Under The Falling Sky – Bonnie Raitt
Fumbling Towards Ecstacy – Sarah McLachlan
Cherokee Louise – Joni Mitchell
Walking Song – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Young And Foolish – Bill Evans
Schooldays – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Act Naturally – The Beatles
Daddy’s Little Girl – Bryndle
Facts Of Life – Talking Heads
Lunch With Gina – Steely Dan
I’m most worried that I have not started my photo diaries … ack!
I’m a little worried about the fair, but that’ll move to numero uno tomorrow morning though …
I guess I’m a bit more worried about the main diary b/c it’s the next up to do … hopefully it won’t take too long b/c there’s not as much to it … (I hope … 🙂
And the Sens are picking things up and the little guys are holding their own, so no worries there. I’m going to the game tonight so I can yell and scream and generally get out all my stress in an acceptable fashion. 😀
I have a compilation a friend of mine gave me a while back that he called “Baseball’s Greatest Hits.” It includes versions by Bruce Springsteen, Carly Simon, The Palm Springs Yacht Club, Harvey Hindermeyer (from 1904!), and someone we never did figure out who it was. That’s five right there.
Now all you’ve gotta do is subtract the vocals, add some Indian tabla & slow ’em down by 1/3 & you’ve got ‘Baseball’s Greatest Hits (Ambient Mix)’.
That’s 10.
Hey, I can’t have Squirt in real life (it contains sugar and the grapefruit in it probably conflicts with one of my meds), so I might as well drink it here.
My Semi-Random 10 for today:
Billy Gray – Norman Blake
Lonesome Valley – The Carter Family
Worried Man – The Kingston Trio
Muskrat Ramble – Louis Armstrong
A Faithful Follower of Fashion – The Byrds
Jordan Is A Hard Road To Travel – Uncle Dave Macon
Tin Roof Blues – Sol Hoopii
Duel of the Fates – John Williams (from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)
Scarlet Ribbons – Harry Belafonte
Green Green Rocky Road – Arlo Guthrie
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Get On Top
A Perfect Circle – Rose
30 Seconds to Mars – End of the Beginning
Bon Jovi – Bounce
AFI – Exsanguination
Nightwish – Lappi (Lapland): I. Eramaajarvi
Metallica – For Whom The Bell Tolls
Bad Religion – The Biggest Killer in American History
NoFX – Thank God It’s Monday
Iron Maiden – 22 Acacia Avenue
Greetings all! If the pond was in Detroit tonight, we’d all be burying ourselves in mud and settling in for a long winter’s nap. As the French say, “Ze weather, she ezz crappay.” The rain drizzleth and wind gusteth. The temperature (echoing Second Nature) hovers in the mid 40’s. I hear that San Louie isn’t much better. Maryb, is the game on? If we win, don’t expect the weather here to be much of an improvement. This week end is going to be lousy.
Winter is icummen in,
Lhude sing Goddamm,
Raineth drop and staineth slop
And how the wind doth ramm!
Sing: Goddamm.
Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,
An ague hath my ham.
Freezeth river, turneth liver
Damn you, sing: Goddamm.
Goddamm, Goddamm, tis why I am,
So ‘gainst the winter’s balm
Sing Goddamm, damm, sing Goddamm
Sing Goddamm, sing Goddamm,
Quoting a Fascist poet in the pond. I am shocked and saddened, shocked and saddened, I say. What’s next, Wagner at full blast as accompaniment to your Fotofair diary?
