how Borat pulls off those interviews? Wonder no more: BBC
Most of Borat’s victims were ensnared in a similar way. They would be contacted by a woman calling herself Chelsea Barnard from a fictional film company, One America Productions.
They would be told about the foreign correspondent making a film about life in the US, with the pitch tailored to each person’s specialist subject.
Then on the day of the interview, they would be presented with a release form at the last minute, be paid in cash and, finally, Borat would amble in, beginning with some serious subjects before starting his provocative routine.
“We’re all primed to do an academic dissertation, we did our homework,” says yoga teacher Grace Welch, another member of the three-strong feminist panel.
“And as we’re talking, out of the blue, he says: ‘Do you know Baywatch?’
Borat at rodeo in Salem, Massachusetts
Borat gave his own rendition of the US national anthem at a rodeo
“I knew something was going on but I didn’t know what it was. I’m looking at the cameramen and everyone was stony-faced. And then he would come out with outrageous things.”
I hope those cameramen get paid well. I’d have a hard time watching the unsuspecting victims of his interview without getting a funny look on my face.
“Senator Lieberman just called me a liar and he made a lot of outrageous accusations,” Lamont replied. “Senator, everything we’re talking about is your record, and you can’t run from your record.”
Hecklers interrupted the debate at times, and some chanted “Lieberman Protects Cheney.” They were escorted from the theater.
An exasperated Lieberman, a particular target for outbursts from the audience, scolded the hecklers. “C’mon,” he said, “let’s let the candidates talk.”
Lieberman’s support for the war in Iraq drew criticism from Lamont and Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger.
“Joe Lieberman and George Bush’s stay-the-course strategy, that’s the recipe for failure,” Lamont said.
I think heckling during the debate is a little over the top; do it before or after. What do you think?
but there’s an idiot living in the White House: WSJ
In a CNBC interview with Maria Bartiromo, Bush was asked a question on many of our minds: “I’m curious, have you ever Googled anybody? Do you use Google?”
According to CNBC’s unofficial transcript, he replied: “Occasionally. One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see that. I forgot the name of the program, but you get the satellite and you can — like, I kind of like to look at the ranch on Google, reminds me of where I want to be sometimes. Yeah, I do it some.” He added: “I tend not to email or — not only tend not to email, I don’t email, because of the different record requests that can happen to a president. I don’t want to receive emails because, you know, there’s no telling what somebody’s email may — it would show up as, you know, a part of some kind of a story, and I wouldn’t be able to say, `Well, I didn’t read the email.’ `But I sent it to your address, how can you say you didn’t?’ So, in other words, I’m very cautious about emailing.”
WTF planet does this guy live on? “It would show up as, you know, a part of some kind of a story, and I wouldn’t be able to say, `Well, I didn’t read the email.” Obviously, he knows he doesn’t want any evidence of his lawbreaking on the internets, but besides that, he says dumb crap like “We were never stay the course, even though there’s TONS of video of him saying exactly that over and over! But I guess he doesn’t know that because he doesn’t use the internet (and apparently doesn’t watch anything but Fox news).
But existential allegory is his his favorite type of book, right? (I didn’t know comics came in allegory) Steer him off of his studied answers and you get the true Dubya… still dumb as a brick.
Great quote today by Dr Who. I watched the first season of the new Dr Who and then they changed the actor who plays the Dr!!! I’m still pissed about that and haven’t watched it once this season.
Y’know, Nag, I’ve changed my own view that Bush is actually dumb — unless you can pass the same judgement on, say, a hyena.
Hyenas are actually very smart, in terms of self-interest. Likewise, imo, with the Virtual CiC.
The apparent thing about Bush is that he hates to be challenged. Makes him testy, y’know. Learning to use any of the internetz would, in fact, present a challenge — just like reading a PDB.
Wilderness rule #1: you can bring a hyena to slaughter, but you can’t make him think.
I’ll bet he’d like to be at the ranch, doing some non-clearing of non-brush.
