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Recent Posts
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
- Day 36: German Conservatives Win, Denounce American Conservatives
- Day 33: Trump and Putin Pursue a Deal on Ukraine
Good morning. Cold morning.
Haven’t been out of bunker yet but I’m sure there’s a lovely warm breeze blowing off Lake Michigan making Chicago a balmy paradise. Of course I’m also sure that I’m going to win the lottery.
Oh yeah, I’m sure Chicago is all balmy breezes and palm trees today…
I’m debating delaying my walk till lunchtime so it’s a little warmer…nobody wanted to get out of bed until after the heater had been on for while this morning.
No fooling. It’s colder in Raleigh 34 than in Cleveland 41 and I have to leave for court before the bedwarm is off of me.
See everyone later.
Enjoy the cold weather!
See you later.
Good morning! There is a nip (40ish) in the air here as well.
Good morning, ladies and boran.
We’re off today because of Eid.
Lot’sto do at home, though.
Here. Just been busy with work, school and kids.
Kids and Wayne didn’t attend last Wed’s schedule due to my son needing to study a biology test. Kids are doing well. Everyone is gearing up for Halloween… including CodePink 🙂
Hey, DJ! Good to see ya. Glad to hear all’s well.
I guess you know that Hallowe’en is a time when the veil between worlds is thinnest. I’d imagine many of those recently passed as a result of international conflict might have quite a bit to say to us, if we can only hear.
This is also a time for their spirits to be honored — regardless of differences in belief.
Good to see you again!!! Hope all is well with you and your black pooties (cats) 🙂
Halloween… as to the hearing the voices… here in America we’re told to watch what we say and do. And as long as it’s not on the “news” it must not be happening. ACK.
I have totally given up TV though. I do watch KO and Jon Stewart via youtube.com though LOL. But the TV just got so pathetically dumb.
{{{ DJ }}}
Ah, yes: we, the invisible & silent, stand with the invisible & silent of the past.
Got my first lesson in ‘disappearing dissent’ back during the run-up to Desert Storm under Bush the Elder: tens of thousands of protestors decend upon DC on 2 consecutive weekends. Arrive home each evening satisfied, sore, convinced of the justice of our actions & the seeming well-being of our functional democracy. Turn on the tube to check out the coverage, and
not one news story. Not one mention. It was just as if we’d never been there at all — even less coverage than dissent pre-Iraq invasion.
So, yes, in terms of the general national narrative, that’s how it goes.
As for tv, I’ve been watching regularly for the first time in over five years. For most of my life I haven’t owned one at all. Man, what a mind-fuck! Can’t help but sit in front of the thing & feel my general intelligence being scooped out by degrees.
However, I am watching KO. Those special comments must not be missed.
As for the general state of things & my dear pooty-poots, ’tis a story to sad to tell. Long story short, I was displaced from my home this summer & in the process lost one kitty to the wilds. Just awful.
Off to lunch/tending to Mom. Can’t imagine a more distasteful familial obligation than attendance at the butt-end of the Sunshine State. See you again soon, I hope!
Howdy do, all. Hope everyone’s enjoying a relatively stress-free day & a nice little drop in temperatures. Gets the blood movin’, y’know.
Can’t let the day pass without compliments on another image by our very own purveyor of luscious goodness, the divine Miss O.
Good to see you both popping in. It’s a busy day for me, but that’s ok … makes the wk day go by faster. 🙂
Hey Oliva 🙂 Mr. Damnit is now the league lead scorer and last night he got a hattrick 🙂
Way to go Mr D! 😀
Grateful salutations, as always, Miss O! Always so pleased to see you.
Sorry I can’t hang out today. Someday soon (Gaia willing) I hope to have most of my time to myself again — in order to spread my wenchly self all over these cafe’ tables & make the usual mess.
Have a good’un!
Be safe and well…{{{ww}}}
aren’t that old. 🙂
<img width=”360″src=”
My Shoes…
are history. But I’m not. 🙂
You got a lot of mileage out of those …
Not really. They were only a few months old. Actually I think I did more damage to them not by marching – Portland has alot of brick and cobblestone-type sidewalks… but from standing at vigils and shifting my legs.
that would explain it then … 🙂
Good afternoon all froggies! Thanks DJ for actually walking the talk-the photo shows the evidence of that!
I am still walking through the ruins of what I thought was my life-so much of what I’ve done now seems so irrelevant. Actually had a good day for part of Monday only to fall back into the pit last night and was wailing again this morning. Talked with my (good) boss about what’s going on and he was very understanding, having gone through something of the same sort recently. Since some of my past behavior (angry outbursts usually) affected him directly it seemed fitting. And thank YOU for reading my continuing drama.
Hey soup, I kind of believe that nothing we do is irrelevant since it all sort of becomes a part of who we are. Or maybe that’s just the drugs talking, I don’t know. 🙂