by Walt Whitman
Thee for my recitative,
Thee in the driving storm even as now, the snow, the winter-day declining,
Thee in thy panoply, thy measur’d dual throbbing and thy beat convulsive,
Thy black cylindric body, golden brass and silvery steel,
Thy ponderous side-bars, parallel and connecting rods, gyrating,
shuttling at thy sides,
Thy metrical, now swelling pant and roar, now tapering in the distance,
Thy great protruding head-light fix’d in front,
Thy long, pale, floating vapor-pennants, tinged with delicate purple,
The dense and murky clouds out-belching from thy smoke-stack,
Thy knitted frame, thy springs and valves, the tremulous twinkle of
thy wheels,
Thy train of cars behind, obedient, merrily following,
Through gale or calm, now swift, now slack, yet steadily careering;
Type of the modern–emblem of motion and power–pulse of the continent,
For once come serve the Muse and merge in verse, even as here I see thee,
With storm and buffeting gusts of wind and falling snow,
By day thy warning ringing bell to sound its notes,
By night thy silent signal lamps to swing.
Fierce-throated beauty!
Roll through my chant with all thy lawless music, thy swinging lamps
at night,
Thy madly-whistled laughter, echoing, rumbling like an earthquake,
rousing all,
Law of thyself complete, thine own track firmly holding,
(No sweetness debonair of tearful harp or glib piano thine,)
Thy trills of shrieks by rocks and hills return’d,
Launch’d o’er the prairies wide, across the lakes,
To the free skies unpent and glad and strong.
I am another English major and Whitman leaves me unmoved as well. But we aim to please, here at Happy Hour. My particular interest was in English Early Modern drama, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster, Ford, Jonson, and that crowd. John Donne is also quite lovely.
There is a strange recording of a deeply out of it Pound reading The Good Morrow. His bass voice has an otherworldly quality to it. I heard it many years ago, but I’m sure you could track it down if you are interested.
Aggh! My Univ of Iowa professors would fillet me for that one. I meant to say “Winter is icummen in,” which I heard in my teens for the first time. I always thought of it as “Sing God damn, God Damn.” Pounds voice is oddly hollow.
Now a recording of Donne, we’d really have something there. We could both retire to our leisure on that one.
Oh, sure, blame the victim. All you folks-who-don’t-like-Whitman are the same.
That’s the last time I try balancing my drink on the keyboard while doing .. other things ..
Hated Canonical Authors for 100. You and Kidspeak have picked off several of mine, so I will have to ponder a bit. (He sits with teacup in one hand, stroking his beard pensively, his eyes focused vaguely on the middle distance.)
Then there is the time that I was in the hospital for surgery, had exhausted my reading matter, and my nice but clueless neighbor brought me a foot-high stack of her favorite author: Barbara Cartland.
Howdy Everybody. Look! I made it before everyone left. Where’s FM? I haven’t seen/heard him lately. Is everyone going to contribute to the Fotofair? I don’t have a thing to wear (ready) so I think I’ll just be enjoying looking at everyone’s entries.
Just got back from my initial workout…I am sore in places where I didn’t know I still had muscles…
Anyway, on with the music:
The Planets: Venus (comp. Holst) — CSR Symphony Orchestra
Over and Over — Nelly & Tim McGraw
Tommy’s Holiday Camp — The Who
She’s Got a Way — Billy Joel
Do It Again — The Beach Boys
Nutcracker: Marche (comp. Tchaikovsky) — Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Any Second Now — Depeche Mode
Addicted to Spuds — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Anthem (from TRON) — Wendy Carlos
On The Road Again — Canned Heat
Hmmm…”Addicted to Spuds” — isn’t that what put me in my current predicament? 😉
Going to change into something more comfortable, then settle in to watch “Countdown”…
Hi, Cali. It’s a good night to stay in – on the other hand, in here there’s a “lively” discussion of high-flown literature amidst complaints about weather, baseball, etc. It’s making my head hurt. Oh, wrong, that’s my bad cold!
I’m off, before I contaminate the electrons. Have fun you all. . .
Okay, so where’s the pool on how hungover Maryb will be tomorrow morning? lol
Missed part of the game; I freakin’ fell asleep on the couch (did I mention I was tired from the workout?). Woke up in time for the final inning; it’s always fun when the winning team clinches at home so the fans have a chance to party along with the team.