Wow. Those are some great photos, blueneck. Makes me lust after broadband. These days, with all the videos posted everywhere, I have trouble even loading a page with a youtube link on it. :(<p?
I especially like the LPOD.
Glad you like my POD links. I check the LPOD regularly. I used to dream of Walking on the Moon. I haven’t given up yet… 🙂
Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs dont break
Walking on the moon
We could walk for ever
Walking on the moon
We could live together
Walking on, walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Feet they hardly touch the ground
Walking on the moon
My feet dont hardly make no sound
Walking on, walking on the moon
Rush Limbaugh attacks Michael J. Fox: ” …he was either off the medication or he was acting. He is an actor, after all.”
Rush Limbaugh will say anything to attack anyone who challenges George Bush and his policies. This time, his target is Michael J. Fox. Meds are something Rush does have a little experience with.
Emailer Doug: Rush Limbaugh today accused Michael J. Fox, actor and Parkinson’s Disease victim, of deliberately going off of his meds to appear on camera with exaggerated symptoms of his disease for dramatic effect. Fox appeared in a recent Clair McHaskill (D-MO) Senate campaign ad, touting the need for stem cell research. Limbaugh even goes so far as to accuse Fox of faking his symptoms all together.[snip]
Dr. Daniel emails:
“…the chorea that Michael J Fox has in that ad comes from chronic use of dopamine agonists in the context of Parkinson’s. They’re movements from the medicine, not the disease itself. Although he might have odd movements OFF of his meds, they wouldn’t look like the ones in the ad. They’d look like the Parkinson’s-like presentation of Muhammed Ali’s Dementia Pugilistica.
In addition, those movements are hard to imitate accurately because they stem from circuits between the basal ganglia and cortex that you can’t just turn off or on. Those aren’t volitional circuits. There is little chance he was acting, and if he was, he could only accentuate slightly movementse already had. In other words, this is as tragic as it looks.
My mother had Parkinsons. I live with the possibility that I will develop the disease. Limbaugh is against the stem cell research, so he goes along pushing lies and garbage science for his master Bush, leaving a slime trail that you could smell a mile away. Limbaugh is a truely repulsive human being. I try to refrain from wishing evil on him, (like a horribly painful death) but it’s soooooo hard. Karma is a bitch. So I try to mentally send him a case of supernatural jock itch that no stem cell research could ever cure. Maybe if we all send our brainwaves together: ready… ITCH! Bwa ha ha ha.
Limbaugh will be against stem-cell research until he gets a disease that could be cured by them. Then he’ll be condemning the pinko feminazi librul scientists who haven’t worked fast enough to fix him. What a horrible man.
Cali Scribe put up the Michael J. Fox ad in the Olberman diary last night, in case anybody hasn’t seen it yet. I can’t believe Rush is being such a jerk about it. Wait. Yes I can.
U.S. teacher exiled to Canada “Legal experts on both sides of the border are scratching their heads after a U.S. judge told a Buffalo teacher convicted of having sex with a 15-year-old girl he could avoid a one-year jail sentence by accepting a three-year exile to Canada.[..]”
NEW YORK, New York, October 23, 2006 (ENS) – Worsening drought in Afghanistan means 1.9 million people will need food assistance – 200,000 more than predicted in July – according to the United Nations and Afghan government, which launched a joint appeal for a further $43.3 million in humanitarian relief today.
Vertebrate creatures first began moving from the world’s oceans to land about 415 million years ago, then all but disappeared by 360 million years ago. The same pattern is seen for insects and spiders. The reason for the setback? A drop in the oxygen content of Earth’s atmosphere by half, for 30 million years. When oxygen levels rose again, animal life moved onto land for good.
Melting before our eyes: The NY Times has a report on the glacier that is the source of the Rhone River, which is shrinking at a rate of 12-15 feet per day. And NPR had a story yesterday on melting Alaskan glaciers, with photos from 70 years ago and today. In one case, only a mud flat is all that remains of the glacier.
