With at statement like that, I assume you know them really well, or else you plan never to see them again, and they are complete strangers from another part of the country.
I’ve never seen anyone scold a county commissioner in a public meeting like these two! I mean that in a very complimentary way;-) Yes, they are very close friends!
I wasn’t present for the initial conversations on this event, but was a participant this year. Our team took two firsts! Now for some pepperoni pizza, lots of it;-)
Great job, Indy. Your pictures reminded me of Howard Dean’s efforts to invigorate the Democratic party by contesting every election at every level. Good luck in Indiana. Local politics can turn this mess around.
The local party has never before put anything into a campaign like they have this year. We’re drawing in younger, more energetic people and its made a huge difference – I hope. We’ll see in 10 days!
This way you can visit town without the traffic snarls. Its another very busy day today with the IU homecoming game at noon. The VFD fish fry has been the biggest ever!
About 900 in town, 15,000 in the entire county. Also, depending on who you ask, there are between 3 and 5 million tourists passing through every year. It does get rather jammed up at times.
The former Senator Bayh chats with our candidate for county sheriff at a rally last Saturday.
Click image for larger version.
At a rally and barbecue for local Democrats. The retired UAW man on the left is running for office for the first time.
Click image for larger version.
Listening as the rally speakers lay out the plan for the final weeks.
Click image for larger version.
Two local party operatives. These women can rant like you would not believe.
Click image for larger version.
With at statement like that, I assume you know them really well, or else you plan never to see them again, and they are complete strangers from another part of the country.
I’ve never seen anyone scold a county commissioner in a public meeting like these two! I mean that in a very complimentary way;-) Yes, they are very close friends!
Now and then we get an old house to burn. We like to break the new firefighters in under at least somewhat controlled conditions.
Click image for larger version.
I can’t think of that without flashing back to the opening scenes of Evolution. That was too funny.
This time we’re simulating an LP gas emergency. The fire isn’t simulated, though, so you have to be careful and do it just right.
Click image for larger version.
For you Harley riders, its a firefighter edition. That’s Sparky on the back.
Click image for larger version.
They draw a larger crowd than you would imagine. Funds raised go toward hunger and homeless programs
Click image for larger version.
This image gave me a chuckle. Upon reading the photo’s title I thought maybe it was races to outhouses. 🙂
For some reason Music Man came to mind, looking at this with the very young Ron Howard lisping, “Gary Indiana, Indiana, my home sweet home!”
This is obviously a finely tuned racing machine.
Click image for larger version.
I don’t even have words…I’m trying to think of the conversation that sparked outhouse racing. I’m seeing a lot of pot and “Wouldn’t it be cool…” LOL
I wasn’t present for the initial conversations on this event, but was a participant this year. Our team took two firsts! Now for some pepperoni pizza, lots of it;-)
I LOVE this idea!
Maybe we could expand it into a midwestern version of Burning Man;-)
LOL! Having been at 8 Burning Mans, I can safely say, Absolutely, but you will have to burn them at the finish line! :>)
Some excellent detailing by the Laborers Local on their entry.
Click image for larger version.
Wow, its way past this old geezer’s bedtime. See you all well after daylight arrives.
Great job, Indy. Your pictures reminded me of Howard Dean’s efforts to invigorate the Democratic party by contesting every election at every level. Good luck in Indiana. Local politics can turn this mess around.
The local party has never before put anything into a campaign like they have this year. We’re drawing in younger, more energetic people and its made a huge difference – I hope. We’ll see in 10 days!
Thanks for the photos. 10 more great reasons to vote for you (not that I needed them). 🙂
Thanks, Andi;-)
Another batch is forthcoming later today if there aren’t too many pesky interruptions. Shouldn’t be any brush fires to worry about for awhile .
Thanks, IndianaDem.
This diary made me feel all happy. Warm and funny photos. Great.
Thank you, Kahli. What a nice compliment. I enjoyed being out there in the middle of it all.
I like the way you captured the wildlife / wild life of Brown Co.
This way you can visit town without the traffic snarls. Its another very busy day today with the IU homecoming game at noon. The VFD fish fry has been the biggest ever!
Ahh — a people person. 🙂
Yep, I confess. Don’t know if its a blessing or a curse;-)
A little of both, but more a blessing I think.
These photos should make everyone who longs for small town America the “way it used to be” want to move to Indiana.
Oh, it has some drawbacks, but its still one of my favorite spots in the whole world (Crested Butte, CO isn’t too bad either).
How many people live there?
About 900 in town, 15,000 in the entire county. Also, depending on who you ask, there are between 3 and 5 million tourists passing through every year. It does get rather jammed up at times.