Just goes to show that like politics, baseball is not played “on paper” (unless you’re a rotisserie baseball player)…it’s played by real life human beings subject to real life mistakes. Let’s keep that in mind as we head into the elections in just over a week…
Under The Falling Sky – Bonnie Raitt
Fumbling Towards Ecstacy – Sarah McLachlan
Cherokee Louise – Joni Mitchell
Walking Song – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Young And Foolish – Bill Evans
Schooldays – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Act Naturally – The Beatles
Daddy’s Little Girl – Bryndle
Facts Of Life – Talking Heads
Lunch With Gina – Steely Dan
My random tune tonight is Take me out to the ball game …
you liked that line so much you thought it was worth two cafes. Now you need to get 10 random versions of it.
what’s worrying you more right now — the fair itself, the main diary, your photo diaries, or the hockey season?
I’m most worried that I have not started my photo diaries … ack!
I’m a little worried about the fair, but that’ll move to numero uno tomorrow morning though …
I guess I’m a bit more worried about the main diary b/c it’s the next up to do … hopefully it won’t take too long b/c there’s not as much to it … (I hope … 🙂
And the Sens are picking things up and the little guys are holding their own, so no worries there. I’m going to the game tonight so I can yell and scream and generally get out all my stress in an acceptable fashion. 😀
and go throw a check on someone — ought to be a good stress reliever.
lots of goals (for our side) … see ya later!
Sounds like a great plan, Miss O. Give out a few hearty shouts for yours truly, would you?
I think I see a speck of egg shell on your forehead.
Better than havin’ egg on my face, as per usual.
Excellent! & I will immmediately feel the need to smoke less.
But seriously, Miss O, I do hope you have a terrific time!
I have a compilation a friend of mine gave me a while back that he called “Baseball’s Greatest Hits.” It includes versions by Bruce Springsteen, Carly Simon, The Palm Springs Yacht Club, Harvey Hindermeyer (from 1904!), and someone we never did figure out who it was. That’s five right there.
Now all you’ve gotta do is subtract the vocals, add some Indian tabla & slow ’em down by 1/3 & you’ve got ‘Baseball’s Greatest Hits (Ambient Mix)’.
That’s 10.
because she’s busy getting ready to go to the game.
Well, I didn’t say she had to do it right now.
Hey, I can’t have Squirt in real life (it contains sugar and the grapefruit in it probably conflicts with one of my meds), so I might as well drink it here.
My Semi-Random 10 for today:
Billy Gray – Norman Blake
Lonesome Valley – The Carter Family
Worried Man – The Kingston Trio
Muskrat Ramble – Louis Armstrong
A Faithful Follower of Fashion – The Byrds
Jordan Is A Hard Road To Travel – Uncle Dave Macon
Tin Roof Blues – Sol Hoopii
Duel of the Fates – John Williams (from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)
Scarlet Ribbons – Harry Belafonte
Green Green Rocky Road – Arlo Guthrie
we need a ‘worried woman’ version for olivia — or a zen mantra for her to chant.
It takes a worried wench to . . . carp, I don’t know, when the women of my family get worried I tend to get out of their way.
A fine strategy, Omir. Highly recommended.
Random 10s:
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Get On Top
A Perfect Circle – Rose
30 Seconds to Mars – End of the Beginning
Bon Jovi – Bounce
AFI – Exsanguination
Nightwish – Lappi (Lapland): I. Eramaajarvi
Metallica – For Whom The Bell Tolls
Bad Religion – The Biggest Killer in American History
NoFX – Thank God It’s Monday
Iron Maiden – 22 Acacia Avenue
I’m also pretty sick…this sucks.
Greetings all! If the pond was in Detroit tonight, we’d all be burying ourselves in mud and settling in for a long winter’s nap. As the French say, “Ze weather, she ezz crappay.” The rain drizzleth and wind gusteth. The temperature (echoing Second Nature) hovers in the mid 40’s. I hear that San Louie isn’t much better. Maryb, is the game on? If we win, don’t expect the weather here to be much of an improvement. This week end is going to be lousy.