Oregon State University researchers are fine-tuning a purple tomato, with skin as dark as an eggplant. But it doesn’t just look cool, it could be better for you. The novel pigment contains the same phytochemical found in blueberries that is thought to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Six years in the making, the purple hybrid could hit salad plates in two years. Genetic origins are not at issue. The purple tomato traces its roots to a wild species in South America, not a petri dish.
Recommended reading – food for thought: “How Close To Catastrophe? by Bill McKibben (here) Got an opinion on the matter? These folks want to hear from you, 500 word maximum. Or just blog it here!
This is how American Corporations treat labor when they can get away with it.
When Michigan-based automotive supplier Lear Corp. needed a secretary for its office in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato, it placed a classified ad seeking a “female … aged 20 to 28 … preferably single … with excellent presentation.”
And to ensure that it got the right candidate, Lear asked applicants to include a recent photo with their resumes.
Job seekers who are considered too old, too chunky or too dark are screened out by companies that sometimes specify the ideal candidate’s marital status, height, weight, tone of voice, even the part of town in which the person should reside.
What is less known is that many American corporations — including Coca-Cola, Pepsi Bottling and Shell Oil — are engaging in hiring practices that appear to violate their fair-employment policies in the U.S.
They include companies that trumpet their diversity initiatives north of the border, including top-drawer U.S. law firm Baker & McKenzie, and should be familiar with Mexican laws prohibiting discrimination.
how Borat pulls off those interviews? Wonder no more: BBC
I hope those cameramen get paid well. I’d have a hard time watching the unsuspecting victims of his interview without getting a funny look on my face.
Waldorf and Statler live on: AP/Yahoo
I think heckling during the debate is a little over the top; do it before or after. What do you think?
Apparently it was some “Larouchians” that did the heckling… Go figure, eh?
Let ’em speak and mock and/or praise them afterward. The audience isn’t the show.
but there’s an idiot living in the White House: WSJ
WTF planet does this guy live on? “It would show up as, you know, a part of some kind of a story, and I wouldn’t be able to say, `Well, I didn’t read the email.” Obviously, he knows he doesn’t want any evidence of his lawbreaking on the internets, but besides that, he says dumb crap like “We were never stay the course, even though there’s TONS of video of him saying exactly that over and over! But I guess he doesn’t know that because he doesn’t use the internet (and apparently doesn’t watch anything but Fox news).
But existential allegory is his his favorite type of book, right? (I didn’t know comics came in allegory) Steer him off of his studied answers and you get the true Dubya… still dumb as a brick.
Great quote today by Dr Who. I watched the first season of the new Dr Who and then they changed the actor who plays the Dr!!! I’m still pissed about that and haven’t watched it once this season.
Y’know, Nag, I’ve changed my own view that Bush is actually dumb — unless you can pass the same judgement on, say, a hyena.
Hyenas are actually very smart, in terms of self-interest. Likewise, imo, with the Virtual CiC.
The apparent thing about Bush is that he hates to be challenged. Makes him testy, y’know. Learning to use any of the internetz would, in fact, present a challenge — just like reading a PDB.
Wilderness rule #1: you can bring a hyena to slaughter, but you can’t make him think.
I’ll bet he’d like to be at the ranch, doing some non-clearing of non-brush.
Rove told him to stay away from the computer.
They fear a paper trail.
There’s a nice LPOD today.
The OSEI IOD of Hurricane Paul is pretty good, too.
The M-W WOD is zoomorphic.
The Nat Geo POD is a beautiful shot in the Seychelles, half underwater, half above, pretty cool…
The current moon phase is – waxing crescent, 5% of full.
Wow. Those are some great photos, blueneck. Makes me lust after broadband. These days, with all the videos posted everywhere, I have trouble even loading a page with a youtube link on it. :(<p?
I especially like the LPOD.
