RUSSERT: The whole idea of having a blond white woman winking at a black congressman, the notion of interracial sex is not in your mind racist?
MEHLMAN: I think that that ad talks about a number of people on the street talking about things that Mr. Ford allegedly has either done or a proposal he has for the future. I think it’s a fair ad.
Par for the course for Republicans. Why don’t they just come out and say, “We want the white men in Tennessee to be angry at the thought of a black man getting white babes.” I mean, they’ve admitted to waterboarding as a standard practice, why not call their race-baiting exactly what it is?
Farther down in that article you linked to was the real reason that Canada opposed those ads… they could be used against Canada’s “Bush-lite” PM Harper in their next elections. Bashing Canada in a political ad is stupid and moronic, bashing Harper is a good thing.
“Ottawa — The Supreme Court of Canada has overturned the conviction of a medical marijuana crusader on charges of possession of pot for purposes of trafficking.
In a 7-0 judgment, the court granted a new trial to Grant Krieger of Calgary, who says he should have the right to distribute marijuana to people who need it to ease the pain of serious illness.”
Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Harold Ford Jr. called national Republican ads that have been running against him “slimy, sleazy and smut” after speaking to a Knoxville women’s group Wednesday.
“What they’re putting up is trash and smut,” Ford said.
That was shortly after learning that the Republican National Committee has agreed to pull one of the two controversial ads from the airways. And some TV stations have suspended the broadcasting of the second ad, pending a review of its accuracy.
Of course there’s still the other ad…
Danny Diaz, RNC spokesman, said the ad “Who Hasn’t?” was taken off the air statewide as part of a “normal rotation” and not because of criticism. Some critics said it has improper sexual and racial themes.
The “Who Hasn’t?” ad shows a man in sunglasses who says, “So he took money from porn movie producers. Who hasn’t?” Then a bare-shouldered blonde says she met Ford at a Playboy party. At the end of the ad, she looks into the camera and says with a wink, “Harold, call me.”
The other RNC attack ad called “Shaky” calls Ford “slick” and “smooth” and calls his record “a little shaky.” The ad claims that Ford voted to recognize gay marriage and wants to give the abortion pill to schoolchildren.
A letter from Ford’s lawyer to Tennessee television stations declares all those claims “blatantly false and misleading.”
Of the “Shaky” ad, Ford said, “It’s a lie.”
As examples, the Ford campaign says Ford voted twice in favor of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage; a House vote cited as justification for the abortion-pill allegation had nothing to do with the so-called “morning-after” pill, which was not then even available, the campaign said.
Michael Powell, senior adviser to Ford’s campaign, estimated that about $500,000 of about $1.5 million in RNC funds for Tennessee television advertising was spent airing the “Who Hasn’t?” ad.
this part totally ticks me off: a House vote cited as justification for the abortion-pill allegation had nothing to do with the so-called “morning-after” pill, which was not then even available, the campaign said.
Note to the Ford campaign: The morning-after pill is emergency CONTRACEPTION. It PREVENTS PREGNANCY. It DOES NOT induce abortion. Please stop using and reinforcing the misleading language of the right by mistakenly calling EC an abortion pill. It took far too long to make EC available over the counter because of crap like that.
I noticed you are bombing mike fitzpatrick in your signature… I added it to my bomb which is getting posted all over. In case it wasn’t already in there?
Call it the price of admission for my reading (and bombing) the newsbucket! lol 😉
All stops pulled for this election. November 8 should be interesting – the results of the vote count – including military and overseas citizens. H/T:Bradblog)
Underscoring those initial reports today, a group of independent computer scientists and E-Voting experts including David Jefferson of Livermore National Laboratories, Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins, David Wagner of UC Berkeley, and Barbara Simons, a former researcher for IBM, have released an alarming short paper warning of “significant risks” found in the newly announced plan from the DoD’s “Federal Voting Assistance Program” (FVAP).”
No wonder Rove is con – fident? How many votes are overseas – military and citzens?
The mars rover Spirit has returned a stunning panoramic image to earth, collected over the several months of the Martian winter when it received too little sunlight to power motion of the craft. In the distance is a possible feature related to the presence of water released during volcanic activity ages ago.
The folks over at the EPA have been busy lately plotting the course for the organization’s future. Recently, the agency released its vision and submitted its 2006 – 2011 Strategic Plan. This plan serves as the Agency’s road map and will guide the organization as it establishes annual goals along the way. The five goals outlined in this document are Clean Air and Global Climate Change, Clean and Safe Water, Land Preservation and Restoration, Healthy Communities and Ecosystems, and Compliance and Environmental Stewardship.