Did I mention I’d like a pint of Harp’s ?
Winter is icummen in,
Lhude sing Goddamm,
Raineth drop and staineth slop
And how the wind doth ramm!
Sing: Goddamm.
Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,
An ague hath my ham.
Freezeth river, turneth liver
Damn you, sing: Goddamm.
Goddamm, Goddamm, tis why I am,
So ‘gainst the winter’s balm
Sing Goddamm, damm, sing Goddamm
Sing Goddamm, sing Goddamm,
Hmm .. that one seems vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it.
I s’pose I coulda checked the subject line, eh?
Quoting a Fascist poet in the pond. I am shocked and saddened, shocked and saddened, I say. What’s next, Wagner at full blast as accompaniment to your Fotofair diary?
Quick! Somebody drop in some Whitman!
To a Locomotive in Winter
by Walt Whitman
Thee for my recitative,
Thee in the driving storm even as now, the snow, the winter-day declining,
Thee in thy panoply, thy measur’d dual throbbing and thy beat convulsive,
Thy black cylindric body, golden brass and silvery steel,
Thy ponderous side-bars, parallel and connecting rods, gyrating,
shuttling at thy sides,
Thy metrical, now swelling pant and roar, now tapering in the distance,
Thy great protruding head-light fix’d in front,
Thy long, pale, floating vapor-pennants, tinged with delicate purple,
The dense and murky clouds out-belching from thy smoke-stack,
Thy knitted frame, thy springs and valves, the tremulous twinkle of
thy wheels,
Thy train of cars behind, obedient, merrily following,
Through gale or calm, now swift, now slack, yet steadily careering;
Type of the modern–emblem of motion and power–pulse of the continent,
For once come serve the Muse and merge in verse, even as here I see thee,
With storm and buffeting gusts of wind and falling snow,
By day thy warning ringing bell to sound its notes,
By night thy silent signal lamps to swing.
Fierce-throated beauty!
Roll through my chant with all thy lawless music, thy swinging lamps
at night,
Thy madly-whistled laughter, echoing, rumbling like an earthquake,
rousing all,
Law of thyself complete, thine own track firmly holding,
(No sweetness debonair of tearful harp or glib piano thine,)
Thy trills of shrieks by rocks and hills return’d,
Launch’d o’er the prairies wide, across the lakes,
To the free skies unpent and glad and strong.
of my perversion will be known — I am an English major who hates Whitman.
That’s my barbaric yawp and I’m sticking to it.
I am another English major and Whitman leaves me unmoved as well. But we aim to please, here at Happy Hour. My particular interest was in English Early Modern drama, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster, Ford, Jonson, and that crowd. John Donne is also quite lovely.
I lean toward the early modern myself but the Good Morrow is one of my favorites — Jim and I had it read at our wedding.
There is a strange recording of a deeply out of it Pound reading The Good Morrow. His bass voice has an otherworldly quality to it. I heard it many years ago, but I’m sure you could track it down if you are interested.
and I thought you were going to tell me you had a recording of Donne reading the good morrow. 🙂
Never was that keen on pound’s voice — now if it was dylan thomas.
Aggh! My Univ of Iowa professors would fillet me for that one. I meant to say “Winter is icummen in,” which I heard in my teens for the first time. I always thought of it as “Sing God damn, God Damn.” Pounds voice is oddly hollow.
Now a recording of Donne, we’d really have something there. We could both retire to our leisure on that one.
that’s early modern 20th century.
Me, I was thinking ‘anti-Fascist’ & Whitman’s name came up first.
Anyone penning odes to onanism is by definition a first class anti-fascist.
Onanists against Fascism. But on the other hand …..
Now look what you’ve done. My pants are a mess.
You have only yourself to blame.
Oh, sure, blame the victim. All you folks-who-don’t-like-Whitman are the same.