Glad you like my POD links. I check the LPOD regularly. I used to dream of Walking on the Moon. I haven’t given up yet… 🙂
Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs dont break
Walking on the moon
We could walk for ever
Walking on the moon
We could live together
Walking on, walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Feet they hardly touch the ground
Walking on the moon
My feet dont hardly make no sound
Walking on, walking on the moon
Some may say
I’m wishing my days away
no way…
The Nat Geo pic is really cool.
I have an ambition to travel to the Seychelles someday. IMO, they’re the quintessential, still beautifully unspoiled tropical island ideal.
oooh, there’s a really nice DDOI up today, too, “a cloud in the alps, on the road from france to italy.”
Another reason to absolutely abhor Rush Limbaugh:
Rush Limbaugh will say anything to attack anyone who challenges George Bush and his policies. This time, his target is Michael J. Fox. Meds are something Rush does have a little experience with.
Emailer Doug: Rush Limbaugh today accused Michael J. Fox, actor and Parkinson’s Disease victim, of deliberately going off of his meds to appear on camera with exaggerated symptoms of his disease for dramatic effect. Fox appeared in a recent Clair McHaskill (D-MO) Senate campaign ad, touting the need for stem cell research. Limbaugh even goes so far as to accuse Fox of faking his symptoms all together.[snip]
Dr. Daniel emails:
“…the chorea that Michael J Fox has in that ad comes from chronic use of dopamine agonists in the context of Parkinson’s. They’re movements from the medicine, not the disease itself. Although he might have odd movements OFF of his meds, they wouldn’t look like the ones in the ad. They’d look like the Parkinson’s-like presentation of Muhammed Ali’s Dementia Pugilistica.
In addition, those movements are hard to imitate accurately because they stem from circuits between the basal ganglia and cortex that you can’t just turn off or on. Those aren’t volitional circuits. There is little chance he was acting, and if he was, he could only accentuate slightly movementse already had. In other words, this is as tragic as it looks.
My mother had Parkinsons. I live with the possibility that I will develop the disease. Limbaugh is against the stem cell research, so he goes along pushing lies and garbage science for his master Bush, leaving a slime trail that you could smell a mile away. Limbaugh is a truely repulsive human being. I try to refrain from wishing evil on him, (like a horribly painful death) but it’s soooooo hard. Karma is a bitch. So I try to mentally send him a case of supernatural jock itch that no stem cell research could ever cure. Maybe if we all send our brainwaves together: ready… ITCH! Bwa ha ha ha.
Limbaugh will be against stem-cell research until he gets a disease that could be cured by them. Then he’ll be condemning the pinko feminazi librul scientists who haven’t worked fast enough to fix him. What a horrible man.
Drug rush is such a punk. He needs to get his ass whipped, plain & simple.
…THEN he gets the jock itch.
Me either.
Cali Scribe put up the Michael J. Fox ad in the Olberman diary last night, in case anybody hasn’t seen it yet. I can’t believe Rush is being such a jerk about it. Wait. Yes I can.
Steve Clemons has a Post-it for Cheney’s fridge:
Call Neighbor, Apologize and pay the Dinner Bill
U.S. teacher exiled to Canada “Legal experts on both sides of the border are scratching their heads after a U.S. judge told a Buffalo teacher convicted of having sex with a 15-year-old girl he could avoid a one-year jail sentence by accepting a three-year exile to Canada.[..]”
The computer police arrests farmer, his wife and 3 children. Oops wrong IP address.
REPORT: Bush Officials Were `Rooting’ For North Korea to Test Nuclear Weapon – Thinkprogress has it.
If they steal another election, can we all get exiled to Canada? 😉
after that decision, Canada may just close its borders, build a wall.
More trouble fighting them over there.
Australia is to launch a 500-million-dollar drive to develop new energy technologies to tackle global warming, Prime Minister John Howard announced Monday, as the country battles its worst drought in more than a century. Like the US, Australia has not signed the Kyoto protocol.