A growing number of Iowa farmers are concerned about the potential effects of global warming. Many in the agriculture industry are developing or adopting new technologies and farming methods to brace for the possibility of widespread drought and crop-pounding storms. The industry has been especially aggressive in breeding and developing crops that more efficiently use soil moisture and nutrients and developing pest-resistant and drought-tolerant crops.
Workplace Harassment Now a Teen Rite of Passage
Harasment has become a common experience for teens in the American workforce — not only those that work on Capitol Hill.
Studies indicate that throughout America, sexual harassment on the job is a fact of life for many teens. A recently completed study by professors Susan Fineran of the University of Southern Maine and James Gruber of the University of Michigan-Dearborn found that 46.8 percent of female working students had been sexually harassed in the last year.
I can’t help but blame some of this on the atmosphere in this country of a general feeling of lawlessness, spawned by a president who is above the law and a corrupt Congress who ignores the law. Why should a creep in the workplace be afraid of being charged with sexual harassment when Republicans everywhere flaunt the laws and right wing judges twist the laws to excuse otherwise unlawful acts?
On the official Web site of Boeing, the world’s largest aerospace company, there is a section devoted to a subsidiary called Jeppesen International Trip Planning, based in San Jose, California. The write-up mentions that the division “offers everything needed for efficient, hassle-free, international flight operations,” spanning the globe “from Aachen to Zhengzhou.” The paragraph concludes, “Jeppesen has done it all.”
Boeing does not mention, either on its Web site or in its annual report, that Jeppesen’s clients include the C.I.A., and that among the international trips that the company plans for the agency are secret “extraordinary rendition” flights for terrorism suspects. Most of the planes used in rendition flights are owned and operated by tiny charter airlines that function as C.I.A. front companies, but it is not widely known that the agency has turned to a division of Boeing, the publicly traded blue-chip behemoth, to handle many of the logistical and navigational details for these trips, including flight plans, clearance to fly over other countries, hotel reservations, and ground-crew arrangements…
But no to worry, dear Boeing investors…it apparently pays well, so you can take comfort in knowing your stock value will rise:
A former Jeppesen employee, who asked not to be identified, said recently that he had been startled to learn, during an internal corporate meeting, about the company’s involvement with the rendition flights. At the meeting, he recalled, Bob Overby, the managing director of Jeppesen International Trip Planning, said, “We do all of the extraordinary rendition flights–you know, the torture flights. Let’s face it, some of these flights end up that way.” The former employee said that another executive told him, “We do the spook flights.” He was told that two of the company’s trip planners were specially designated to handle renditions. He was deeply troubled by the rendition program, he said, and eventually quit his job. He recalled Overby saying, “It certainly pays well. They”–the C.I.A.–“spare no expense. They have absolutely no worry about costs. What they have to get done, they get done.”
“[a] US military raid into Sadr City, the vast Shiite slum full of followers of nationalist young cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The soldiers said that they were looking for a suspected death squad leader. The Americans were attacked by Mahdi Army militiamen, and they called in air support. US planes dropped bombs on this area full of civilians. Iraqi police and hospital officials reported that the fighting and bombing left 4 Iraqis dead and 18 wounded. Aljazeera is showing footage of a combination funeral/ anti-American demonstration in Sadr City.” (emphasis added)
These past six years were more than just the most shameful, corrupt and incompetent period in the history of the American legislative branch. These were the years when the U.S. parliament became a historical punch line, a political obscenity on par with the court of Nero or Caligula — a stable of thieves and perverts who committed crimes rolling out of bed in the morning and did their very best to turn the mighty American empire into a debt-laden, despotic backwater, a Burkina Faso with cable.
discuss racist ads: NYT
Par for the course for Republicans. Why don’t they just come out and say, “We want the white men in Tennessee to be angry at the thought of a black man getting white babes.” I mean, they’ve admitted to waterboarding as a standard practice, why not call their race-baiting exactly what it is?
Canadian Government lodges complaint
That GOP race-baiting election Ad goes too far. Calls Canada a global freeloader.
No oil. No lumber. No. water goes south.
Farther down in that article you linked to was the real reason that Canada opposed those ads… they could be used against Canada’s “Bush-lite” PM Harper in their next elections. Bashing Canada in a political ad is stupid and moronic, bashing Harper is a good thing.
Looks like the Canada bashing will continue.
