, and then you bastards try to make me put my life in the care of those same pigs. I give up. You suck.
I think the guinea pigs are cute. I suck though.
Finally the truth is out, and I think all of you know or can well imagine how much I SUCK! Heh! Sometimes it is hard to be so talented.
You guys may all suck, but I truly suck beyond suckiness.
Ask around, you know it’s true.
lol Booman. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. ๐
I’m damned if I can even begin to imagine why you’d choose to post a front page piece like this. Jesus. I wish you’d grow the hell up, Martin.
If I had visited this blog for the first time today, I wouldn’t have gotten past this one piece before deciding this wasn’t the place for me.
I’m damned if I can even begin to imagine why other bloggers on the left feel a need to tell all the other bloggers on the left that they suck. I also can’t begin to imagine how it must feel to constantly have people you don’t even know devoting large chunks of text (not to mention to entire blogs) describing the many ways in which you all suck.
I think it’s amazing that all of these bloggers keep their sense of humor, laugh it off, and continue to provide people with content to read and criticize on a daily basis.
Maybe there’s more growing up that needs to be done than just Martin.
It’s called holding people accountable for their words and actions CG. And it’s mighty hypocritical to only hold the right accountable.
But why bother with all that when you can watch YouTube videos and see pictures of guinea pigs and dredge up controversy to try and drive traffic.
So transparent it’s childish.
Yup. You nailed it.
That’s why pastordan, armando, and skippy dropped by to join in the laugh, and John Amato sent me a link to evidence of his suckery, and Atrios linked to it, and skippy (and others) complained he wasn’t included, and why psifighter37 laughed it off, and why Steven is making light of it.
You see, none of us can see any humor in the way we are treated and how much energy goes into proving we suck by people on the left.
And we link to it to drive up our own traffic rather than to have a good self-deprecating laugh.
I’m also sorry that we are not capable of writing more and better so we don’t have to resort to frivolous open threads and bad music videos and cat (and guinea pig) blogging to fill some space. We will do better.
That’s too funny for words Boo.
Armando, pastordan and thereisnospoon. Beautiful.
Wal-Mart, God, and consultancy. Brilliant.
So sorry I didn’t get the joke, seems pretty childish to me. But then again, I’m not one to join frats.
right. Armando is nothing but a corporate lawyer, dan is just a charlatan for God, and spoon is an aspiring consultant. Oh, and I am a frat boy.
See why we sometimes need to laugh at ourselves? I mean, as you say, we suck.
Honey, I never said you sucked. I just pointed out the obvious which is based on years of observation. You’re the only one who said you sucked… the pieces you linked to actually had valid points in them, or do you believe you are above reproach since you blog from the “left”?
But go on with your bad self and laugh away… certainly not like you’re two weeks from an election and your country is practically a police state and has murdered over half a million people…
‘We suck’ is sugar-coating what you are implying by referring to law practices, faith congregations, and consultancies…and fraternities.
It’s precisely the kind of critique that we were poking fun at. I never said the critiques had no merit at all, that’s why I didn’t cry and complain about them but linked to them so everyone could decide the merits on their own.
But you are right. On a slow Sunday night two weeks before an election with over a half million deaths on my conscience I should have refrained from any light blogging. And that David Hasselhof video was just a gratuitous example of my heartlessness and moral frivolity.
I definitely think that being a shill for Wal-Mart, and good friends and defender for another Wal-Mart shill, Krempansky, and the type of ‘herding of cats’ that pastordan does under the cover of religion, and the SYFPH bullshit and claiming to speak for the netroots that spoon does while trying to kiss up to the DLC, sucks. You were the one who brought up that all your friends thought this post was fun, so I expressed my reaction to that.
But, I never said you sucked. Just because I referred to this post as a frat and traffic grab (which I still believe) does not mean you suck. Your actions might, but you as a person do not. See the difference? It’s not nice to put words in others mouths. Most of those posts you linked to didn’t say you “sucked” they took issue with choices or actions, you, or Kos, or whomever made.
And yes, I think that on a Sunday night two weeks before the election, with blood on your hands, you could refrain from dredging up past shit and posting it on the FP of your site. That is childish. And frat-like. And beneath the Boo I knew a year ago.
Yeah. Attorneys are nothing more than shills for their clients. That’s true. That’s their job. For instance, the firm that defended Charlie Manson was very much committed to the moral rectitude of ritual death cults than commit murder in order to catapult a race war. And anyone who represents Wal-Mart is also similarly committed to low wages and poor benefits.
And Pastor Dan is one of those pesky dishonest people known as Christians that is 100% disingenuous and has no merit, and who merely tries to hypnotize the vulnerable for his own enrichment.
And spoon, Bonddad, and Chris Bowers are shills for the DLC because they wanted to try their hand at consultancy, and they are fighting for Democratic majorities. Their apparent commitment to progressive values is just a front.
But, the nice way of putting this is to say that we all suck, which is the truth.
I mean that Atrios. Look at him. His blog gets worse everyday. It’s a shame he isn’t more like Kevin Drum.
And me? Oh, I’m just a whore for traffic and stirring up ‘old-shit’. You see, spiderleaf, we all get a constant dose of criticism, some of it quite mean-spirited. And, yes, that creates a fraternity (and sorority) of sorts. That’s why so many bloggers could relate .
The funniest part of all is when we try to have a laugh about it that we are told that we should not be above criticism. As though merely pointing to our critics, and not really even criticizing them, were somehow out of bounds.
I’m sorry I haven’t lived up to your high expectations for me. This blog, too, sucks more and more each day.
I didn’t make any of those statements as to why I have come to the conclusion I have about those 3 people, in fact my impressions of them are less about what they do for a living and more about how they operate online and conflicts of interest. I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t put words in my mouth as to why I feel the way I do.
It’s highly amusing to me that we set up mo betta meta to take the meta off of this site, or MLW, or dkos so as to not hijack threads and the fact that this was supposed to be a progressive issues blog and not a frat, only to see you bring the meta back time and again by linking to it.
Yes, everyone does suck from time to time, but I agree with scribe about seeing this on the FP. But hey, it’s your blog and my expectations were obviously skewed. No worries on my part, just don’t try to ascribe motivations or sentiments to me that I didn’t say, or think, as you’ve done above.
There are always good reasons to laugh at ourselves, But if I was trying to grow a legitimate progressive political blog and atttract new traffic, I’d think twice about front paging stuff that makes my blog looks like a buuch of kids having a playgroud rumble.
But hey, it IS your blog, and apparently you see nothing wrong with this, so enjoy yourself. boo.
Maybe you can provide a list of who it is and is not acceptable to hold accountable, then. Apparently it’s only okay for certain people to criticize certain other people on the left, and I didn’t get the memo.
Everyone should be held accountable, doesn’t matter if you’re left or right.
Jesus fucking Christ, I’m sorry about the fucking guinea pigs already. Had I realized that they got in the way of accountability, I would have promptly shoved a stick up my ass and written something brutally serious and deadly dull that everybody could ignore outright.
Damnit Chris…there ya go, starting the fucking Rodent Wars again…you suck!
Be careful with that rodent Dada. This, above all else, is a place for our serious, solemn, inside voices. Visiting a blog should feel much drinking a gallon of cod liver oil tastes. Now ask yourself if posting pictures of adorable-ass ground hogs wearing silly hats is a reliable means towards that end.
So now Kaiser von Groundhog is adorable?
Why do you hate America?
I blame my upbringing.
perhaps Darth Panda is more appropriate to the solemnity of the occasion.
BTW, you still suck…Boo too
No, no, no — you’re way off. Would you even know solemn if it walked up and bit you on the ass? Now look here, any single one of these blog posts or blog comments has the potential to lead to a perfect world and when we go around mucking them up with adorable-ass animals in silly costumes, we’re killing off just a little bit more of that potential perfection. Get with the program and quit harshing on our potential, blog induced perfection.
I could never aspire to achieve such high plateaus as you, and have obviously strayed from the blogger’s prime directive re: the of pursuit of perfection, whatever that may be…
However, I once knew Solemn, she was sublimely beautiful, and the perfect date…and she never bit me, so to speak…so I guess I suck too, although I do believe she enjoyed that part of the relationship.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Sure, you’re ruining potential perfection, but you’ve probably done worse things. Although I must admit that I’m hard pressed to imagine what those worse things could be, since ruining a potential perfect world is pretty much the worst thing ever, with the posible exception of posting off topic comments. Ah well, there’s room in hell for all of us.
The guinea pigs were fucking? Damn! And me stuck with dial up.
Listen. I’ve considered Booman my home base blog for some time now. I came to care about it, to want to contribute to it and see it grow.
First impressions matter, dammit. New readers matter if you want them to keep coming back. And believe it or not, not all readers “get” or enjoy the kind of snark that is so popolar and apparetnly needed in order to cope with criticism, or whatever
NOR would any new readers have any idea of what this is all about in the first place.
So I happen care about the impressions the front page makes.
So shoot me, CG.
Your concern for the front page of BT is certainly welcome, but it’s hard to understand where that concern comes from when you are listed as a contributor at a site dedicated to criticizing other blogs (including BT).
To each his own.
This is addressed in my later comment below. If you read that blog, you would see I have not contributed any posts bashing anyone. It’s not so wise to assume you know other peoples motives without checking it out with them, in my experience.
Well, it’s nice of you to clear that up. I’m not sure why your name wound up in the list of contributors there, but I’m sure the blog owner there had his/her reasons.
Not that it’s any of my business, but maybe you wouldn’t want your name listed as part of the “Kewl sleeper cell of serial blog wreckers” if you don’t want others to make similar assumptions. Or maybe I’m the only person who would make that mistake?
What, you can only recognize your own snark,but not anyone elses? (referring to the heading of that blog)
Since you keep such good track of me, didn’t you wonder at the fact that for some odd reason, I have stayed here, contributed daily, and have written many recommended diaries?
Now,how many “BooBashers” do you know who operate like that, CG? See” I know how to be sarcastic too, but I since I just don’t enjoy it much, I think I am done with this conversation.
I understand why you associate yourself with some of those people, several of them I like very much myself. But the fact remains that the site is dedicated to discussing meta matters at BT, MLW, Daily Kos, DU and other liberal or left-wing blogs.
And that is all this post was about. It’s about the fact that all bloggers have people who think they suck and spend their time obsessing about the ways in which we suck.
It wasn’t any big philosophical treatise, but more a note of solidarity for Duncan.
Duncan didn’t respond to the merits of his critic’s argument and I didn’t do that either for all the links I provided. The point isn’t to say we are above criticism, the point is that Duncan isn’t alone in being taken to the woodshed. We all suck.
And so does everyone else. It’s a joke.
I’m sorry if the expression of my opinion in my original comment has offended you, as that wasn’t my intent. My intent was only to point out that the following:
Be well.
MilitaryTracy made that accusation against us in one of those threads… we thought it so ridiculous (I wish I had that power! dkos would be toast) that we turned it into snark and put it on the header… well, DTF did, I can’t take credit for it.
Nope, not doing it. I’ll never grow up and you can’t make me.
Oh, and you suck :o)
Fine, don’t grow up then. See if I care.
And btw, you suck too. ๐
Thank Buddha somebody said it scribe. Bingo.
I am beginning to rethink things.
This IS your blog, Boo. You certainly have every right to decide it’s tone, it’s style and it’s course.
As a guest on your blog, I have had the opportunity to contribute my work and be read by many, and to meet and come to know many very exceptional people, many of whom have become friends I never wish to lose touch with. I followed some of them over to mo betta metta because of that..I didn’t want to lose the ones who had left here. I never did bash this blog, or any other blog there. I think interblog battles are useless and dumb.
But more and more lately, I am feeling out of synch with the general tone here. This is not a value judgement on you or anyone. It’s a simple statement of what I am personally experiencing. I am a long way from the party/drinking/music scene, and I know I am not as hip as lots of you are to todays style of free flowing snark, or how it is used.
I do love good discussions on many topics and there are still plenty of these here, so I know I won’t stop coming here. But for whatever it may or may not be worth to you, I also feel that overall, I am not such a good match with with the folks running the place.
So I will make my own ajustments to that realization, without offering you any further feedback.
Well I must be unique because I don’t suck.
No. You blow.
And when I do, my husband considers it his lucking fucking day.
I hate it when a bigass typo escapes my notice when I’m trying to be mildly funny.
i kind of like ‘lucking fucking’.
I said “lucking” instead of “sucking.”
Yeesh. I’m creeping myself out.
Had to reach back quite a bit to get some of these. September 2005?
Of course, we don’t want to get into why people might disagree with someone else. And we don’t want to get into why some people’s uncivil behavior might attract uncivil dissent.
Yeah. Our Word sucks, too. So does media girl.
But what really sucks is the implied assertion that anyone should be above criticism. Or that one’s brand of “liberal” views are somehow inherently better than another’s, or that they’re somehow measured and validated by site traffic.
In other words, here we are, two weeks before the election, and I see this post tracking through. I’m scratching my head.