Vertebrate creatures first began moving from the world’s oceans to land about 415 million years ago, then all but disappeared by 360 million years ago. The same pattern is seen for insects and spiders. The reason for the setback? A drop in the oxygen content of Earth’s atmosphere by half, for 30 million years. When oxygen levels rose again, animal life moved onto land for good.
Soil from a Copper Age site in northern Kazakhstan has yielded new evidence for domestication of horses up to 5,600 years ago.
Global warming caused by rapid deforestation could be curbed if developing countries were paid the proper rewards for maintaining their woodland, a World Bank study said Monday. The report noted that the world’s forests are disappearing at a rate of five percent a decade as woodland is cleared for timber and production of in-demand commodities like beef, coffee and soybeans.
Three decades after the Viking mission, a new analysis suggests it could not have found life, even if present, as it wasn’t sensitive enough – it even failed to detect life in some specimens from Earth! The findings will be used to design future instruments to be sent to Mars.
Melting before our eyes: The NY Times has a report on the glacier that is the source of the Rhone River, which is shrinking at a rate of 12-15 feet per day. And NPR had a story yesterday on melting Alaskan glaciers, with photos from 70 years ago and today. In one case, only a mud flat is all that remains of the glacier.
Oregon State University researchers are fine-tuning a purple tomato, with skin as dark as an eggplant. But it doesn’t just look cool, it could be better for you. The novel pigment contains the same phytochemical found in blueberries that is thought to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Six years in the making, the purple hybrid could hit salad plates in two years. Genetic origins are not at issue. The purple tomato traces its roots to a wild species in South America, not a petri dish.
Another day, another pollution incident in China (sigh): A stretch of China’s Yellow River, the country’s second longest, has turned red with pollution, state media reported on Monday.
Recommended reading – food for thought: “How Close To Catastrophe? by Bill McKibben (here) Got an opinion on the matter? These folks want to hear from you, 500 word maximum. Or just blog it here!