This just in:
Canada Supreme Court overturns pot activist conviction.
“Ottawa — The Supreme Court of Canada has overturned the conviction of a medical marijuana crusader on charges of possession of pot for purposes of trafficking.
In a 7-0 judgment, the court granted a new trial to Grant Krieger of Calgary, who says he should have the right to distribute marijuana to people who need it to ease the pain of serious illness.”
The ad has been pulled, supposedly as part of “normal rotation”:
Of course there’s still the other ad…
And then there’s the new radio spot from the Corker campaign, with the “tom-toms” playing anytime Ford’s name is mentioned, but strings and angelic voices in the background while Corker is discussed…
Yes, the slime is coming down in bucketsfull in TN 🙁
this part totally ticks me off: a House vote cited as justification for the abortion-pill allegation had nothing to do with the so-called “morning-after” pill, which was not then even available, the campaign said.
Note to the Ford campaign: The morning-after pill is emergency CONTRACEPTION. It PREVENTS PREGNANCY. It DOES NOT induce abortion. Please stop using and reinforcing the misleading language of the right by mistakenly calling EC an abortion pill. It took far too long to make EC available over the counter because of crap like that.
Oh, and I think they should pull both ads, but I guess be left with truthful ads doesn’t do much for Corker’s campaign.
I noticed you are bombing mike fitzpatrick in your signature… I added it to my bomb which is getting posted all over. In case it wasn’t already in there?
Call it the price of admission for my reading (and bombing) the newsbucket! lol 😉
Oh, thank you!
All stops pulled for this election. November 8 should be interesting – the results of the vote count – including military and overseas citizens. H/T:Bradblog)
[t]he DoD announced and implemented their new scheme for military and overseas citizen voting via the Internet, to be used this November 7th without any public testing or peer review whatsoever. [.]
Underscoring those initial reports today, a group of independent computer scientists and E-Voting experts including David Jefferson of Livermore National Laboratories, Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins, David Wagner of UC Berkeley, and Barbara Simons, a former researcher for IBM, have released an alarming short paper warning of “significant risks” found in the newly announced plan from the DoD’s “Federal Voting Assistance Program” (FVAP).”
No wonder Rove is con – fident? How many votes are overseas – military and citzens?
Ran across an eye-opening piece here on how the votes never counted can tip elections…
see what we’re up against? I say paper ballots like the good old days…still used by first world countries.
Btw Thinkprogress reports that Ad is not pulled state-wide ..will continue to be aired in Chattanooga area until elections..
and Imho, Snow should STFU until Nov. 7th… can’t see what the whining is all about…..
“I mean, maybe I’m just quaint in this day and age. But no, I think there is always an attempt when you have got an African-American candidate to try to attribute something to the race card.
Remind me please – where did I hear that word “quaint” being used to describe another issue?
Yes. Oh my! must be a fetish with this bunch. Soon we’ll hear “elections are Oh So “quaint” a thing of the past.
I’m serious. Don’t poo-poo .. the way things are going..never thought I’d live to see the Writ of Habeas Corpus being denied to any human being.
1215-2006. Only in America, the beacon of law and good order. LIghts our. Dark beacon.
The mars rover Spirit has returned a stunning panoramic image to earth, collected over the several months of the Martian winter when it received too little sunlight to power motion of the craft. In the distance is a possible feature related to the presence of water released during volcanic activity ages ago.
A year after hurricane Katrina, scientists say that most contamination that could pose concerns was present in urban areas before the hurricane, and there were few new soil contamination threats (one being the Murphy Oil Spill) created by the storm.
It was born in the Arabian desert more than 1,500 years ago and is now being revived in the battle-scarred greenery of Lebanon. Already its success is heralding a regional renaissance. The pre-Islamic system of environmental protection known as “hima” — Arabic for protected area — means that the local population rather than a distant authority in Beirut decides how to manage the ecosystem, and also to reap its benefits.
Cork and oak trees are losing their leaves and drying up for unknown reasons at an alarming rate, a World Wildlife Fund official warned Wednesday at the start of a two-day conference in Portugal called to discuss the issue. The problem is killing trees in Portugal, the world’s biggest producer of cork, as well as in Mediterranean countries in southern Europe
Scientists have identified the oldest known bee, a 100 million-year-old specimen preserved in amber.
The folks over at the EPA have been busy lately plotting the course for the organization’s future. Recently, the agency released its vision and submitted its 2006 – 2011 Strategic Plan. This plan serves as the Agency’s road map and will guide the organization as it establishes annual goals along the way. The five goals outlined in this document are Clean Air and Global Climate Change, Clean and Safe Water, Land Preservation and Restoration, Healthy Communities and Ecosystems, and Compliance and Environmental Stewardship.
