But first some Fun:
Dave has this up over at AfterDowningStreet, it would make a GREAT Flash Video Presentation, any takers, I’m Pooped!!
This is the song of the year, and you should have heard the group sing-a-long of it at Camp Democracy: Listen Here: Clinton Got a Blow Job
Now to the reason:
“Appeal For Redress”
Service members press Congress to end occupation in Iraq
ATLANTA Active duty service members, including one from Atlanta, are using the military whistle-blower protection act to urge Congress to end the U-S occupation of Iraq and bring American soldiers home.
Jonathan Hutto of Atlanta, a Navy seaman based in Norfolk, Virginia, says the idea to appeal for redress originated in January when he was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom when one of his friends suggested he read the book “Soldiers in Revolt.” It chronicled opposition to the Vietnam War by active duty military and how they appealed to their congressmen to end the conflict and bring the troops home.
Speaking in a conference call with an attorney and two other active members of the military, Hutto said that many soldiers have reservations about their orders and feel compelled to let their feelings be known.
Hutto says 65 service members from multiple branches of the military initially decided to file their appeal, a number that had grown to 219 at the start of today’s conference call.
Hutto urged any member of the military who wished to join the movement to go to the Web site Appeal For Redress
The web site’s wording for the appeal says — quote — “As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U-S troops to come home.”
Hutto says the service members are not pacifists nor conscientious objectors and they don’t advocate doing anything illegal.
Hutto says that under the military whistle-blower protection act, service members have a right to send an appeal to Congress person without reprisal.
The Idiot wanted to Squash this with his own noise and jibberish jabber!!
Folks the Number is growing, and these Active Duty Troops are going to need All the Help They Deserve, FIGHT FOR THEM!!!!
Good for them. Now I can truly say (without guilt) that I support our troops! Thanks for this post Jim.
Thanks for the follow up on the Appeal for Redress, Jim. Brave men indeed.
Wolcott has a scathing commentary tonight on chimpy’s presser today, quoting from, and linking to some interesting analysis from John Robb at Global Guerillas, and the Guardian’s Simon Jenkins.
Only not to fight:
Vietnam opening for trade
Too little too late, on all counts.
If he’d only served as required the first time, he might’ve circled the drain all by himself.
Personally, I think he would have become a heroin addict within the first three months on the ground there.
And ‘Fragged’!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve got four months left on my IRR status, so I went to the web site. They had inactive reserve as a choice so I went ahead and sent mine in, it is at least 220 now.
I’m just not sure how much impact inactive reserve vs. active will have, but what the hell.
“Soldiers In Revolt”, a very good book. It’s sitting right here on my desk.
I didn’t see Bush’s press conference, and I didn’t watch any news yesterday, so I don’t know how this might have been covered or not covered by the media. Has anyone seen this covered anywhere else? I see that CNN has a video posted, but I can’t watch it.