Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, since it looks like I have a comfortable lead over my opponent in the BooTrib Fantasy Football league, I think I can comfortably say “Go Giants!” (my dad’s team, too). My opponent still has one player going tonight and I have T. Glenn going, but…
For some strange reason, I am watching the Herseth/Whalen debate on my local CBS affiliate. It’s a bit nauseating. I should probably turn it off. Duh, football is on. Ahhhh…distraction from politics.
I’m still so excited! I won a multi-round elimination contest at Screenwriting Expo in Los Angeles this weekend. It’s a miracle to make it out of the first round, which had about 700 people this year.
They give you a scenario, a pen and a pad of paper, and you have to write out longhand a scene that fulfills their requirements. Beyond meeting the requirements of the scenario, you’re scored on structure, dialog, creativity and style, whatever THAT is. 😉
Somehow I managed to keep eeking my way into the next round. When they whittle it down to the top three, the top three scenes are staged for the Expo audience, who then votes on the scenes.
After all the scenes are acted by actors (minimally staged, scripts in hand), the audience voted on paper – no electronic voting, haha, and then they called the three writers up on stage.
I was so surprised as they announced the 2nd runner up, and then the 1st runner up, leaving me the winner!!! Wow, talk about validation. That was so cool! Had to share!!!
We rallied in People’s Park (Berkeley) for a major environmental initiative, and he was the lead speaker. Barbara Lee was brief and positive and spirited. Berkeley’s mayor and some actress spoke a bit longer. And then we had Gore. 🙂
He spoke of vision and destiny and taking the future in our hands. He spoke of crisis and the terrible suffering if we don’t act and soon (and added a couple of digs at an administration which failed to heed warnings). He swung easily between grand movements and concrete steps… enfolding everyone.
Damned if he didn’t pour his heart into it.
We weren’t supposed to bring placards or noisemakers, but I think we made enough noise with our claps and cheers to return some of that energy.
He shook a lot of hands… that brief touch to say we were with him and his message.
Well, since it looks like I have a comfortable lead over my opponent in the BooTrib Fantasy Football league, I think I can comfortably say “Go Giants!” (my dad’s team, too). My opponent still has one player going tonight and I have T. Glenn going, but…
For some strange reason, I am watching the Herseth/Whalen debate on my local CBS affiliate. It’s a bit nauseating. I should probably turn it off. Duh, football is on. Ahhhh…distraction from politics.
I’m still so excited! I won a multi-round elimination contest at Screenwriting Expo in Los Angeles this weekend. It’s a miracle to make it out of the first round, which had about 700 people this year.
They give you a scenario, a pen and a pad of paper, and you have to write out longhand a scene that fulfills their requirements. Beyond meeting the requirements of the scenario, you’re scored on structure, dialog, creativity and style, whatever THAT is. 😉
Somehow I managed to keep eeking my way into the next round. When they whittle it down to the top three, the top three scenes are staged for the Expo audience, who then votes on the scenes.
After all the scenes are acted by actors (minimally staged, scripts in hand), the audience voted on paper – no electronic voting, haha, and then they called the three writers up on stage.
I was so surprised as they announced the 2nd runner up, and then the 1st runner up, leaving me the winner!!! Wow, talk about validation. That was so cool! Had to share!!!
You deserve it.
Awwww. I only know I sure needed it!!!!
Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your success with us. Can we see it, too?? 🙂
Nah – I think you had to be there. But what a blast!!!
Wonderful news, RHL! I’m sure it was well deserved, too.
Thanks, IndianaDem. Much appreciated!
One of these years, I’m going to enter the Writer’s Digest Writing Competition, if I can ever get enough crap together…
You should. You never know!!
(Don’t just get rid of the one you were forced to ride in on…)
Al Gore was surely on fire today.
We rallied in People’s Park (Berkeley) for a major environmental initiative, and he was the lead speaker. Barbara Lee was brief and positive and spirited. Berkeley’s mayor and some actress spoke a bit longer. And then we had Gore. 🙂
He spoke of vision and destiny and taking the future in our hands. He spoke of crisis and the terrible suffering if we don’t act and soon (and added a couple of digs at an administration which failed to heed warnings). He swung easily between grand movements and concrete steps… enfolding everyone.
Damned if he didn’t pour his heart into it.
We weren’t supposed to bring placards or noisemakers, but I think we made enough noise with our claps and cheers to return some of that energy.
He shook a lot of hands… that brief touch to say we were with him and his message.
Excellent speech.
on GOP Fearmongering is available at C&L now…highly recommended
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