Cougar predation has been found to be critical to ecosystem health in the Southwestern US. The general disappearance of cougars from a portion of Zion National Park in the past 70 years has allowed deer populations to dramatically increase, leading to severe ecological damage, loss of cottonwood trees, eroding stream banks and declining biodiversity.
Climate Change Update
Measurements from a series of monitors spanning the Atlantic could offer an early warning of “sudden climate change” were ocean circulation to fail. The probes, put into place in 2004, have established the baseline level of “noise” in ocean readings, and as a result scientists can look at earlier data and say the weakening to date in oceanic circulation is somewhat less than previously thought – 10% over the last 25 years, rather than the 30% over the last 50 years previously reported.
Investors can now assess how the world’s 1,800 biggest companies and their products are contributing to climate change before investing in them, say the developers of a new rating system. The “Envimpact” rating weighs the most environmentally-sensitive phase in the life cycle of the products or services delivered by 140 corporate sectors, according to Centre Info, a Swiss company that specializes in social and environmental rating tools for investors.
Tackle climate change or face a deep recession, world leaders warned: Climate change could tilt the world’s economy into the worst global recession in recent history, a report will warn next week, according to insider comments leaked to the British paper The Guardian.
A growing number of Iowa farmers are concerned about the potential effects of global warming. Many in the agriculture industry are developing or adopting new technologies and farming methods to brace for the possibility of widespread drought and crop-pounding storms. The industry has been especially aggressive in breeding and developing crops that more efficiently use soil moisture and nutrients and developing pest-resistant and drought-tolerant crops.
Australia will build the world’s biggest solar power plant amid warnings of blackouts within five years unless it can increase electricity generation to meet growing demand for air conditioners.
Harasment has become a common experience for teens in the American workforce — not only those that work on Capitol Hill.
Studies indicate that throughout America, sexual harassment on the job is a fact of life for many teens. A recently completed study by professors Susan Fineran of the University of Southern Maine and James Gruber of the University of Michigan-Dearborn found that 46.8 percent of female working students had been sexually harassed in the last year.
I can’t help but blame some of this on the atmosphere in this country of a general feeling of lawlessness, spawned by a president who is above the law and a corrupt Congress who ignores the law. Why should a creep in the workplace be afraid of being charged with sexual harassment when Republicans everywhere flaunt the laws and right wing judges twist the laws to excuse otherwise unlawful acts?
for US torture flights: New Yorker
But no to worry, dear Boeing investors…it apparently pays well, so you can take comfort in knowing your stock value will rise:
Quite the SNAFUBAR, isn’t it?
Daniel Elsberg joins Sy Hersh:
Plans for Iran War. Public and Congress in dark.
“Defensive Bush stokes tension. Iraq’s PM al-Maliki furious he was not consulted…dismiss timetable.”
What made Prime Minister al-Maliki furious? Professor Cole has it:
“[a] US military raid into Sadr City, the vast Shiite slum full of followers of nationalist young cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The soldiers said that they were looking for a suspected death squad leader. The Americans were attacked by Mahdi Army militiamen, and they called in air support. US planes dropped bombs on this area full of civilians. Iraqi police and hospital officials reported that the fighting and bombing left 4 Iraqis dead and 18 wounded. Aljazeera is showing footage of a combination funeral/ anti-American demonstration in Sadr City.” (emphasis added)
German troops pictured posing with Afghan skull as mascot?
From the latest issue of

clik image for article
Thanks for the link, dada. Pretty fine prose, that — in the best spirit of Hunter S. Thompson, former RS correspondent.
