So, how are the Booman Tribune candidates doing? Some are pulling away, some are falling behind, but most of them are in a dogfight. If you are planning on donating any money this cycle you should do it now. Money donated within 10 days of the election will probably come too late to be any help. We really can’t change Washington and get more progressive policies unless we can provide a fundraising counterweight to the pharmaceutical industry and other anti-people interests. Please consider giving some support to these candidates.
Claire McCaskill (MO-Sen) is up in some polls, down in others. We really need this seat. Help her out. 12 donors= $298.33
Patty Wetterling (MN-06) is down six points in the latest SurveyUSA poll. She was up in the two previous polls. Give her some love. You’ll feel better. 7 donors= $138.33
Zach Space (OH-18) is fighting to win Bob Ney’s seat. He is up 49%-41% in the latest poll. But, that poll is almost three weeks old. You can help Zach out here. 5 donors= $63.34
Chris Carney (PA-10) is up 48%-39% in the latest Keystone poll. This race is looking good, but this is a red district. If Rep. Sherwood hadn’t choked his mistress we wouldn’t even have a chance here. Help Carney win big. 4 donors= $38.33
Jack Davis (NY-26) is trailing Foley-enabler Tom Reynolds 49%-46% in the latest SurveyUSA poll. Davis was way up earlier in the month. Give him a hand. 4 donors= $43.33
Patrick Murphy (PA-08) is leading (for the first time) in a poll by Grove Insight. His lead is 48%-44%. This is number one on my wish list. Help make it happen. 8 donors= $133.33
Darcy Burner (WA-08) is down 50%-47% in the latest SurveyUSA poll. She needs our help. 6 donors= $78.33
Linda Stender (NJ-07) is trailing by 2% in one recent poll and by 15% in another. This is a tough one. But Stender has a chance. Give her some help. 6 donors=$103.34
Jerry NcNerney (CA-11) is up 48%-46% in a recent poll. His opponent, Richard Pombo, is one of the three worst congressmen in office. This is a close race. Help Jerry win. 11 donors= $308.34
Charlie Brown is (CA-04) down 52%-44% against Doolittle. But rumor is that Doolittle is going to be indicted. Charlie can still pull this out. Help make it happen. 9 donors= $183.34
I can’t find any polling on Jim Marcinkowski (MI-08). He’s definitely in a tough race. He might benefit from a wave election. Donate some coinage to his campaign. 6 donors= $168.33
John Pavich (IL-11) is a major long-shot. He’d be a great representative though. If you want to roll the dice, go ahead and give him some support. 3 donors= $33.33
With the national environment being as it is – and given the last round of redistricting, which limits possible Democratic gains – Republicans probably are at risk to lose as few as 45 seats and as many as 60 seats, based on historical results. Given how the national mood compares to previous wave years and to the GOP’s 15-seat House majority, Democratic gains almost certainly would fall to the upper end of that range. Stu Rotherberg
What are your predictions?
I hope all these candidates do well and I’m happy to contribute to them.
I can’t predict Mo. It’s too close to call. But I know that McCaskill has run a smart campaign and can be proud of it.
Tell McCaskill to get herself to a baseball game.
I hope they all win, but especially Patrick Murphy and Claire McCaskill.
I had made my paltry contributions to candidates before you set up this page, but I just tossed in a tiny bit to McCaskill so it would come from BT’s page.
my prediction is that with Booman’s help, I’ll be thenext mayor of Philadelphia.
Stay on message and it will happen.
In the war on garbage, you’re either with us or against us.
No doubt. How many signatures do you need to run?
C’mon folks, if I can scrape together some cash, so can you. I work 3 jobs in 2 different professions to make ends meet here in expensive Manhattan, but I can afford to give a few dollars, and that’t not because I make a shitload of cash from overworking, I just get by.
These times are just to monumental, too important to be pecunious. Give, Give, Give.