Global ecosystems ‘face collapse’
This is how American Corporations treat labor when they can get away with it.
This message is the new and improved BOMB!
So you can be an informed voter:
Info on Ned Lamont:
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Official Campaign Website
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Ned Lamont, the Political Entrepreneur
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Democrats Back Lamont; Lieberman Files Independent Run” (F0x)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Unofficial Ned Lamont Resource
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Unofficial Lamont Blog
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “The Democrats Mean Business” (WSJ)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Ned Lamont vs. Joe Lieberman” (The Nation)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Loses Debate With Challenger Ned Lamont”
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lamont: Lieberman Sounded Like Cheney”
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lamont Fires Up Naples” (New Haven Independent)
Info on Joe Lieberman:
Joe Lieberman – “Seasonal Memory Lapses” by Paul Bass (Hartford Courant)
Joe Lieberman – “Truth About Joe”
Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Wins Republican Friends, Democratic Enemies…” (WaPo)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is a Big Oil Republican” (LamontBlog)
Joe Lieberman – “Kerry Calls Lieberman the New Cheney” (ABC)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman Doesn’t Care About Handicapped People” (Wonkette)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is Running With a Bad Crowd” (Firedoglake)
Joe Lieberman – “116 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Lieberman”
Joe Lieberman – “How Joe Lieberman Tried to Kill Rock ‘N Roll” (Huffington Post)
Info on Alan Schlesinger:
Alan Schlesinger and Joe Lieberman
Alan Schlesinger and Joe Lieberman
Info on races across the nation:
–AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
–AZ-01: Rick Renzi
–AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
–CA-04: John Doolittle
–CA-11: Richard Pombo
–CA-50: Brian Bilbray
–CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
–CO-05: Doug Lamborn
–CO-07: Rick O’Donnell
–CT-04: Christopher Shays
–FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