That’s the last time I try balancing my drink on the keyboard while doing .. other things ..
Isn’t this about the time that Second Nature jumps in with her clarion call of “ORGY!”
I, too, was once an English major (among several majors). I’ll add T. S. Elliot. A “highly regarded” poet who you won’t find on my list.
can I just say that I really, really hate sir walter scott.
Hated Canonical Authors for 100. You and Kidspeak have picked off several of mine, so I will have to ponder a bit. (He sits with teacup in one hand, stroking his beard pensively, his eyes focused vaguely on the middle distance.)
NOTE TO WW: that’s “his beard”
Yes, of course. His ‘beard’.
As for me, I’m off to my nightly date with KO, who doesn’t seem to have one.
Have fun and I hope you referring to a beard in regards to KO.
you are referring
I can do without Alexander Pope and Oliver Goldsmith. Too much fizz, not enough punch.
Now, how could you dislike someone who is the author of
Of course, those may be the most palatable lines he every wrote.
Will you admit in public that you read Ivanhoe as a mere slip of a lass?
I forgot to ask — did you get the CD with the pictures?
Yes! Yes! And am I embarrassed not to have told you previously? Yes! And thanked you profusely? Yes!
OK, enough channeling Rumsfeld-speak.
Then there is the time that I was in the hospital for surgery, had exhausted my reading matter, and my nice but clueless neighbor brought me a foot-high stack of her favorite author: Barbara Cartland.
a fate worse than death! <fainting>
Quick, Jim, loosen the wench’s bodice!
You’re a hero, Teach. Our equilibrium is sustained!
I knew that English degree would come in handy someday.
for my railfan spouse… lol
It’s fair game. Any copyright is long expired. All aboard and copy away.
Howdy Everybody. Look! I made it before everyone left. Where’s FM? I haven’t seen/heard him lately. Is everyone going to contribute to the Fotofair? I don’t have a thing to wear (ready) so I think I’ll just be enjoying looking at everyone’s entries.
How goes it?
FM was around this morning but he had to go to the big city so I don’t if he’ll back tonight.
Very long time no see, Puget4! Good to see you.
Me, I’d love to take part, but my equipment’s in hock to Fortune.
Just got back from my initial workout…I am sore in places where I didn’t know I still had muscles…
Anyway, on with the music:
The Planets: Venus (comp. Holst) — CSR Symphony Orchestra
Over and Over — Nelly & Tim McGraw
Tommy’s Holiday Camp — The Who
She’s Got a Way — Billy Joel
Do It Again — The Beach Boys
Nutcracker: Marche (comp. Tchaikovsky) — Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Any Second Now — Depeche Mode
Addicted to Spuds — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Anthem (from TRON) — Wendy Carlos
On The Road Again — Canned Heat
Hmmm…”Addicted to Spuds” — isn’t that what put me in my current predicament? 😉
Going to change into something more comfortable, then settle in to watch “Countdown”…
Howdy, Cali. I’m off to do the same.
See y’all later!
Hi, Cali. It’s a good night to stay in – on the other hand, in here there’s a “lively” discussion of high-flown literature amidst complaints about weather, baseball, etc. It’s making my head hurt. Oh, wrong, that’s my bad cold!
I’m off, before I contaminate the electrons. Have fun you all. . .
Hello all! While the uncontrolled fire rages out west, we’re preparing for a monsoon here tomorrow. The result of global warming?
Okay, so where’s the pool on how hungover Maryb will be tomorrow morning? lol
Missed part of the game; I freakin’ fell asleep on the couch (did I mention I was tired from the workout?). Woke up in time for the final inning; it’s always fun when the winning team clinches at home so the fans have a chance to party along with the team.
Just goes to show that like politics, baseball is not played “on paper” (unless you’re a rotisserie baseball player)…it’s played by real life human beings subject to real life mistakes. Let’s keep that in mind as we head into the elections in just over a week…
Okay, climbing off the soapbox…