Jim Staro, a veteran and well loved member of this community (as well as an active member of Veterans for Peace), has given us the link to the website sponsoring the actions of the (so far) 65 active duty service members who intend to petition their Congressman to end the War in Iraq. The name of the site is An Appeal for Redress and this is the message that they are urging all like minded active duty service members to send to their Congressional representatives:

As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq . Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.

I think this is a great message and one we as a community need to support. I urge each of you, whether current military, former military, or (like myself) someone who has never served in the military, to support this message and the brave Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen who will be communicating this message to their individual members of Congress. So please join me in taking the following action:


1. Contact your Congressional Representatives by phone, email or snail mail. Contact information for Senators can be found at this LINK, and contact information for your Representatives can be found HERE. Other links with additional contact information can be found HERE and HERE.

2. Inform your Senators and Representatives (or their staffers if you call) that you whole heartedly support the both the brave actions of these active duty military members in communicating their message to Congress as well as the message itself.

3. Also tell them you hope that, regardless of their personal views on the Iraq War, you hope that they will fully support these active duty military members who choose to exercise their 1st Amendment right to peacefully appeal to their Congressional representatives.

4. Further, state that you expect them to assist any active duty military members who face reprisals as a result of communicating this message, as specified in the Military Whistleblowers Protection Act, 10 United States Code, Section 1034 and Department of Defense Directive 7050.6 (caution: pdf file link).

5. Should you email your Senators and Representatives, consider turning your email into a Letter to the Editor to be submitted to your local newspaper.

Here is the email I will be sending to Senators Clinton, Schumer and my Congressional Representative, which you are free to use in whole or part in drafting your own letter or email:

Dear [Name of Sen. or Rep.]:

In the coming months, a number of active duty members of our armed force will be contacting their Senators and House members with the following message:

As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq . Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.

For more information about this planned action by a number of our active duty military members, let me refer you to this website, An Appeal for Redress, which can be found on the internet here: http://www.appealforredress.org/

First, let me add that I fully support this message, and the brave actions of those currently serving in our military who will be communicating it to you. There is no higher responsibility for any American than the exercise of his or her 1st Amendment Right to communicate with the representatives of our Federal Government when we, as Americans, disagree with the actions and policies of that government. Speaking out against wrongs which we perceive to have been committed by our government, and petitioning our government to right those wrongs, is both our right, and our responsibility, as American Citizens.

Thus, in respectfully expressing their dissent with the current policy in Iraq, the members of our armed forces who will be sending this message to you will be fulfilling their primary responsibility, both as citizens, and as individuals who have pledged themselves to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Indeed, I can think of no braver act, nor more patriotic service, which they can perform on behalf of their country. In that respect, they exemplify all that is best about our nation and the proud people who claim it as their own.

I should like to add that not only is dissent by active members of the military their right under the Constitution, but it is also protected speech under the laws of the United States. In particular, the Military Whistleblowers Protection Act (10 United States Code, Section 1034) and Department of Defense Directive 7050.6 prohibit any reprisals against active duty service persons who make such protected communications. Specific reprisals which are prohibited include the taking of any unfavorable personnel action in response to a protected communication, or making a threat to withhold a favorable personnel action in order to coerce someone from making a protected communication to their Congressional representatives.

Despite the fact that the law clearly protects those who chose to send this message to you, service members who speak out against the Iraq War in this manner very well may be subjected to punishment, harassment or reprisals by their superiors in the military or the Department of Defense. Therefore, regardless of your personal views on the administration’s policy on Iraq, I urge you to fully support these active duty military members who choose to send this message to you or your colleagues. I further urge you to assist any active duty military members who face reprisals as a result of communicating this message to you or your colleagues. That is the least you could do for these brave men and women.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]