–FL-16: Joe Negron
–FL-22: Clay Shaw
–ID-01: Bill Sali
–IL-06: Peter Roskam
–IL-10: Mark Kirk
–IL-14: Dennis Hastert
–IN-02: Chris Chocola
–IN-08: John Hostettler
–IA-01: Mike Whalen
–KS-02: Jim Ryun
–KY-03: Anne Northup
–KY-04: Geoff Davis
–MD-Sen: Michael Steele
–MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
–MN-06: Michele Bachmann
–MO-Sen: Jim Talent
–MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
–NV-03: Jon Porter
–NH-02: Charlie Bass
–NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
–NM-01: Heather Wilson
–NY-03: Peter King
–NY-20: John Sweeney
–NY-26: Tom Reynolds
–NY-29: Randy Kuhl
–NC-08: Robin Hayes
–NC-11: Charles Taylor
–OH-01: Steve Chabot
–OH-02: Jean Schmidt
–OH-15: Deborah Pryce
–OH-18: Joy Padgett
–PA-04: Melissa Hart
–PA-07: Curt Weldon
–PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
–PA-10: Don Sherwood
–RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
–TN-Sen: Bob Corker
–VA-Sen: George Allen
–VA-10: Frank Wolf
–WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
–WA-08: Dave Reichert
手机铃声 铃声下载 免费铃声 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声下载 和弦铃声 三星铃声 三星手机铃声下载 MP3铃声 手机铃声下载 手机自编铃声 MP3手机铃声 诺基亚铃声下载 NOKIA铃声下载 小灵通铃声下载 真人铃声 MP3铃声下载 自编铃声 联通铃声下载 移动手机铃声下载 联通手机铃声免费下载 TCL铃声 飞利浦铃声下载 特效铃声 搞笑铃声 MIDI铃声 铃声图片 MMF铃声下载 免费手机图片下载 免费手机点歌 手机短信 手机彩信 手机彩铃 康佳手机铃声下载 TCL手机铃声下载 迪比特手机铃声下载 手机和旋铃声 三星手机铃声 三星手机和弦铃声下载 波导手机铃声下载 熊猫手机铃声下载 免费手机铃声 科健手机铃声下载 海尔手机铃声下载 诺基亚手机铃声下载 手机和弦铃声 手机铃声图片下载 飞利浦手机铃声下载 手机自编铃声曲谱 小灵通手机铃声下载 手机铃声编辑 CDMA手机铃声下载 摩托罗拉手机铃声下载 联通CDMA手机铃声下载 松下手机铃声下载 东信手机铃声下载 联想手机铃声下载 中兴手机铃声下载 大显手机铃声下载 首信手机铃声下载 三星手机自编铃声 三星CDMA手机铃声 康佳手机和弦铃声 MP3手机铃声下载 索尼爱立信手机铃声 手机铃声大全 三星手机铃声图片下载 手机特效铃声 手机铃声制作 三星手机铃声免费下载 TCL手机自编铃声 松下手机自编铃声 飞利浦手机自编铃声 诺基亚手机自编铃声 摩托罗拉自编铃声 三星手机MP3铃声 手机MP3铃声制作软件 免费MP3铃声下载 摩托罗拉MP3铃声 三星MP3铃声下载 联通MP3铃声下载 中国移动铃声下载 中国联通手机铃声下载 免费联通手机铃声 联通铃声 联通用户手机铃声下载 联通手机和弦铃声下载 联通手机铃声图片下载 小灵通铃声免费下载 和弦铃声免费下载
免费下载三星铃声 诺基亚免费铃声下载 联通免费铃声下载 免费铃声图片下载 MMF铃声免费下载 TCL免费铃声下载 免费下载铃声 手机铃声免费下载 松下免费铃声下载 NOKIA免费铃声下载 MIDI铃声免费下载 和弦铃声下载 TCL免费手机铃声下载 免费手机铃声图片下载 免费手机铃声下载网站 小灵通手机铃声免费下载 诺基亚手机铃声免费下载 摩托罗拉手机铃声免费下载 三星和弦铃声 CECT和弦铃声下载 三星T108和弦铃声 NOKIA和弦铃声下载 康佳和弦铃声下载 迪比特和弦铃声下载 阿尔卡特和弦铃声 CDMA和弦铃声下载 夏新和弦铃声下载 西门子和弦铃声 诺基亚和弦铃声 联通和弦铃声 三星铃声下载 三星和旋铃声 三星T108铃声下载 三星手机铃声乐园 三星CDMA铃声下载 三星免费铃声 三星真人铃声 诺基亚3100铃声下载 NOKIA手机铃声下载 怎样下载小灵通铃声 真人铃声下载 真人真唱手机铃声下载 联通用户铃声下载 联通CDMA铃声下载 TCL手机铃声图片下载 TCL手机和弦铃声下载 飞利浦630铃声下载 三星特效铃声 手机特效铃声下载 搞笑短信 MMF手机铃声 MMF格式铃声 免费短信 短信笑话 幽默短信 经典短信 谜语短信 短信祝福 爆笑短信 生日短信 爱情短信 精彩短信 情人节短信 短信传情 节日短信 彩信图片 彩信动画 彩信相册 免费彩信下载 三星彩信 联通彩信 移动彩信 彩信铃声 免费彩铃下载 移动彩铃 联通彩铃 12530彩铃 小灵通彩铃 免费三星手机铃声 免费和弦铃声 手机图铃下载 免费图铃下载 待机彩图 三星手机待机彩图 丰胸铃声
