Today, I had the misfortune of being exposed to the mouthpiece of the GOP – FOX News.
While the topic was rather tame and fairly bi-partisan (stocks and trading), the punditry on display played their hands fully, throwing the “blame the Democrats” trump card at every turn.
As the GOP talking points slipped through the forked tongued pundits, the screen read “THE COST OF FREEDOM”, with the conversation having little to do with freedom, its costs or anything more than the market based capitalism that drives our economy.
One voice shouted over another during the Thirty Minutes Hate, all leading to the sworn enemy of America – the hated Democrats! For they had designs to RAISE TAXES, for they had designs to UNDERMINE THE AIMS OF THE GOVERNMENT!
Oh, they also sought only the election of Hilary Clinton to the office of the Presidency.
As one speaker spoke over another and one voice discredited the words of another, no real points were made, no real ideas were shared, above and beyond the hated Democrats were going to destroy America, should they win back the House or the Senate, or, god forbid, both.
The screen was awash in reds, whites, and blues. American flags swayed over the alternating words “fox” and “news”, while I felt that I was exposed to far more of the former and nearly nothing of the latter.
In the room, I sat dumbfounded and disgusted, yet silent. The others breathing in the foul stench sat enraptured, nodding sometimes in silence, sometimes voicing their own private vitriol against the “hated Democrats”, often leaving me shaking my head, wondering how they – people smart enough to know better – could be so easily swayed by what is clearly pre-approved propaganda, fed into the flapping puppet maws flashing across the screen.
Today proved to me that the fight will not end in two weeks. Today proved to me that the fight is one against the brainwashed masses consuming this “news”. Today proved to me that our ultimate fight lies in enlightenment, once the votes have been cast.
In a handful of days, we take our fight to the ballot boxes. Then, if need be, we take our fight to the streets. But, ultimately, our fight will be one of ideas, a fight to change, to open the minds of friends, families, co-workers, who have been mislead by the foul stench of propaganda.
While those we vote for this November must prove their mettle in the halls of Congress, must fight to undo what has been done against us in the laws of our land, what has been done subversively against the laws of this land, WE – the collective “we” who have been listening above the propaganda, must fight the fight to break through the fog that has grown around the masses, one way or another, we have no other choice.
Cross posted from The American Nightmare.