Sorry for the intrusion BUT…
So you can be an informed voter:
Info on Ned Lamont:
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Official Campaign Website
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Ned Lamont, the Political Entrepreneur
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Democrats Back Lamont; Lieberman Files Independent Run” (F0x)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Unofficial Ned Lamont Resource
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Unofficial Lamont Blog
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “The Democrats Mean Business” (WSJ)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Ned Lamont vs. Joe Lieberman” (The Nation)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Loses Debate With Challenger Ned Lamont”
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lamont: Lieberman Sounded Like Cheney”
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lamont Fires Up Naples” (New Haven Independent)
Info on Joe Lieberman:
Joe Lieberman – “Seasonal Memory Lapses” by Paul Bass (Hartford Courant)
Joe Lieberman – “Truth About Joe”
Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Wins Republican Friends, Democratic Enemies…” (WaPo)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is a Big Oil Republican” (LamontBlog)
Joe Lieberman – “Kerry Calls Lieberman the New Cheney” (ABC)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman Doesn’t Care About Handicapped People” (Wonkette)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is Running With a Bad Crowd” (Firedoglake)
Joe Lieberman – “116 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Lieberman”
Joe Lieberman – “How Joe Lieberman Tried to Kill Rock ‘N Roll” (Huffington Post)
Info on Alan Schlesinger:
Alan Schlesinger and Joe Lieberman
Alan Schlesinger and Joe Lieberman
Info on races across the nation:
–AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
–AZ-01: Rick Renzi
–AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
–CA-04: John Doolittle
–CA-11: Richard Pombo
–CA-50: Brian Bilbray
–CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
–CO-05: Doug Lamborn
–CO-07: Rick O’Donnell
–CT-04: Christopher Shays
–FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
–FL-16: Joe Negron
–FL-22: Clay Shaw
–ID-01: Bill Sali
–IL-06: Peter Roskam
–IL-10: Mark Kirk
–IL-14: Dennis Hastert
–IN-02: Chris Chocola
–IN-08: John Hostettler
–IA-01: Mike Whalen
–KS-02: Jim Ryun
–KY-03: Anne Northup
–KY-04: Geoff Davis
–MD-Sen: Michael Steele
–MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
–MN-06: Michele Bachmann
–MO-Sen: Jim Talent
–MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
–NV-03: Jon Porter
–NH-02: Charlie Bass
–NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
–NM-01: Heather Wilson
–NY-03: Peter King
–NY-20: John Sweeney
–NY-26: Tom Reynolds
–NY-29: Randy Kuhl
–NC-08: Robin Hayes
–NC-11: Charles Taylor
–OH-01: Steve Chabot
–OH-02: Jean Schmidt
–OH-15: Deborah Pryce
–OH-18: Joy Padgett
–PA-04: Melissa Hart
–PA-07: Curt Weldon
–PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
–PA-10: Don Sherwood
–RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
–TN-Sen: Bob Corker
–VA-Sen: George Allen
–VA-10: Frank Wolf
–WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
–WA-08: Dave Reichert
CT Blogs-
My Left Nutmeg–
4th CD Watch–
5th CD Watch–
Accidental Reporter–
Bye Bye Rob [Simmons]–
Caffeinated Geek Girl–
Colin McEnroe–
Connecticut Bob–
CT Blue–
CT Local Politics–
CT News Junkie–
CT Weblogs–
CT Young Dems–
Democracy for CT–
DeStefano Blog–
Drinking Liberally, New Milford–
Hat City Blog– Joe Lieberman’s Blog–
Lamont Campaign Blog (official)–
LamontBlog (unofficial)–
NH Independent–
No More Nancy (CT-05)–
Nutmeg Grater–
Students for Lamont–
Without A Purpose–
Yale Democrats
CT Campaigns-
Ned Lamont–
Chris Murphy (CT-05)–
Joe Courtney (CT-02)–
Diane Farrell (CT-04)–
John DeStefano (Gov)–
Dan Malloy (Gov)
CT Sites-
Caucus of CT Dems–
Clean Up CT–
CT Citizen Action Group–
CT For Lieberman–
DeStefano for Gov–
Dump Joe–
Judith Blei Government Relations–
Lamont Resource (unofficial)
Ned Lamont Joe Lieberman Nancy Johnson Chris Shays Rob Simmons Connecticut post Dianne Farell Chris Murphy Joe Courtney CT Races Elections CT-04 CT-05 CT-02 CT-Gov Governor Jodi Rell CT Campaigns Ned Lamont (Sen) Chris Murphy (CT-05) Joe Courtney (CT-02) Diane Farrell (CT-04) John DeStefano (Gov) George W Bush Dick Cheney Mark Foley Denis Hastert GOP republican democrat independent polls local hartord courant danbury new milford town news-times spectrum my left nutmeg stamford advocate washington times WaPo NY Times Greenwhich times
So you can be an informed voter:
Info on Ned Lamont:
