I guess when you are down by thirty points in the polls you can pretty much say anything and it can’t possibly adversely effect you chances for winning the election.
Hillary Clinton’s Republican challenger is getting personal and it’s not pretty: He says the senator used to be ugly – and speculates she got “millions of dollars” in plastic surgery.
“You ever see a picture of her back then? Whew,” said John Spencer of Clinton’s younger days.
“I don’t know why Bill married her,” he said of the Clintons, who celebrated their 31st anniversary this month.
Noting Hillary Clinton looks much different now, he chalked it up to “millions of dollars” of “work” – plastic surgery.
“She looks good now,” he said.
Spencer’s bizarre comments came during a conversation with a reporter seated beside him and his wife, Kathy, on the 10:30 a.m. JetBlue flight Friday to Rochester, the site of the race’s first debate.
In the wide-ranging chat, he also declared that his GOP running mate, attorney general hopeful Jeanine Pirro, was going to lose.
There’s an old joke that Bill Clinton used to tell about being in the White House with Hillary. It seems Hillary had some other boyfriend or rival for her hand when she was going to Yale. And once the Clinton’s were elected, Bill said something like, “Just think what would have happened if you had chosen that other guy.” And Hillary said, “Bill, you don’t understand. If I had chosen him, he’d be in the White House today.” Of course, this was just a way for Bill to be self-deprecating while saying something nice about the smarts of his wife. The fact that there was a certain whiff of truth about it is what made it funny. Needless to say, supermodel looks are not the only consideration a wise man or woman makes when choosing a mate. Having said that, Hillary looks very nice in her medium age and I can’t see any reason to make that an issue on the campaign, other than either carelessness or meanness. It seems like everyday of this campaign some Republican is exposed as a jerk, or a misogynist, or a racist. John Spencer is just the latest specimen.
And beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Personally, I think this is a BEAUTIFUL picture.
Both of them look fine.
So too is this one. Forty years later. They survived the BIG challenges, and more power to them both.
Happiness is beauty.
And the capacity for real happiness CANNOT be plastic surgeoned.
Here’s a picture of the country club asshole who said this.
YOU choose.
It’s the Spencers against the hips.
May the hips win.
This is not the first time that a right wing jerk has attacked the Clinton ladies’ looks. Remember when Rush Limbaugh called 13 year old Chelsea the White House Dog?
This is the type of thing that die hard Republicans say all the time about Hillary, and not just politicians. The wingnuts in my family are positively venal when discussing her. There are plenty of substantive reasons to disagree with her positions, but the visceral disdain and mudslinging you see is standard stuff for the GOP faithful. Fox has convinced them all she’s the real devil in prada.
Not surprising that the Republicans would take the low road, the amount of personal vitriol spewed by Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly and their ilk resorts to personal insults all the time. The infamous Limbaugh incident that Al Franken always mentions is when they showed a picture of a dog when he was talking about Chelsea Clinton (who was then what, 14?) on his TV show.
I always cringe at personal insults because they only appeal to the most base of emotions. When you see people cheering insults and wearing Purple Heart band-aids at the RNC, you really realize who you are dealing with. Problem is that it would be nice to run on the issues, but the Republican’s know that their weakness. They aren’t strong on the issues, so they make the campaigns about everything else. A candidate’s looks or skeleton’s in the family closet are fair game.
Ah well, as Yogi Berra said, “You don’t hit with your face.” I’d rather be ugly and competent than a gorgeous idiot.
Actually, I hope that these obnoxious statements keep coming. They shed a true light on the party of “family values”.
Look, Spencer will lose, no matter what he does. This comment, which will likely spall off another 5% of the vote from Spencer’s column, will just extend Hillary’s crushing defeat of Spencer. The only real question now confronting everyone is how much beyond 75% of the vote does Hillary receive.
Whenever a woman is attempting a leadership position many people start qualifying her in ways not commonly used for the other half. Will the GOP run Condoleezza Rice? What kind of abuse will we see if she has primary opponents? I don’t think much of her just because I don’t see how any responsible person could work for her boss. I would be interested to see her in a campaign for the nomination but I don’t think the GOP is ready for that.