网络游戏 免费游戏下载 小游戏 在线游戏 游戏外挂 游戏论坛 游戏点卡 联众游戏 泡泡堂游戏 游戏攻略 FLASH游戏 单机游戏下载 美女 美女图片 美女写真 美女论坛 性感美女 美女走光 街头走光 走光照片 免费电影下载 免费在线电影 免费电影在线观看 小电影 免费成人电影 免费激情电影 电影论坛 PP点点通电影下载 BT电影下载 免费三级电影 爱情电影 舒淇电影 韩国电影 周星驰电影 流行音乐 免费音乐下载 音乐在线 在线音乐 古典音乐 音乐试听 MP3音乐 MP3下载 MP3播放器 MP3随身听 免费MP3歌曲下载 QQ下载 申请QQ QQ幻想外挂 QQ表情 QQ挂机 珊瑚虫QQ QQ头像 QQ游戏 QQ空间代码 QQ个性签名 网络小说 玄幻小说 成人小说 爱情小说 小说下载 金庸小说 武侠小说 聊天室 语音聊天室 列车时刻表
手机铃声 铃声下载 免费铃声 免费铃声下载 免费手机铃声下载 和弦铃声 三星铃声 三星手机铃声下载 MP3铃声 手机铃声下载 手机自编铃声 MP3手机铃声 诺基亚铃声下载 NOKIA铃声下载 小灵通铃声下载 真人铃声 MP3铃声下载 自编铃声 联通铃声下载 移动手机铃声下载 联通手机铃声免费下载 TCL铃声 飞利浦铃声下载 特效铃声 搞笑铃声 MIDI铃声 铃声图片 MMF铃声下载 免费手机图片下载 免费手机点歌 手机短信 手机彩信 手机彩铃 康佳手机铃声下载 TCL手机铃声下载 迪比特手机铃声下载 手机和旋铃声 三星手机铃声 三星手机和弦铃声下载 波导手机铃声下载 熊猫手机铃声下载 免费手机铃声 科健手机铃声下载 海尔手机铃声下载 诺基亚手机铃声下载 手机和弦铃声 手机铃声图片下载 飞利浦手机铃声下载 手机自编铃声曲谱 小灵通手机铃声下载 手机铃声编辑 CDMA手机铃声下载 摩托罗拉手机铃声下载 联通CDMA手机铃声下载 松下手机铃声下载 东信手机铃声下载 联想手机铃声下载 中兴手机铃声下载 大显手机铃声下载 首信手机铃声下载 三星手机自编铃声 三星CDMA手机铃声 康佳手机和弦铃声 MP3手机铃声下载 索尼爱立信手机铃声 手机铃声大全 三星手机铃声图片下载 手机特效铃声 手机铃声制作 三星手机铃声免费下载 TCL手机自编铃声 松下手机自编铃声 飞利浦手机自编铃声 诺基亚手机自编铃声 摩托罗拉自编铃声 三星手机MP3铃声 手机MP3铃声制作软件 免费MP3铃声下载 摩托罗拉MP3铃声 三星MP3铃声下载 联通MP3铃声下载 中国移动铃声下载 中国联通手机铃声下载 免费联通手机铃声 联通铃声 联通用户手机铃声下载 联通手机和弦铃声下载 联通手机铃声图片下载 小灵通铃声免费下载 和弦铃声免费下载
免费下载三星铃声 诺基亚免费铃声下载 联通免费铃声下载 免费铃声图片下载 MMF铃声免费下载 TCL免费铃声下载 免费下载铃声 手机铃声免费下载 松下免费铃声下载 NOKIA免费铃声下载 MIDI铃声免费下载 和弦铃声下载 TCL免费手机铃声下载 免费手机铃声图片下载 免费手机铃声下载网站 小灵通手机铃声免费下载 诺基亚手机铃声免费下载 摩托罗拉手机铃声免费下载 三星和弦铃声 CECT和弦铃声下载 三星T108和弦铃声 NOKIA和弦铃声下载 康佳和弦铃声下载 迪比特和弦铃声下载 阿尔卡特和弦铃声 CDMA和弦铃声下载 夏新和弦铃声下载 西门子和弦铃声 诺基亚和弦铃声 联通和弦铃声 三星铃声下载 三星和旋铃声 三星T108铃声下载 三星手机铃声乐园 三星CDMA铃声下载 三星免费铃声 三星真人铃声 诺基亚3100铃声下载 NOKIA手机铃声下载 怎样下载小灵通铃声 真人铃声下载 真人真唱手机铃声下载 联通用户铃声下载 联通CDMA铃声下载 TCL手机铃声图片下载 TCL手机和弦铃声下载 飞利浦630铃声下载 三星特效铃声 手机特效铃声下载 搞笑短信 MMF手机铃声 MMF格式铃声 免费短信 短信笑话 幽默短信 经典短信 谜语短信 短信祝福 爆笑短信 生日短信 爱情短信 精彩短信 情人节短信 短信传情 节日短信 彩信图片 彩信动画 彩信相册 免费彩信下载 三星彩信 联通彩信 移动彩信 彩信铃声 免费彩铃下载 移动彩铃 联通彩铃 12530彩铃 小灵通彩铃 免费三星手机铃声 免费和弦铃声 手机图铃下载 免费图铃下载 待机彩图 三星手机待机彩图 丰胸铃声
网络游戏 免费游戏下载 小游戏 在线游戏 游戏外挂 游戏论坛 游戏点卡 联众游戏 泡泡堂游戏 游戏攻略 FLASH游戏 单机游戏下载 美女 美女图片 美女写真 美女论坛 性感美女 美女走光 街头走光 走光照片 免费电影下载 免费在线电影 免费电影在线观看 小电影 免费成人电影 免费激情电影 电影论坛 PP点点通电影下载 BT电影下载 免费三级电影 爱情电影 舒淇电影 韩国电影 周星驰电影 流行音乐 免费音乐下载 音乐在线 在线音乐 古典音乐 音乐试听 MP3音乐 MP3下载 MP3播放器 MP3随身听 免费MP3歌曲下载 QQ下载 申请QQ QQ幻想外挂 QQ表情 QQ挂机 珊瑚虫QQ QQ头像 QQ游戏 QQ空间代码 QQ个性签名 网络小说 玄幻小说 成人小说 爱情小说 小说下载 金庸小说 武侠小说 聊天室 语音聊天室 列车时刻表