You might have noticed that BooMan’s posts have been a liitle — well — absent today. That’s because he’s out and about in the REAL WORLD somewhere, spreading fear and causing mayhem, no doubt. Sort of like Don Rumsfeld does on a daily basis, but with less grey hair.
In any case, I have an offer to make to you. Please use this thread to nominate a diary for promotion to the front page (even your own if you like). One vote per poster. I’ll count the votes up later this afternoon and the winner will get FRONT PAGE STARDOM* @ BOOMAN TRIBUNE!!!! How great is that?
So have at it my fellow Booman Tribunians and may the best diary win.
Update [2006-10-27 18:56:14 by Steven D]: Voting closed. See the winner HERE.
* Not to be confused with any hope of financial reward of any kind or in any form. Diarist assumes all risk associated with said promotion, including but not limited too the envy of your fellow diarists.
I nominate Eastcoastmoderate’s
CQ’s list of democrats who supported Bush diary.
He has a point.
I have information regarding Booman’s undisclosed location, but it’s classified. If I told you I’d have to snuff you ;o)
I only looked briefly, but do they actually show the list of the 60 votes that they considered for these rankings? I’d be curious to see what they are.
I poked around the site but couldn’t find the 60 votes either, or how they defined Bush’s “clear position”. I think though that this list gives an indication of just how soft the democrats have been.
Absolutely. Best to keep the true picture clear, lest we become starry-eyed at the prospects of GOP implosion.
I agree that the list as given is useful, but I’d also be curious to see how many of those votes were on things like appropriations and confirmations (if any).
I think without that information, it’s useful more as a relative gauge of one Senator compared to another, as opposed to a gauge of one Senator and his affinity for the President.
At this particular point in time, I’d second!
to elevate ECM, our resident troll, to front page stature is, IMO, not to be recommended.
He’s filling up the Hidden Comments List…all by his little ol self…jezeus
Interesting. Thanks for the info, dada – & shame on me for not actually using the TU thing.
But what else is new?
OT, just working feverishly, prob a bad word, given your ailment, on a fOtofair diary…frustration, thy name is HTML.
Truly hope (& trust) you will triumph!
I know…
but short of stealing his diary… I think he has a point here, and until he’s banned or troll rated out of here he has a right to post diaries. Even if 99.999 percent of them are bullshit.
does .0001% make it front page worthy, even though it’s misleading? I think not.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics…I think Mark Twain said that.
Fine! ;o)
But you’re cramping my anti-establishment angle :o)
Hi ss,
Super secret indeed – get in the car and join us for beers in Manhattan at 6pm! curly will be there too.
You still have the e-mail with my cell?
I could use a good cold beer but there’s no way I could make it. And I wouldn’t be able to come alone…kinda puts a damper on the whole idea.
Enjoy yourselves! :o)
Next time, ss.
I’ll do a toast for you.
yes, next time. And thanks for the toast. I’m honored :o)
You ain’t right!
I think you might be toasted ;o)
I’m just worried about what that picture of toast will to to the Democratic party’s chances in the mid terms. That’s the kind of shit that keeps a kid up at night.
Hay, if we plan in advance, I could come from Westchester Co.
You have mail.
Thanks, but unfortunately it’s blocked here at the office by my evil overlords. I’ll just have to wait until I get home.
I don’t think ecm has earned the privilege.
A list like this has some value, but it would be made much more valuable if there were a table showing “Senator X voted with Bush on issue Y but against on issue Z.” The fact that Patty Murray, who is about as liberal as they make ’em unless they’re named Kennedy or Feingold, rates a 55% makes me wonder what the criteria for this rating are. I mean, if it’s the political equivalent of “Bush brushes his teeth, Robert Byrd brushes his teeth so Byrd supports Bush” it makes the list almost meaningless.
I agree that the list is vague. I was hoping to dig into it a little further.
As far as ecm’s priveledges go, Booman and the TU’s decide his status here, and up till now he still has the priveledge to post. In that regard his diaries can be considered, or not. Steven asked for votes afterall. So…don’t vote for it. I’m one of his biggest critics. But I don’t make decisions about his status here. Booman and the collective community do.
