I just finished reading Ron Suskind’s latest book “The One Percent Doctrine” http://tinyurl.com/y6hsnl

I would call it a must-read for those wanting some inside glimpses on many of the Bush Administration players and the background on a number of events and decisions. I’m going to break my notes and thoughts into different posts this week: Suskind and Bush was Monday, Tuesday was Suskind and Cheney, Wednesday Suskind and Tenet. Thursday a miscellaneous post and today a summary and wrapup.

Here’s links to each day:
Monday – http://tinyurl.com/y939fr (Suskind & Bush)

Tuesday – http://tinyurl.com/y6wwl4 (Suskind & Cheney)

Wednesday – http://tinyurl.com/y6zd6k (Suskind & Tenet)

Thursday – http://tinyurl.com/yyyy6m (Suskind & Miscellaneous)

This book reinforced to me that there are some very dangerous people in this world, monsters willing to harm innocent civilians to theoretically advance a particular cause. To have concern and employ greater protection is obviously justified and legitimate.

Also, there are many dedicated national security types who put in (and are putting in) 100+ hours a week on the job. They did (and are doing so) for comparatively miniscule financial reward. They deserve to be commended for their professional and patriotic dedication. Also worthy of attention are those individuals who acted on their conscience and stood their ground in various morality plays, usually against very powerful agencies and figures and with full knowledge their resistance would come at a high personal and professional price.

Then there are the individuals in this country who have committed treason–you know who they are. To haphazardly send soldiers to their deaths and dismemberment, to politicize national security and utilize fear-mongering, is simple obscenity and atrocity. Nothing that may happen to them in this life can assuage the evilness of their vile deeds. They are also monsters.