Just exactly how far we as a nation have fallen came clear to me again by two recent incidents.

Vice President Dick Cheney said in a radio interview recently that he believes the war in Iraq is going “remarkably well.”

His interviewer should have asked him to take off his Halliburton hat before asking the question.

Cheney’s statement, the latest in his compendium of spoken lies, provoked no sense of outrage. I’m sure the soldiers in Iraq just loved hearing it, in between getting shot or blown up. The top brass with the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization apparently snored right through this latest pronouncement. The honchos at The American Legion must have been busy getting ready to play convention kissy-poo yet again with George Bush and failed to take notice. Heck, ex-VP Dan Quayle received a thousand times greater grief and ridicule for simply mispelling potato.
Then, on ABC’s “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos asked President Bush about the Iraq Study Group’s plan to develop a strategy for Iraq that is “between ‘stay the course’ and ‘cut and run.'”

Bush responded, “We’ve never been stay the course…”

Okay, that’s it. Game over. The cows have come home. The fat ladies have sung. Turn out the lights, the party’s over. Thomas Wolfe has been able to go home again

Everyone who has berated and continued to lambaste Bill Clinton for his remarkably slimy “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is…” must now and forever cease and desist. Clinton has been eclipsed. A far more serious portion of presidential bunco has been offered up–another heaping helping of fraud consistent with the George Bush’s lifelong litany of lying.

Just how did George Stephanopoulos keep from laughing? Or crying? Or stopping his show right then and there and calling Bush out on his lie?

Our so-called governmental ‘Twin Towers’ — President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney — are hereby promoted to an emeritus level of weasel-wording, jive turkey poster liar status. The breadth of their combined body of work is deserving of such a mantle. NOBODY comes close to these two guttersnipes.

Label them cheats, con artists, con men, deceivers, deluders, dissimulators, equivocators, fablers, fabricators, fabulists, false witnesses, falsifiers, fibbers, maligners, misleaders, perjurers, phonies, prevaricators, storytellers–whatever.

But there is a better word.

Oh yes, pssssst, born-again Georgie, pssssst, ye who said Jesus is your favorite philosopher. Do you recall the Ninth Commandment? You know, thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Hmmmm, what’s that? Oh, the American public isn’t your neighbor. Cute George, that’s very cute. Hey, we used to call that being Clinton-ian but not any longer. It’s simply Bush-ian, now and for forever.