All agreed, and I was just making my vote (or if you prefer, my preference) known.
OK Steven, I’ll take the bait, even though I haven’t posted a diary in about forever (new boss – at work blogging is now riskier). And since you’ve cornered the market recently on global warming diaries, it’s about [gasp] politics.
I see the Evil Minions are eliminating our electronic votes already!
Great new post, Knoxville. I’ve wondered where you went to! I’ve done my bit for Harold, posting when the debates are scheduled, for example.
I thought one was to be held on Oct 30, which may or may not be correct, since that doesn’t match with the day of the week that I heard Ford say it was.
Corker and his clever funding stratagem is over the top … I hope he goes over the limit and triggers the millionaire’s rule allowing more funding for Ford also.
but the call for volunteers hasn’t expired:
South Dakota Abortion Ban: Call to Action by nihilix
the front page is overrated.
especially that clammyc jackass. Who would want their posts near his……
Not so loud. The natives might hear you.
Perhaps jackass is too strong a word. Jerk would probably suffice.
nah, I know him and he sucks π
Yes, but I think we’ve conclusively established that all blogs (and by extension, bloggers) suck.
(At which point I might add, “So what’s so special about you?”)
good point.
and unless I can say that I suck more or that (in Homer Simpson’s words) I am the suckiest suck that ever sucked, then I am just an ordinary sucky blogger…..
I could post on the front page if I wanted to, but I choose not to.
Besides, ol’ What’s-His-Name — you know, the guy who runs the site — hasn’t told me I could. Not that I would or anything.
Some are called to greatness, others simply go unrecognized.
As I look at what’s on the list now thats not getting the attention it deserves, I’d vote for Roseeriter’s diary on The Quiet Revolution Video. I watched it this morning, and its a great summary of the neocon/theocon attack on our constition. Might be the kind of thing people could pass on to any “fence-sitters” they know before the election.
I agree NL – that’s the one that I thought of too.
Though it is titled “The Quiet Revolution,” I was thinking it is a very creepy tale.
Seriously–bill o’lielly is on Oprah pushing his book about his culture war…just in time for the holidays.
I guess sexual harassment is a perk.
Hi AP,
I’m listening to it on the side here and it’s reminding me why I can’t watch cable news. And there are a couple of people in the audience who sound like right wing plants.
Hey Super.
I couldn’t even believe I could stand to listen to it. I LOVE Oprah–her drive and her spirit are just incredible to me–but why she gave a platform to this jerk, I just don’t know.
(Of course, she’s had practice since she used to have the grand knights on her show years ago.)
And I just wanted to SHAKE her when he started crying about the ACLU not wanting to represent the “protest rights” of the Minutemen, like they’re the friggin boy scouts. Even IF what that noxious windbag said was true, as far as I’m concerned, they are just a reconstituted branch of the Klan.
I just couldn’t believe it. She said it was her town hall so I suppose that she’ll host others on later episodes, but still. Ewww. I need to wash.
on David Van Os? It’s over there right now at the top of the Recommended list…
… and also here.
Steven D,
I think the up coming fOtofair master dairies (which will have links to all the photo diaries) should be front page on Saturday and Sunday. Fellow Tribbers have been working very hard to create outstanding photo dairies and that effort should rate front page exposure.
Just my $0.02 for consideration
You’ve got my vote!
There is a lot more to life than just politics. Things like the photofairs are what differentiates this community from the many other flavours of left blogistan.
And the fact that there are some hardcore left-wingers here… Which is a good thing too! π
I’ll toss this one in:
Bush and Lieberman in Hot Water
My evil twin m16eib even got a rec from the diary rescue rangers over in orange:
That twit m16eib is always stealing my best stuff!
Fortunately for the BooTrib readers there are alot of other diarists that write alot better material than mine… lol
by XianoPwr. Should get extra votes for pass awesome diaries too! Race & Class was quite simply, the bomb.
Thank northcountry! And thank you for your words. They mean a lot.
One Vote for Knoxville Progressive’s “News from the Election Battlefront in TN” – sorry that his work has crimped his blogging, but this post has lots of great info!