My Friends. Please read this and take action. It won’t cost you a cent and it might go a long way to rid the GOP scum from the NY political pond.
First the (brief) background…
We are in a position to virtually wipe Republican power from the face of New York State. How great would that be! That’s right, we have the potential to pick up SEVEN house seats in addition to the governor’s mansion.
Below are the seven potential Dem House pickups. With Spitzer, Clinton, and Cuomo all dominating their opponent’s by LARGE margins, there will likely be a coattail effect that carries over to the congressional elections. In particular, Democrats are going to be very excited about getting to the polls while disenchanted Republicans might find it’s a great day to wash their hair.
That said, we have to do what we can to stymie any sense of a NY GOP rebound between now and November 7th. And there is something very powerful that we can do to make that happen, but first some numbers:
And remember as we go through this that our very own NY State Senate Candidate — Brian Keeler — is running in a district that is overlapped by the districts of Sue Kelly (R-NY 19), John Sweeney (R-NY 20) and Maurice Hinchey (NY 22 — a Dem running unopposed) So anything we can do to improve the chances of Democrats in those districts will likely help Brian as well. Keeler! Keeler! Keeler!
* Designates incumbent
New York 03 — Toss-up
(Last 1 Poll)
Dave Mejias (D) — 46
Peter King (R)* — 48
New York 19 — Toss-up
(Avg of Last 2 Polls)
John Hall (D) — 46.5
Sue Kelly (R)* — 44.5
New York 20 — Toss-up
(Avg of Last 5 Polls)
Kirsten Gillibrand (D) — 42.4
John Sweeney (R)* — 45
New York 24 — Open-R (Sherwood Boehlert) — Strong Dem
(Avg of Last 2 Polls)
Mike Arcuri (D) — 46.5
Ray Meier (R) — 39
New York 25 — Strong Dem
(Last 1 Poll)
Dan Maffei (D) — 51
James T. Walsh (R)* — 43
New York 26 — Strong Dem
(Avg of Last 5 Polls)
Jack Davis (D) — 50
Tom Reynolds (R)* — 41.8
New York 29 — Lean Dem
(Avg of Last 2 Polls)
Eric Massa (D) — 45.5
Randy Kuhl (R)* — 41.5
With 11 days to go, things are looking pretty sweet for NY Dems. However, we have to kick them while their down — that’s right — kick the living shit out of them while they lie curled up in their own filth — watch their lying, scandalous, self-righteous teeth fly clear across the freakin’ room.
This is our responsibility — to our children, to our society, and to humanity. It’s our responsibility to take out the trash and here is how we’ll do it…
Then the lead in…
As Kos mentioned (with much disdain) in a post several days ago, there are a select few blogs/sites out there that are spidered by Google News — they include Huffpo, Bradblog, TPM Café, Political Cortex, ePluribusMedia, Capital Hill Blue, Counterpunch, Online Journal, and Think Progress.
Now, whether or not these sites should be included on Google News is a debate for another day — after the election. As for now, there is a way we can take advantage of this in order to place the arch of our foot firmly on the back of the NY GOP’s neck. Stay with me now. This is important.
Of all these sites, only two allow non-founding members to post their own articles — which subsequently get included in the Google News Feed.
They are and (Full Disclosure: I am one of the founders of Political Cortex — as is SusanG, mcjoan, Georgia10, Devilstower, Frederick Clarkson, Carnacki, Pontificator, Dood Abides, and Brian Keeler. Brian Keeler and SusanG were also two of the founders of ePluribus Media)
And now the plan…
That said, here is the plan in its infinite simplicity: Cross post (a rather effortless but meaningful action) any and all pro-NY Dem/Anti-NY GOP posts — well thought out, neatly formatted, and without profanity (please) — to either of these sites so that anyone who does a Google News search — which many millions of people do each day — using keywords related to the names of the candidates or of generic NY politics will see your posts.
History has shown that Political Cortex and ePluribusMedia often find their way to or toward the top of these keyword searches so please make sure that your post has meaningful informational value (i.e. Forget the rants or conspiracies).
(And no, this is not a trick to bring traffic to Political Cortex. — Feel free to unregister after the election — I just find this uniquely available tool to be something of which we should take advantage while we can.)
We will be keeping a tight eye on the posts to weed out any trolls who pick up on this or anyone who decides to pop out unsubstantiated nonsense or ranting lunacy. Remember, we want others to be informed, not turned off.
Continue this all the way through the election. Be relentless. Posts do NOT have to be 1,000 words long. The idea here is to simply inundate the electorate and ensure that the truth be available to them at the right time — at least those who use Google News Search — which tend to include other bloggers and journalists doing research.
(Also note that soon after the election, the Google News inclusion will be turned off for all Non-founder posts on Political Cortex due to the difficulty in content oversight. Until then, Let’s ROCK!!!!)
Don’t let NY Republicans regain their footing. Take action now and continue relentlessly through November 8th.
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeet’s ROCK!!!!!
I’m not trying to prop either Political Cortex or ePluribusMedia — just trying to take advantage of the tool for the good of the world;)