Reports from Reuters today claim American and British naval forces have been deployed to protect Saudi Arabian and Bahraini oil facilities against a possible terrorist strike from Al Qaeda:
LONDON (Reuters) – Coalition naval forces are helping to guard vital oil installations in the Gulf as part of heightened security following an Al Qaeda threat last month, naval sources said on Friday.
In their sights are Saudi Arabia’s Ras Tanura terminal, the world’s biggest offshore oil export facility, and Bahrain’s Bapco refinery.
“Acting on information received, Coalition naval forces, operating in support of Saudi and Bahraini forces have deployed units to counter a possible maritime threat to the oil facilities at Ras Tanura,” Britain’s Royal Navy in Dubai said in a statement.
A Saudi security adviser also said any operations in the Gulf were entirely routine and added there had been no further threat since Al-Qaeda on September 11 said it would target economic interests in the Gulf.
“This is part of the on-going exercises between the U.S., British, Bahraini and Kuwaiti forces… in the Gulf,” said Nawaf Obaid.
Note the timing. This alleged terrorist threat came last month. The Saudi security advisor as much as said all it amounted to was a generic claim by Al Qaeda, made on September 11th this year, to “target economic interests in the Gulf.” Yet, today, a statement is issued by British Royal Navy that American and British naval forces have been deployed to counter specific threats to Saudi Arabia’s Ras Tanura terminal, and Bahrain’s Bapco refinery.
So who’s telling the truth: the spokesperson for the Saudis or the Royal Navy? And do the upcoming US elections have anything to do with the Royal Navy’s statement regarding this alarming, and previously undisclosed, terrorist threat to oil supplies from the Persian Gulf?
Unfortunately, this news of a terror threat to our friends in the Gulf fits a pattern of possibly false or misleading news reports originating either from stories in foreign media outlets, or generated by actions taken by foreign governments allied with, or friendly to, the current government of the United States. These reports then filter into American media with enhanced credibility because the original sources cannot be traced directly to Pentagon or other Bush administration officials.
Now, perhaps there is a significant terrorist threat to these Saudi and Bahraini facilities. I can’t say there isn’t, but something doesn’t smell right to me. This is just the sort of story that some might conclude would benefit President Bush and Republicans in a tough election campaign this year. Combine that with the timing of the report by the Royal Navy and the Saudi denials and there is plenty of room to cast doubt upon the bona fides of this vague, and rather poorly described terror threat.
There is also reason to suspect that this may be the beginning of a false flag operation of some kind, engineered to alarm voters and distract the media from reporting about the increasing violence in Iraq in the final days leading up to the election. Only time will tell whether any of these suspicions of mine are justified, but to my way of thinking this story bears close watching over the next few days to see what develops.
Update [2006-10-27 13:53:37 by Steven D]: Related stories:
Specialized British Minesweepers deployed to Persian Gulf.
Two of the [British] Navy’s smallest but most sophisticated and expensive warships are preparing to leave their Clyde base at Faslane for a two-year deployment to the Persian Gulf. […]
The unspoken reason for the posting is to allow crews to learn how to counter the potential threat of Iranian sea mines along the West’s strategic oil routes in the region.
Specialized US Navy undersea inshore warfare unit deployed to Persian Gulf.
Navy Mobile In-Shore Undersea Warfare Unit (MIUWU) 112 deployed from Naval Base Coronado, Calif., Oct. 25 to conduct maritime security operations (MSO) in the Persian Gulf. Part of the recently established Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC), and one of 11 units within the Naval Coastal Warfare Group, MIUWU 112 deployed 94 Reservists to provide security and surveillance against seaward and landward threats. The main goal of our mission is anti-terrorism/force protection, said Senior Chief Storekeeper Edward R. Schmiedeke of MIUWU 112. The unit will operate small water craft and protect ships in and out of port.
… MIUWU 112 is a commissioned component of the Navy’s force protection package, providing support for commanders operating in littoral areas worldwide. In January, the Navy created the NECC, bringing Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Naval Coastal Warfare, Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support functions and the Seabees under one umbrella. NECC integrates all warfighting requirements for expeditionary combat and combat support elements. This transformation allows for standardized training, manning and equipping of Sailors who will participate in the global war on terrorism as part of the joint force. It also results in more capable, responsive and effective expeditionary Sailors.
Can anyone say “October surprise”?
I don’t think it is the complete surprise, but it might be the start of one.
We’ll have to wait and see, but I’m very skeptical at this point regarding any information about terrorist threats that comes from the American or British governments.
Understandably so.
May I use stronger language than “very skeptical;” I’d choose something like “I’ll never believe” instead.
Like sure, Al Qaida really is going to play this one out for the bastards. Yeah, sure. The information is all over blogs all over the globe now, really. Element of surprise, and all that. Whatever.
But our American media executives will pump anything and every lie out of their cameras and computers, and the French-Fries-For-Brains American public will eat anything at all it’s fed.
Again, Whatever.
This could all be a horrid blow to world stability if something does happen, but face it, it’s another set up job if its even real at all, and hence, truly UNIMPORTANT.
Look! Over there! A wolf!
Yeah, I know it looks like an armadillo, but it’s a wolf! Really!!
At this point I almost hope the wolf really does blow up Ras Tanura, in spite of the fact that my father and I both spent some time there about 30 years ago and I’d hate to see his handiwork destroyed (my work primarily involved purchasing supplies from local vendors, so I didn’t really leave any marks on the landscape; he was part of a boiler task force at the refinery). Gas prices would go up to $10 a gallon and everybody would be grumbling about that so loud they wouldn’t hear the cries of “Wolf!” anymore.
I get it: protect the refineries over there so we don’t have to protect them here .. ?
I heard a report on the radio when I was out earlier today. I must say I immediately thought of you posts on the likelihood of naval encounters in the Persian Gulf around the end of this month. The timing is spot on. I sincerely hope that no harm comes to anyone in this troubled area of the world. I am very suspicious of “reports” of this type. I know you are watching and waiting to see what happens anxiously. So am I.
Since the news cycles move so fast in our electron age, an October Surprise is passe.
And where’s that huge deployment of US Navy that left for the Persian Gulf last week?
Do The “They” really think a big fake blowup in the Gulf will change the elections? or will Cheney declare martial law when the big oil platform gets blown up by Special Forces or some such clandestine operation? Will they suspend the US elections over an oil loading facility?
Remember, Cheney’s head is half as much in Saudi Arabia as it is in Texas, Wyoming and Washington. These neocons LIVE for the Saudi’s and Israeli’s.
The real threat in the Persian Gulf is scheduled for Oct 31st.
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