Nature or Nurture

This isn’t much of a diary entry, but I found the links I followed from a Norwegian news story absolutely fascinating.  The news story was not in English, so I’ll provide no link, but it led me to the pages of the Museum of Natural History at the University of Oslo where a quite unique exhibition is currently on.

AGAINST NATURE? — an exhibition on animal homosexuality

On Thursday October 12 2006 The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, opened the first-ever museum exhibition dedicated to gay animals.

Today we know that homosexuality is a common and widespread phenomenon in the animal world. Not only short-lived sexual relationships, but even long-lasting partnerships; partnerships that may last a lifetime.

The exhibit puts on display a small selection among the more than 1500 species where homosexuality have been observed. This fascinating story of the animals’ secret life is told by means of models, photos, texts and specimens. The visitor will be confronted with all sorts of creatures from tiny insects to enormous spermwhales.

I was somewhat aware of the occurrence of homosexuality in the animal world, but no clue as to the extent and variety that is being observed.

Pleasure ride: A male killer whale rides the dorsal fin of another male. Sex just for the pleasure of it is common in many animals. Photo: Brian Scott.
(Image from the linked source.)

More images here and here.

For a level headed essay on the subject, check this link:
The Natural “Crime Against Nature”
A Brief Survey of Homosexual Behaviors In Animals

The wingers obviously hate the concept; have a look if you think you can stomach it.

The case is getting pretty clear.