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Official Campaign Website
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Ned Lamont, the Political Entrepreneur
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Democrats Back Lamont; Lieberman Files Independent Run” (F0x)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Unofficial Ned Lamont Resource
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – Unofficial Lamont Blog
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “The Democrats Mean Business” (WSJ)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Ned Lamont vs. Joe Lieberman” (The Nation)
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Loses Debate With Challenger Ned Lamont”
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lamont: Lieberman Sounded Like Cheney”
Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman – “Lamont Fires Up Naples” (New Haven Independent)
Info on Joe Lieberman:
Joe Lieberman – “Seasonal Memory Lapses” by Paul Bass (Hartford Courant)
Joe Lieberman – “Truth About Joe”
Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Wins Republican Friends, Democratic Enemies…” (WaPo)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is a Big Oil Republican” (LamontBlog)
Joe Lieberman – “Kerry Calls Lieberman the New Cheney” (ABC)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman Doesn’t Care About Handicapped People” (Wonkette)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is Running With a Bad Crowd” (Firedoglake)
Joe Lieberman – “116 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Lieberman”
Joe Lieberman – “How Joe Lieberman Tried to Kill Rock ‘N Roll” (Huffington Post)
Info on Alan Schlesinger:
Alan Schlesinger and Joe Lieberman
Alan Schlesinger and Joe Lieberman
Info on races across the nation:
–AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
–AZ-01: Rick Renzi
–AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
–CA-04: John Doolittle
–CA-11: Richard Pombo
–CA-50: Brian Bilbray
–CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
–CO-05: Doug Lamborn
–CO-07: Rick O’Donnell
–CT-04: Christopher Shays
–FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
–FL-16: Joe Negron
–FL-22: Clay Shaw
–ID-01: Bill Sali
–IL-06: Peter Roskam
–IL-10: Mark Kirk
–IL-14: Dennis Hastert
–IN-02: Chris Chocola
–IN-08: John Hostettler
–IA-01: Mike Whalen
–KS-02: Jim Ryun
–KY-03: Anne Northup
–KY-04: Geoff Davis
–MD-Sen: Michael Steele
–MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
–MN-06: Michele Bachmann
–MO-Sen: Jim Talent
–MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
–NV-03: Jon Porter
–NH-02: Charlie Bass
–NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
–NM-01: Heather Wilson
–NY-03: Peter King
–NY-20: John Sweeney
–NY-26: Tom Reynolds
–NY-29: Randy Kuhl
–NC-08: Robin Hayes
–NC-11: Charles Taylor
–OH-01: Steve Chabot
–OH-02: Jean Schmidt
–OH-15: Deborah Pryce
–OH-18: Joy Padgett
–PA-04: Melissa Hart
–PA-07: Curt Weldon
–PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
–PA-10: Don Sherwood
–RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
–TN-Sen: Bob Corker
–VA-Sen: George Allen
–VA-10: Frank Wolf
–WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
–WA-08: Dave Reichert
CT Blogs-
My Left Nutmeg–
4th CD Watch–
5th CD Watch–
Accidental Reporter–
Bye Bye Rob [Simmons]–
Caffeinated Geek Girl–
Colin McEnroe–
Connecticut Bob–
CT Blue–
CT Local Politics–
CT News Junkie–
CT Weblogs–
CT Young Dems–
Democracy for CT–
DeStefano Blog–
Drinking Liberally, New Milford–
Hat City Blog– Joe Lieberman’s Blog–
Lamont Campaign Blog (official)–
LamontBlog (unofficial)–
NH Independent–
No More Nancy (CT-05)–
Nutmeg Grater–
Students for Lamont–
Without A Purpose–
Yale Democrats
CT Campaigns-
Ned Lamont–
Chris Murphy (CT-05)–
Joe Courtney (CT-02)–
Diane Farrell (CT-04)–
John DeStefano (Gov)–
Dan Malloy (Gov)
CT Sites-
Caucus of CT Dems–
Clean Up CT–
CT Citizen Action Group–
CT For Lieberman–
DeStefano for Gov–
Dump Joe–
Judith Blei Government Relations–
Lamont Resource (unofficial)
Ned Lamont Joe Lieberman Nancy Johnson Chris Shays Rob Simmons Connecticut post Dianne Farell Chris Murphy Joe Courtney CT Races Elections CT-04 CT-05 CT-02 CT-Gov Governor Jodi Rell CT Campaigns Ned Lamont (Sen) Chris Murphy (CT-05) Joe Courtney (CT-02) Diane Farrell (CT-04) John DeStefano (Gov) George W Bush Dick Cheney Mark Foley Denis Hastert GOP republican democrat independent polls local hartord courant danbury new milford town news-times spectrum my left nutmeg stamford advocate washington times WaPo NY Times Greenwhich times
Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman
Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont