This better be just some talk to defuse GOP talking points in the lead-up to the election, because taking impeachment off the table should never happen for any President, ever. It’s part of the constitution for a reason. The GOP took it too far in trying to impeach Clinton for hiding gifts under his secretary’s bed and lying under oath about trivial matters. But, when Waxman and Conyers start investigating we will decide whether the penalty is impeachment or something less.
Waste of time? Far from it. I agree with her that the Dems shouldn’t go racing in talking about nailing the President. They just need to do the oversight that they are sworn to do to protect the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. The facts will lead where they may.
Drudge has this up on his site, though. And that is what Pelosi wanted.
Excuse me, I think I’m going to hurl.
I’m OK with that. No need to alarm people unnecessarily right before the elections, right? I’ve lost track of the number of really heavy things the Republicans have put off til after the elections. How many GOP Congressmen have sealed indictments against them now? Can’t release any of those now, that would unnecessarily politicize the election. Change of course in Iraq? Nope, not til after the election. So, Pelosi takes impeachment off the table. If that eases the mind of a few GOP nailbiters and they decide to stay home on 11/7 I’m fine with that.
But when we swear in a Democratic majority in January and a few dozen Democratic committee chairs issue about a brazillion subpoenas and a truckload of dirt starts seeping out from under all the rugs and people start learning the truth about this administration and this rubber stamp congress, don’t blame Nancy Pelosi when the people start asking for impeachment. Blame the criminal fuckwads who are really to blame, who brought it on themselves.
It’s a twist on “Read my lips”
Except, no one wants new taxes. Plenty of people want Bush impeached. There is no way Pelosi is going to lose her district for going back on her pledge. Hell, she would probably gain votes for it.
I’m gonna wait until November 10th before getting into a lather.
Watch those voting machines!!
Rawstory has Barron’s editor declaring GOP will keep control. and ABCNews saying the e voting machines could skew the elections;
And Poppy Bush worrying what a Dem win will do to his son.
Tough slugging ahead.
This means nothing. If the Dems actually get subpoena power and the Supremes follow the law (always doubtful), popular pressure will force them to renege on this promise. It was made before they knew the truth. This is nothing. Getting control of Congress is everything. Timing is everything. Whether Bush is impeached or not depends entirely on (a) whether the Dems control the House in 2006 and (b) whether the admnistration can stall out the clock to 2008. (a) looks good; (b) looks impossible. They can stall out the clock. The best we can hope for at this point is that the Rethugs get so tarred and feathered between 2006 and 2008 that they sthrink to 175 seats in 2008. As to Bush, his hell is to stay in office as public opinion, the press and the Congressional investigations flay his skin. It may not win us respect abroad, but in terms of karma, it’s about the best we can expect. And speaking of karma, the US elected him. We deserve to suffer.
scared of both the Republicans and the Blue Dogs, Pelosi takes a dive, telling us all that what WE want doesn’t matter, that the lack of respect for the Rule of Law doesn’t matter, that major crimes and betrayals of the public trust DON’T MATTER.
I’m a bit disappointed in the lack of faith some are showing here. Booman makes a good point – this could just be political posturing. If anyone thinks loudly calling for impeachment right now is going to win us votes, it won’t. It’d probably fire up the fundamentalist base, though.
Let’s win the election, then let’s talk about impeachment.
I concur – my read of Pelosi’s facial expressions & tone of voice is that she was annoyed at Stahl for being a complete Republican tool.
The last part of clip, where Pelosi says Bush & Cheney as lame ducks is “good enough for me.” reeked of insincerity.
Vote Blue – this is one time I’ll be happy when a politician breaks a promise. 🙂
No guts… No glory.
Like keeping the chimp in office and charging him with war crimes, a far worse fate. i, for one, would be happy to forgo impeachment just to see Bush convicted of war crimes- something that he is guilty of, with solid proof.
This is BULLSHIT. She hasn’t the right to pledge that.
Good enough for her? FUCK THAT!
You don’t go out of your way to make promises you
may have to break to do your job.
Pledge was stupid and unnecessary.
How bout ‘Whatever is best for the country’.
Pelosi. Is. Wrong.
Implementing justice and restoring America’s credibility on the world stage is NOT “a waste of time”.
She is delusional if she thinks the world will respect America once again simply because the dems have taken control of the legislature.
If you state WHY impeachment matters and build a case for it — there is no question in my mind that an overwhelming number of American voters will be voting for the Dems this term.
Wimping out like this is damaging for America in the long-term because — if impeachment DOES become a reality — the “Christian base” will even further mistrust the dems, polarizing America ever more.
Sorry, Pelosi — I couldn’t disagree more with you on this point.
The Republicans have been using the specter of a Speaker Pelosi, an ultra-liberal third in line to the Presidency, to try and get their base whipped up. I think this is just intended to cut the legs out from under this propaganda, nothing more.
Don’t pay so much attention to what she says. Pay attention to what she does.
Just more PLan A Lite.
This is where it’s going.
Bet on it.
“For the good of the country.”
Stand tall, Dems.
Stand proud.
You’re gonna get JUST what you deserve.
51% of Americans want to see Bush the Dictator impeached and instead of keeping her flappin’ trap shut Pelosi is what?
I mean she’s worried about the RETHUG voters! Fuck me! The RETHUGS who still support ‘The Decider’ are never, ever gonna vote Dem.
So who is it she’s trying to ‘woo’ with this drivel?
They want Bush ‘The Idiot’ gooooooooooooooooone!
Oh…excuse me…she’s trying to ‘fire up’ the Democratic ‘base’…
This woman is clueless like the rest of her class. Like the rest of the ‘Vichy’ Dems who won’t campaign for Ned Lamont…
Like the ‘Big Dog’ who luvs him some ‘Liarmann’…
And ‘Windsurfer’ Kerry who luvs him some ‘Liarmann’ too…
And The Boxer Short who luvs her some ‘Liarmann’…
These political aristocrats all need to go home and stay there. Thanks to Pelosi we have:
The War in EyeRack…
The Bankruptcy bill…
Mark Foley…yeah, that ‘ethics truce’ shore do look good now don’t it Nancy?
And a host of other bad legislation which the Dems under Pelosi’s ‘inspired’ leadership just let the ReThugs ram thru.
And while Pelosi is saying stupid shit to the Corporate Media ‘Rape Gurney’ Joe the Liarmann is capering like Rove’s Fool through CT with nary a care that any ‘big name’ Democrat will call his slimy, wrinkled ass on the carpet for his lies, his Republican financial support or even his egregarious law-breaking.
Ya see he’s one of them. The Political Ruling Class.
Habeas Corpus…
Who needs it.
Well I don’t need the slick, Armani-suited Pelosi doing stupid shit like this to convince me that it’s past time for her and all her ilk to just fukin’….
This commenter appears not to realize that millions of Americans are out there working hard to address these issues and see to it that a House leader who will stand up for the people and hold the republicans accountable for their crimes gets elected. Thus, I deem him a Purity Troll.
Leslie Stahl sucks too.
I watched most of this interview last night and Stahl kept trying to corner her with wingnut talking points.
But what really took the cake for idiocy in media was when they showed footage of Pelosi at a county fair and Stahl made the election turning statement that Pelosi ate not one, but two porkchops on a stick. Fuckin weasel.
As far as impeachment goes, I’ve heard pelosi several times say that they’ll (the democrats) go wherever the oversight road takes them. I don’t think that she should dismiss impeachment out of hand like she did here though. She sets the democrats up for attacks in the future when they do (if they do, a big if) start digging.
IF Democrats do win control of the House, the next 2 years are going to be a non-stop attackfest regardless. Impeachment seems like as good an issue as any to take heat for. Better this than constant stories about Pelosi being a closet lesbian (she’s from San Francisco don’t you know, wink wink). This is easy to counter. You just repeat over and over: “We didn’t know then what we know now.” Lots of new bad stuff is going to come out with real subpeona-powered investigations.
Personally, I’d like to be the Pelosi staffer who gets to go on TV & say “No one could have ever imagined that the President, the Vice-President & Secretary of State Rice were THIS corrupt…”
Then I’d like to say “Yes Senator Graham, I believe the title of the briefing was ‘Democratic Party plans to Impeach the President in the United States’.”
Hoyer, Emmanuel and 40-50 other Democrats in the House will never vote for impeachment anyway. She might as well take it off the table now where we get an advantage from it, there is no way Bush is going to get impeached regardless of how many Americans want him gone.
This is one of those issues where I agree completely with Madman in the Marketplace. The Democratic party (especially our employed class of worthless wussy advisors) is horribly inept and unresponsive to their electorate. Many of them really don’t give a damn what most of the country thinks. They are the elite, and they are the only ones whose opinions matter.
That imo is the biggest problem we have in this country: the people with power who think of themselves as elites are short-sighted, selfish and not particularly bright.
if cheney and bush ever get impeached, nancy would be potus so she can’t really get too out in front on this, in any case.
I don’t think that impeachment should be part of the discussion until the charges are made. I do believe that this administration will be charged with many crimes. I also believe that the pardon will be used (again) to save this President and many others from ruin. It will be obvious to some future politician that there is no penalty for these crimes.
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