Too funny. Via Atrios, here is Joe Klein wanking on the Joe Scarborough show last night.
KLEIN: You know, I just can‘t get over Rush Limbaugh. Boy—you know, people who live in glass pillboxes shouldn‘t throw spitballs, right? I mean, this is the guy—the guy least in the country who should be criticizing an ad like this, given his own history of addiction.
And I got to say that, you know, for the vice president of the United States to legitimize a guy like Rush Limbaugh is every bit as bad as all those Democrats who went out to Las Vegas to kiss the ring of the Daily Kos and the left-wing bloggers. I mean, can‘t we—can‘t we just stop this crap?
Yeah, I went and kissed the ring. What a jackass Joe Klein is. Rush Limbaugh is to YearlyKos as David Duke is to…[fill in the blank].
There is almost no ceiling to the amount of wanking the Gang of 500 is capable of.
I kissed no rings while at ykos.
There was a ring? Who knew.
Maybe I missed it because the chocolate fountain distracted me.
Wrong analogy. It goes like this:
Yearly Kos : kissing rings ::
Rush Limbaugh : to kissing _ _ _.
.. Big Pharma?
Only 3 blanks. Ends in double consonant. . .
Joe Klein is an opportunist sell-out sycophant. He wants to get rich quick like all the other Republicans and Democrats enamoured of the “American Dream.” Boy, that post-war generation sure lives under a lot of illusions, and they aren’t all produced by LSD. I get sick hearing their Ozzie and Harriet dreams spill out of their mouths while they rape the poor and working classes for their pennies, to prop up their bloviating careers.
You are a turd, Joe Klein.
klien knows that… so you set up someone to battle on stage. If he really thought it was going away he wouldn’t invest in it with screen time.
…but sucked a dick, does that still count?